My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 179: The fourth battle of Hades!

"Ha ha"

As soon as Hades's words fell, the son laughed softly.

The faint air of death surrounds the purple-haired girl, setting it off as extremely peaceful and dangerous, like a mandala blooming in hell.

Even the death gods around Hades could not help but shake slightly for this beauty.

"Threats are meaningless, Hades!"

After chuckling, Mianzi slowly raised Cong Yunya in her hand, the sword and the **** of bones, and said quietly, "From the beginning, my goal is you, now, let's fight!"

"I can't wait to know how the road ahead is going. I hope your blood and life of Pluto will help me find a way forward."

As soon as the voice fell, the purple-haired girl stepped out and disappeared instantly.

Almost at the same time, the figure of Mengzi appeared in front of Hades and turned gracefully. The demon knife in the girl's hand followed a certain natural path.

Faced with the attack of Mengzi, the fire of Hades's soul flashed violently.

Obviously, he is not better than melee.

"Keng !!!"

Not adapting, but not adapting, but with the instinct of the transcendental, Hades raised his scepter in his hand and blocked the sudden knife from the child, although the result was that the whole person stepped back several steps.

"Master Hades!"

"Damn it, dare to shoot adults!"

"Go die to me !!!"

At this time, the gods of death around Hades finally reacted, waving the blades of the gods of death that beheaded the souls, and surrounded them towards Mozi.



The tyrannical death hurricane appeared out of thin air, and all future deaths blew up.

At the next moment, under the package of a huge hurricane of death, Xianzi and Hades rushed directly into the depths of the underworld, and then a large and hot tornado appeared in the sky of this underworld.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

In an instant, the entire Hades building suffered major damage.

"Hah! Sister Sister is really impatient!"

At this moment, looking at the abruptly presented terror tornado, a blackened dangerous smile flashed on the face of Jianshan Huangquan, and the sword and lion king in his waist slowly pulled out.

The dark power of destruction pervades from the black witch, dyeing all her clothes black.

"Also said Mengzi, don't you look impatient too, Huang Quan!"

Zhao Yingkong, who was standing not far from Huang Quan, also smiled extremely dangerously. The bracelet on his hand automatically turned into a dagger shining with divine glory, and a black spell appeared on the assassin girl.

Both of you are half a catty!

Fei Qiwuye who stood behind the two could not help but secretly slandered in his heart, and also unconsciously activated his own weapon-the type B cursed double-fork gun, increasing his own spell power

Seeing this scene, the golden girl standing at the end could not help but secretly support her forehead.

There is an old saying: Not a family, do not enter a family. It seems that the so-called purgatory squad, in a sense, is really a group of militants, and they are a group of militants who let them engage in terrorist activities and really do it right!

"But after all, in this case, you just don't want to fight, you can't do it!"

After glancing at the army of death that had surrounded him, the beast king Saya couldn't help but snapped his fingers. In an instant, the men in black robe who followed behind the girls burst into a powerful evil spirit.

Pieces of black robes were destroyed under these evil spirits, revealing an orc with both eyes missing.

This is the orc army made by the beast king Shaye with the inherent enchantment of the necromancy professor Nero of the Moon World, the 666 beasts in the Chaos Nest.

This not only refers to the data of the digital world, but also integrates the beast genes of other worlds.

Every orc's combat power has reached the level of intermediate demons.

The pure physical strength is more than a half-step demon.

It's just a pity, probably because of the lack of a decisive force as the dominant, plus the Chaos Nest was once affected by the evil black mud of this world

The orc army created by Saya is full of negative forces.

Fortunately, this time it was against the Grim Reaper, so it's okay to say that if you deal with the existence and power of the church that uses the power of light, it's a whole lot of cannon fodder that angers people!

"It seems that that thing needs time to grab it!"

Such a thought flashed in his head, and the beast king Shayle laughed madly, "Do it, you guys, let's make a big noise in Hades!"

"Oye !!"



In an instant, the Hades War broke out

Deep underground in the kingdom of Hades.

Here is an extensive underground passage and an extremely vast underground space. The torrential blood flows here, and then it is injected into the underground space, turning into an infinite sea of ​​blood.

In the center of this blood sea, the right and left hand of Pluto, named Pruto, is entrenched there.

When the war in Hades broke out

Under the **** robe, two black flames ignited.

"grown ups!"

At this moment, the **** breath condensed in the air above the sea of ​​blood, and then the black robe of death Erkusi appeared here, half kneeling towards Pruto.

"What happened, the blood above it began to permeate."

"Sir, the war has begun!"

Hearing Pruto ’s question, Erkus said respectfully, “According to information, it should be a scourge of turmoil some time ago.”

"That's it!"

Pruto was silent for a while, then an invisible wave permeated his body. At the next moment, above the sea of ​​blood, a figure of **** robe rose up.

Soon, at least three figures of blood-colored robes gathered in the entire sea of ​​blood.

"So, let's go too!"

Standing up from the sea, Pruto was filled with terrifying coercion, and said quietly, "No matter how I fight with Hades, this must be the Hades of the Grim Reaper!"

"Yes !!!"

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