My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 188: Shock with the maid second!

Maybe it's because of some historical problems

There is a tendency for the major forces in the entire dxd plane to shut down each other.

Therefore, when the news of the change of the Lord of Hades reached the ears of the demon's high power, it was already a full day after the battle ended.

Whether it is for the devil kings, or for the fallen angel governors, archangels and Nordic gods temporarily staying in the devil city, this is not good news.

After all, before this, they only experienced the attack of the scourge!

In this attack, the Besib Demon King was hit hard, and the whole new generation of demons suffered a lot of deaths and injuries, which made the whole demonic society panic-stricken.

In fact, if this is not the long shot

With his own strength, he first defeated the old demon faction, captured the descendants of the other three primordial demon kings, except Zerezevim, and then summoned the super idol to kill the wolf of the **** of killing and suppress the Nordic evil **** Loki!

Presumably, the losses of the demons will be even greater!

But in any case, this time the demons' face was really lost, so that the entire devil's upper class was angry.

Scourge, it really became the unifying eye of the entire upper demons.

Just before the revenge of the demons began, I heard the news that the Purgatory Squad of the Scourge Group had captured the Underworld and destroyed Hades.

"It's amazing!"

In the conference room, the fallen angel governor Asachel said with a heavy face, "To be honest, I can't imagine that the bone **** of Hades will actually die."

At this time, the meeting room was filled with angels, fallen angels, demons and representatives of the Nordic gods. This was a meeting held because of the change of the Hades.

"Indeed, the old man did not dare to imagine."

After Assahir ’s speech, the Nordic **** king also solemnly said, "Especially the old people like me who have experienced the rise of Hades are even more unbelievable."

"You know, Heidisi is a strong man who has been killed from countless Pluto deaths, with so many means and rich cards, but it is difficult to estimate, I can't believe it."

"Just, the news is true!"

Faced with the incredible belief of the fallen angel governor and the Nordic **** king, Sazax seemed extremely calm, "The purgatory leader has not stopped others from exploring the accident of Hades!"

"The most important thing is that Emperor Shitian can die, why Heidis can't die!"

Speaking of which, even the extremely tenacious heart of the Red-haired Demon King felt a heavy, speechless weight, determined to be at peace in the world, and the Demon King of ethnic future found the future dark.

The progress of the whole world seems to be gradually developing in the direction of chaos under the fiddle of an invisible mysterious black hand.

He can already smell the breath of the war years

"Yeah, Emperor Shitian is dead!"

At this time, Odin, who also felt a little heavy, hesitated before slowly speaking, "If the emperor of the heavenly dynasty had nothing to do with the group of evil, no one would believe it."

"Can't continue this way, contact the major myth forces!"

Standing up from the seat, the elderly Nordic God exuded a sense of depressive courage throughout his body and made a judgment, "Even if a war is launched, the evil will never continue to do whatever they want."

"Whether it is Hades and Emperor Shitian, or the mysterious demise of the Egyptian God Realm, what the Doom Group has done has truly threatened the world."

"This is no longer a problem that mythical forces can handle, and the City of Freedom can't let them stand by. After all, in today's disaster group, a large part of them are from different worlds. Let them do the same! "

"What do you think?"

After hearing Odin's judgment, everyone present could not help being silent for a while.


"The devil seconded!"

"The Fallen Angel seconded!"

"The angel seconded, and, to inform other mythical forces, let us angels, seeing the gods or something, we are used to it"

At the same time, a luxurious mansion in the capital of the devil.

The long door sat leisurely on the balcony of the mansion, while enjoying the warmth of the simulated sun in the underworld, while leisurely reading through the books in his hand.

Compared with the devil kings, the fallen gate governors and other people's hard work, the long door is very leisurely.

But there is no way to do it. Who called Nagato summons the giant side effect of the idol giant is weak for a week, at least in the eyes of outsiders.

Even to be more realistic, the Nagato coughed once or twice

"If you let Sazax know that I summon the idol giant without any side effects, you can even summon it anytime, anywhere"

"Presumably they are going to discuss at the current meeting, probably me."

"No way, I can only continue for a few more days when I'm sick"

A series of thoughts flashed in the brain, but the rhythm of the long door reading was not disturbed, and I was immersed in the content of this best-selling book in the underworld.

At the point of Nagato, the ability to do two things with one heart is already a breeze, even instinctive, without much energy.

Nagato accidentally discovered that, with the exception of some fundamental ideas, this best-selling book in front of him is almost the same as the networks he saw in his previous life.

It is really one of the best products to spend time!

at this time--

"Master Nagato!"

The sudden soft voice awakened the long gate from the world in the book. The red-haired boy raised his head slightly, and saw a woman with silver-haired braids standing not far in front of her.

"Huh? Guleifiah, cough, why are you here?"

Seeing the person coming, the red-haired boy habitually coughed a little while talking, and said with a chuckle, "Are you ready to be my personal maid?"

Nagato dare to guarantee that he just asked at random, without thinking deeply.



In the slightly surprised expression of Nagato, a smile appeared on Gulefia's face:

"Admiral Rin said, in the following days, I need to solve some things you don't like to do for you, then please advise me!" ..

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