My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 181: Change and find the second more!


Saya's fist blasted straight on Pruto's Scarlet Scythe.

The violent turbulence centered on the two of them, spreading in all directions, and the torrent of blood threw waves of turbulence in this roar.

It seems that the golden girl and the blood robe were deadlocked for a while.


It was only during this stalemate that Pruto snorted.

It stands to reason that when Saya came to him, he had already spent a lot of time, coupled with the suppression of the entire space, the strength of the whole body has been weakened by a large part.

Under such circumstances, Saya's punch power should not be very large, at least at the level of Pruto, it is not an unbearable punch that can be easily resisted.

However, Pruto found that he was completely miscalculated

From the perspective of pure energy or strength, the fist of Saye is really not very good, and it is easy to be blocked, but under this fist, another power is hidden.

That is the cry and the ceaseless fighting spirit from the deep soul of the living body!

Like a virus, it directly invaded Pruto's soul.

Shocked his soul! ! !

As a life on the path of death, Pruto could not understand why there is such a power that is incompatible with himself, it is simply destroying his values.

"Hee hee! What a surprise, this is just the beginning!"

Feeling the strangeness of Pruto, Saya's face could not help but burst out with a smile, and then his eyes glared, as if the sublime golden grudge exploded frantically from the girl.

At the same time, there was a faint burst of beast noise around the girl, which was a resonance between the beast factor from the chaotic nest and Saya

Under this sympathy, the girl's grudge showed multiple growth, double, double, and ten times.

In a blink of an eye, the girl broke out a horrible fighting spirit more than 666 times that of the original. After the horror of the tsunami, the incomparable endless fighting spirit completely canceled the suppression of the entire space

In addition, there is still a lot of power pouring into the fist of the girl

"Crack !!!"

Suddenly, a crack appeared on the **** sickle against Shaye's fist.

The suppression of Saya in the entire space disappeared instantly


At the next moment, Pruto completely flew out and fell into the sea of ​​blood. The **** sickle turned into fragments during the fall of Pruto, and fell into the sea of ​​blood.


After punching this punch, Saya couldn't help but exhale.

Even Saya, hitting such a 660 times limit punch will also be a bit difficult, but after making such a punch, the girl found that her skills in boxing are more exquisite.

Even, the flames emerging from his own soul are even hotter and higher!

"Next, who else!"

Some couldn't bear the burning feelings in the soul, and Saya's eyes turned to the gods of death who had escaped from the state of blood shadow because Pruto was flying.

The terrible fighting intention that was about to burn people completely infected all the gods of death at this moment.

at this time


Sudden screams spread from the sea.

Then Saye and many deaths saw that Pruto, who had fallen into the sea of ​​blood, seemed to drown like a mortal who had fallen into the sea.

At this moment, the vast sea of ​​blood seems to have changed dramatically

The terrible breath that could not be expressed in words permeated the blood sea. Then, on the sea of ​​blood sea, two huge black circles and a bigger black crescent moon appeared.

From the perspective of Sayya and many deaths, the three patterns combined together are-

A huge smile!


At this moment, Pruto was dragged into the sea of ​​blood under a certain force.

And the place where he disappeared happened to be the big mouth of the smiling face

"Ah la la"

Seeing this scene, Rao is a high-spirited generation like Saya, and he also unconsciously showed a shocked look, "It looks like something is wrong."

At the same time, a hilltop thousands of kilometers outside the kingdom of Hades.

A mysterious figure in a black robe is playing with a crystal ball, and the surface of the blood is showing the situation in the blood sea. When the blood sea changes, the black robe can not help laughing

"Huh, funny golden girl, let me see if you are the one I am looking for!"

His voice is hoarse, but it's not nice, but it's full of weirdness and darkness. When he hears such a voice, almost no one will feel good.

However, at this moment-

"Shoot !!!"

Suddenly, the sound of breaking the sky suddenly sounded, and the black robe fell almost subconsciously, and at the next moment, a white light blasted down in front of him

Frontal bombardment on the crystal ball of the black robe.


A violent explosion suddenly sounded.

Under this sudden explosion, the black robe flew out as a whole, and at this moment, a pure white figure appeared suddenly on the path of the black robe.

"At stand shockwave !!!"

With his hands folded, a strong white shock wave erupted from the pure white shadow.

The target pointed directly at the approaching black robe.


At this moment, the black robe snorted coldly.

In the air without any force points, ignoring the influence of inertia, the black robe suddenly turned around, and the **** energy shock wave erupted from the black robe


Two different shock waves collide with each other.

A violent blast beyond the imagination erupted in the silent mountains. The wanton energy began to explode on all sides. A large amount of dust flew violently, and even the entire space was vaguely unstable.

And within the scope of this explosion, the two figures of black robe and pure white are far away from each other

"Oh, finally found you!"

At this moment, I saw the pure white figure slowly raised his head, letting the long blue hair fly in the shock wave, it looked extremely charming! ..

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