My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 178: Benya and the third declared war!

Time goes backward ten minutes

In a deserted alley of the Netherworld, a blue-haired girl in a split dress and a white hood is carrying a scythe of death and taking a leisurely walk.

"Although I am used to it, this Hades is still too deserted!"

Silently walking through the alley, the girl looked at the surroundings, and said to herself a little boredly, "Death is so indifferent, do you want to go to the human world."

"I advise you not, Benya!"

Just then, a cold voice suddenly sounded.


Hearing this sound, the blue-haired girl, or Benya, frowned slightly, looked around, and then fixed her eyes on the shadow

There, stood a grim reaper in a black robe.

"It's you, hum!"

After seeing the **** of death, Beniya's words were cold and ironic, "What's the matter, the most senior **** of death, Master Erkus!"

"You should call me my father!"

Hearing Bennia's words, the black robe said bluntly.

"Then I want you to treat me like a daughter."

Again, stiffly, Beniya said disdainfully.

Indeed, Benia is the daughter of the black robe of death in front of her, but she is a mixed blood of human and death, in the haunted and haunted death palace

The vitality contained in the half of the human lineage not only violated the purpose of the worship of death, but also directly lowered the status of Beniya here.

Even the **** of death in front of her did not regard her as her daughter at all.


Hearing Bennia ’s words, the black robe could n’t help but feel a little sulky, but wanted to refute, but he was a little guilty. Finally, he could only helplessly say:

"Benya, do you really not participate in the blood shadow, you have to know Lord Pruto but"

"All said, I don't want it!"

Before the death of the black robe finished, the girl retorted fiercely.

Beniya knew that in ordinary times, his so-called father would never come to him, and it really was the blood shadow thing.

The blood shadow is a new special guard that has appeared in Hades for the past 100 years.

I heard that at first, a little **** of death inadvertently absorbed the power of the blood sea of ​​the underworld, and it has changed. It can continue to kill enemies in battle and engulf the essence and become stronger.

This change has attracted the attention of Pluto, the right-hand man of the legendary Pluto.

In the end, Pruto himself also drew the power of the blood and created the blood shadow guard.

And Pruto, who has the power of the blood sea and the Blood Shadow Guard, is naturally unwilling to continue to be a member of the Hades. After all, Pruto was the Roman Pluto and was not a **** of the Greek gods.

Faced with such a Pruto, Hades failed to clear the portal for the first time

Therefore, at this time the entire Hades is in a more delicate state.

Of course, on the surface, Hades Hades is still the master of the entire Hades, and in the dark, Hades has been divided, and Pruto persuaded qualified deaths to become blood shadows everywhere. Beniya refuses to be a blood shadow, not that she is on the side of Hades, but is very simple. After becoming a blood shadow, her appearance will become very scary. Not ghost.

This is irrelevant to the death of the orthodox skeleton, but for the mixed blood with the human posture of Benia, it is more important than the destruction of the world.

"You girl!"

Seeing Benia refuse again, the black robe couldn't help but feel annoyed, but he didn't wait for his temper, and there was a roar of terror in the distance.


In this roar, the black robe of death and Benya saw in horror:

The huge portal that stood in front of the Netherworld actually collapsed at this moment, and then an unknown dark tornado rushed in from the gate

Buildings were destroyed by this storm!

"not good!"

After a violent shock, Erkus no longer thought to continue to persuade his daughter that a strong **** atmosphere poured out from under the black robe, making Bennia frown.

At the next moment, the black robe turned into a residual image and disappeared invisible.


After the death of the black robe, Beniya wrinkled the charm, and a sickle-like weapon was added to her hand, looking at the broken gate of the Hades.

"Great, this door is broken, and then it's really great!"

Speaking so indifferently, Beniya's figure sank into the earth, leaving only a word that he didn't know was sighing or proud:

"It seems that it is time for me to leave Hades."

Gate of Hades.

The soaring dust caused by the sudden explosion has not completely dispersed

At this time, the ancient Hades welcomed the challenger.

Stepping on the broken door fragments, a purple-haired girl dressed in a classic and costume walked into the underworld with a demon sword full of death will, with a solemn expression.

Behind the girl, the members of the Purgatory Squad followed him step by step.

Behind the purgatory squad, there are hundreds of thousands of people in black robes, and they can't see clearly the silhouettes, but each silhouette is filled with shame, like a soldier of battle!

"This is Hades, quite majestic!"

Huang Quan, who was half a step behind Mozi, looked at the kingdom of Hades in his eyes and couldn't help saying so.

"indeed so!"

Walking at the forefront of the team, Mianzi ignored the gods of death who were chasing crazy around her, and a beautiful smile flashed on her beautiful face:

"Here is very in line with my heart. I have decided that it will be mine in the future!"

"Arrogance !!!"

Just then, an angry and dry voice echoed from the sky.

At the next moment, I saw a skeleton **** filled with powerful dignity. Slowly descended from the sky surrounded by many deaths, the fire of the soul in the skeleton burned extremely vigorously.

"No matter who you are, no matter how big you are, dare to come to Hades to cause trouble"

"In the name of Hades Hades"

"You will be put into eternal purgatory !!!"

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