My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 186: Determined to kill the fourth!

How long has it been so hard to fight?

With both hands holding the blade of Cong Yunya's sword, the broken clothes of the whole body looked at Hades who was standing in the sky.

A clear heart is like a mirror to stop the water, and there is no trace of shaking.

But the misunderstanding in the girl's heart did not stop.

The memories of the past continue to reverberate in my heart, from the Shura girl who originally lived in the Taiping world, to the initial involvement of the Shenra company, followed by the arrival of the biochemical crisis

Then kill the gods, and transform mortals into sons of fools, **** killers!

Countless memories are constantly turning from the past years, bursting in the hearts of young girls, interweaving a ray of different sparks of wisdom and consciousness.

With the birth of these sparks, the girl with purple hair diffused a little different breath.

Seeing the girl's changes, Hades could not help but be surprised.

"It's now!"

He keenly grasped the slight gap that Hades exposed in his surprise. The pupil of the girl narrowed and stepped out, and the whole person appeared in front of Hades immediately.

"Blade of the Bleach, slash !!!"

Cong Yunya, blessed by the gas of death, cut through the air and suddenly beheaded Heisi.

However, at this moment


The surrounding space suddenly changed, and the omnipresent power of the world came down to suppress the girl's movements.

The next moment, Hades disappeared in front of her.

"It's useless!"

Then, the figure of Hades appeared behind Ms. Zi, and he said old, "You have no chance for the old man who has controlled more than half of this hell."

Speaking of which, Hades could not help showing a trace of doubt

"Speaking of this, the old man has always wondered why you want to bring the old man here, the old man Pluto to you, a **** you have no complete control of yourself."

Hades was really puzzled, and even wondered if he had a neuropathy!

In the previous battles, Hades had prevailed at first. After all, he was good at cursing, not melee fighting, and cursing needed preparation.

But in the course of the battle, he was admitted here by the girl.

The result was surprised to find that this underworld was not completely refined, or that the girl was only in control of one-third of it.

Facing two-thirds of hell's control, Hades naturally smiled without hesitation.


"If you don't know about it yourself, the old man doesn't believe it!"

Hades did not rush, but asked patiently, "Can you tell the old man, girl, what is your purpose?"

"Probably not reconciled!"

Hearing the words of Hades, the son was silent for a while before speaking slowly.

As soon as this statement came out, the purple-haired girl's mind suddenly surged, and countless memories emerged. Perhaps other people have not yet noticed it, but the keen son has already discovered-

As Nagato is about to enter the Dao Realm, the entire Bai Yujing is about to enter a new stage!

People like Luo Hao, Zhu Yue, Campanulaceae, Qishi, Emperor, Shisheng Pill, and Saya have actually reached the threshold of Dao Realm

Some of them already understand their own way!

Now only the basics have accumulated. Especially Saya!

This woman in Bai Yujing is the busiest, even turning herself into a race, and the spiritual system looks messy, but she is also haunted.

In Yezi's eyes, Saya is the most terrifying existence of Bai Yujing.

Maybe it ’s been with Saya for a long time

From the point of view of the bystander, Mengzi saw that Saya had gradually completed most of the road puzzles before her own way under her messy practice system.

That kind of magnificent puzzle, once completed, is not inferior to Nagato!

You know, although Bai Yujing has conquered many planes now, the biggest benefits in those planes are actually received by Nagato.

Although Saya followed Nagato all the way, he mainly helped Nagato.

But in such a situation, she actually accumulated such a terrible background, this peerless talent, so that the child really shocked the five bodies.

But worship is worship, and in front of Saya ’s power, the emotions that rise in the heart of Miyako, apart from shock, can only be unwilling.

The most important thing is, not to mention Saya, it ’s other people.

Xunzi found that he could not compare!

Because she is hesitating!

"A long time ago, I got a demon sword that can sink this world into the underworld, and then later, I killed a **** of death and seized the power of the **** of death."

"Under the fusion of power and fairy sword, I created a **** of my own!"

"It stands to reason that from that time on, my path has been very obvious, enriching **** and transforming it into a Pluto that rules the world of the dead."

"But, as time goes by, as I continue to advance on this path, I get more and more confused. Is this really the path I am looking for?"

Speaking of which, Mianzi slowly turned around, and Cong Yunya raised her hand again, and some invisible force began to affect the surrounding environment.

"and then"

Hearing the words of Haozi, Hades was silent for a while, the scepter in his hand was raised high again, and the power of the whole world of small **** gathered

Behind him turned into a kilometer-long death dragon!

"I deliberately lost control of this hell!"

Taking a deep breath, Ms. Zi's face was filled with a determined smile, "Obviously it has fallen into a disadvantageous position, but ah, I have no regrets at all."


Hearing this, Hades could not help but said with some shock, "The first time the old man saw you such a crazy woman, say your name, woman!"

"Then let's fight for life and death!"

During the speech, the momentum of Hades broke through the sky instantly and stirred the entire dark space.

"Little girl, poison island, please advise me, Lord Hades!"

Faced with the power of Pluto, the smile on the face of the purple-haired girl was more moving, and a certain kind of unspeakable momentum was constantly radiating. The magic knife in the girl's hand flashed a purple light

next moment

"Cruelty, Dragon of Hades!"

The Dragon of Thousands of kilometers behind Pluto roared and stirred the wind and clouds, and then rushed out towards the Mianzi. The power of the vast world was covering the Mianzi in an instant.

The power of imprisonment and repression was imposed on the girl, in an attempt to break the girl back.


"I'm never going to avoid it!"

You said quietly, the girl gracefully waved the demon sword in her hand, and the fuchsia brilliance burst out at this moment, infused with the girl's determined sword gas.

"Boom !!!"

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