My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 180: The first battle in the blood sea is even more!

Pruto's will was echoed by many blood shadows.

In the final analysis, the blood shadow is a change after the **** of death has absorbed the power of the blood sea. It was originally just the **** of death who harvested the soul. When harvesting the soul, he also began to harvest the blood.

But as the saying goes, blood is the currency of the soul, the currency of life

In essence, the blood shadow is still the **** of death.

Therefore, in the sense of justice, the blood shadows are still standing on the side of the gods of death and the side of the underworld.


Seeing the resounding response of the men around him, Pruto said with great satisfaction, "Then let the entire Hades and let Hades see the power of our blood shadow."

Slowly rising from the surface of the blood sea, Pruto had a **** sickle in his hand.

I saw that the commander of the Blood Shadow Guard waved the **** sickle in his hand, and then stroked so gently toward the unmanned space. After a while, the whole space was marked with a long mouth.

The smoke of war spread out from the cracks in the space, so that these blood shadows could not help but tremble, after drawing the power of the blood, the blood shadows had a very strong passion for war and blood.

"Not much nonsense, let's go now!"

Feeling the excitement in his body, Proto took the lead in walking towards the crack in the space.

However, just before Pruto was about to step into the mouth of the space, a small golden foot stepped on the crack in the space, and the strong energy poured out from the crack


Unprepared, Pruto flew a long distance.

"who is it!"

After a slight consternation, Pruto stopped the retrogressive trend, and then looked angrily at the golden feet in the crack of the space, and the terrible murder was permeating.

Not only Pruto, but the other blood shadows also made an alert posture.

"Ah la la, I thought it was a crack in the space."

At this moment, the golden armored girl with blonde hair and double ponytails walked out of the space crack, glanced around and the blood shadows, and finally focused her eyes on Pruto.

"It seems that I was lucky, and I caught a big fish!"

I was just seeing a sudden crack in the space during the battle, and stepped in when I woke up. I did not expect to find my main goal in this line.

At this moment, Saya felt very lucky.

"Big fish?"

Hearing the girl ’s words, the two flames in Pruto ’s robe immediately ignited, “No, you did n’t find the big fish, but you were about to be eaten by the big fish. Give me and kill her with all your strength!”

"Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!"

As Pluto's words just fell, the three-figure blood shadow members moved one after another, turning into a real blood shadow in the first moment, and rushed towards the golden girl.

"Wow, it looks dangerous!"

Seeing the blood shadow coming, Saya's face could not help but show a slightly solemn look, and her eyes could naturally see the abilities that many blood shadows possessed.

In short, it is possessing, seizing all essence and soul!

It is as good as the legendary blood **** son. In the face of this attack, Saya will naturally not be stupid, and now the whole person is transformed into a catkin that moves with the wind, and he has avoided the incoming blood in a flash. Shadow.


Standing outside the battlefield where Saya intersects with many blood shadows, from the spectator's perspective, Pluto, who saw Saya always escaped the blood shadow attack at the most appropriate time, could not help but sneered.

"There are indeed two, but you should not put the battlefield here!"

As he said in his mouth, the blood sickle in Pruto's hand was directly immersed in the sea of ​​blood. At the next moment, the entire space of the blood sea had undergone some changes. Invisible forces appeared in the sky and bound to Saya.

"Huh ?! Hum! Carving insects !!"

After feeling a little sluggish in the body, Saya couldn't help but raised her eyebrows, almost instinctively bursting out all her energy, and the golden wave of waves exploded around the girl.


Suddenly, a tremendous tsunami occurred in the entire blood sea, and the roar echoed throughout the space. Under the terrifying momentum, the **** shadows of the attack could not help but stop the impact.

"Suppress me, sea of ​​blood !!!"

Seeing Saya's counterattack, Pruto couldn't help but burst into a sudden rage, a lot of magical power poured out in an instant, and the entire blood sea space seemed to change a moment

At the next moment, Saya suddenly felt that the entire space suppressed himself!

As if carrying the entire space, Saya ’s outburst of air suddenly reduced its power by half, and the suppression of the girl was getting heavier and harder with the passage of time.


At this moment, the blood shadows seemed to smell **** sharks and rushed towards Saya, one after another, striking on the energy around Saya

Although every impact was in vain, Saya's guardian spirit was less and less.

Obviously, the blood shadows intend to kill Saya in this way.


"Interesting, really interesting!"

"Despite being in a weak position, the old lady has never been a dead man!"

He whispered a whisper, a mad smile appeared on Saya's face, and at the next moment, the girl's entire body erupted into a more powerful momentum

Against the suppression of the space, ignoring the blood shadow's attack, rushed towards Pruto.

"How can you succeed!"

Seeing Saya's move, Pruto reacted instantly.

In addition to exacerbating the suppression of space in the first place, the most high-spirited **** of death lifted a **** blade on the surface of the blood sea, and his goal was directed at Saya.



Facing the Scarlet Blade, Saya didn't even hide, and smashed it directly.

Simple and violent!

At this time, Saya, like a soldier who is going to die, is fearless, and any obstacles are directly hitting the rhythm of the past in front of her. The terrible will to resolve will even become an endless grudge.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

In the bursts of roar, the golden girl quickly broke through countless obstacles and came to Pruto's body, striking straight, punching with war ..

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