My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 187: The first change of the Hades!


At this time it has turned into a frozen kingdom!

Buildings scattered all over the underworld, the different poses of the gods of death and orcs, as well as the huge monsters up to a thousand kilometers, have been turned into ice sculptures.

In a large country, there are only traces of some girls from Saya.

Stepping leisurely on the land of the kingdom of the dead, Saya's eyes flashed through the brilliance, his vision penetrated the obstacles of the ground, and saw the dense underground passages.

Also, the deepest depths of the earth, the vast sea of ​​blood that has been frozen.

The frozen blood sea waves are as exquisite as works of art.

People can not help but linger and admire!

"However, this time it was really thorough!"

After enjoying the beautiful view of the frozen sea of ​​blood, Shaye looked around in a speechless manner, "Fortunately, this is the Underworld, otherwise the kingdom will be abandoned."

You know, at absolute zero, the entire land of the Netherworld has become frozen ground.

If the description is based on the situation of the human world, frozen soil is a restricted area of ​​life. Almost no one can survive, let alone plant anything.


Hearing Saya ’s words, the arbiter who had flown to a part of the body of the frozen kilometer monster could n’t help but snorted coldly, and his sword of victory tyrannical


In an instant, there was a big hole in the frozen monster's body

At the bottom of the cave, a ruby ​​is inlaid.

That is the ruby ​​at the core of the monster!

Be the monster

"Nice talk."

At this time, the adjudicator flew toward the hole, complaining and saying, "If you are not willing to go directly to the core of the monster, take this core out"

"Where do I need to use such exaggerated infinite frozen air!"

Fools do that!

Hearing the complaint of the adjudicator, Saya thought so secretly.

Saya can completely imagine that if he rushed directly into the core of the monster as the adjudicator said, he would definitely be confused by the thick blood.

That kind of scene is really not too beautiful!

And while Saya was thinking, the adjudicator had taken the ruby ​​out of the monster, and at the next moment, the huge kilometer monster showed bursts of cracks

Fortunately, the cold air that filled the entire country was too strong to collapse.

However, the monster has completely died, it is true!

"That's fine!"

Looking at the situation of the monsters in the ice cube, the adjudicator nodded and slowly fell from the sky. "What to do next, it seems that only the concubine is left."

"Yeah, go and see sister Sister!"

Hearing that the adjudicator talked about the son, Huang Quan, who had a good relationship with the son, immediately said, "To be honest, the fight between the sister and the Hades is very worrying."


After being silent for a while, Saya said so.

Although she did not pay special attention to the situation of the maid, she knew a little about the problems that the maid faced, and the choice that the maid would make, Saya was also aware of Despite his confidence in Xunzi, Saya is indeed a little worried.

"Okay, then let us not, no need!"

However, when Saya was about to forcibly open the Hell's hell, when he went in to see, he suddenly sensed something, his face slightly changed, and his eyes were on the monster ice sculpture in front of him.

Saya's move was naturally noticed by the other girls present.

Following Saya's eyes, they looked at the past

Not long


With a sudden roar, a fuchsia sword gas burst from the void, cutting the entire space into a space crack of up to 100 meters.

A touch of death breathed out from the other side of the crack.

The monster ice sculpture in front of the crack turned into fragments under the purple sword gas and collapsed.

The cold ice flakes swept through

"This is Sister Qi's sword spirit!"

Seeing this scene, Huang Quan couldn't help but froze for a moment, and then said, "Jian Qi actually cut through the space, it seems that Sister Zi has made great progress!"

During the smile, Huang Quan thought that Yezi would come out later.

In fact, not only Huang Quan, Yingkong and Feiqiwuye also think so, only Shaye and her two avatars could not help narrowing their eyes.

At the next moment--

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Continuous purple-red sword gas burst out of the void, and in an instant, the entire void was turned into a turbulent flow of space under the bombardment of a sword gas

Then again, the turbulence of the space is completely annihilated, turning into a chaos.

Seeing this scene, Saya couldn't help but feel a little shocked

The girl clearly knows that it is impossible for general turbulence in space to form chaos, and the situation in front of you is completely caused by the destruction of the **** space of Mengzi.

Obviously, for the sake of his own way, Mianzi personally destroyed the **** he created.

"Well, this kind of courage!"

Thinking of this, Shaye couldn't help but a smile appeared on his face, "Yuzi, this guy has completely followed Bai Yujing's first class."

And just then, there was a change in chaos.

I saw that the purple-haired girl didn't know when it appeared from the chaos, stepped on the chaos, and wandered in. This situation is like a beautiful picture!

At the same time, Tiangong Small World.

The once heavenly forces have turned into history, and the slightly dilapidated buildings of the Tiangong are sprinkled with the blood of the God Buddha of Xumi Mountain.

A large number of workers are working hard to repair the palace.

From time to time, there are heavily armed knights patrolling between various buildings.

The central hall of the Temple of Heaven.

This is the place where the high-level meeting of Xumi Mountain was held.

At the entrance of the hall, a head hung high.

It was a proud warrior named Emperor Shitian

Inside the hall, some are vast and vast.

At this time, a silver-haired young man with an inexplicable body all over his body stood in front of a huge chessboard and inserted a flag in the place marking the Hades.

"Very good, the Lord of the Underworld changed, coupled with Lezevim's defection, the final layout has been completed, and now only the final clearance is left."

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