My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 190: Phoenix 【Next】 Fourth


Ranked 37th, the pure blood demon noble.

This is a race that has all the characteristics of the Phoenix. Usually, the clan has an undead body, and it will regenerate immediately regardless of any attack.

Blood can make people immortal, and tears can heal all injuries.

In the demonic society, Phoenix has a decisive position, even no less than the Jimmoni family who owns the devil, and the most important reason is the tears of Phoenix.

The tears of Phoenix are a special product, which are specially processed from the tears left by the truly pure blood Phoenix demon

The effect is obviously to heal all the wounds on the living body.

In short, it is resurrected in place!

Phoenix ’s ability to export such products in the demonic society is in fact self-evident. Even the devil or the king ’s family have to win.

When the Phoenix family's status is higher, Phoenix's tears are more prestigious. In the folk, Phoenix's tears have become a legendary fetish.

Under such circumstances, it is quite conceivable that those elements written by freelance folk authors in the hands of Nagato include the element of Phoenix's tears.


For this reason, are you interested in the little sister of the Phoenix family?

With such thoughts in his mind, Guleifiah smiled helplessly. If the eldest lady of the Phoenix family knows, it will not be happy.

"However, that is not something I should care about!"

Such a word flashed in his head, and Guleifiya said calmly on the surface, "In the list I got, there is a Phoenix family's eldest daughter, Rebel Phoenix, eh?"

Speaking of which, Guleifia seemed to sense that something had stopped.

A few steps forward, the silver-haired maid walked to the edge of the balcony and looked into the distance.

After a while, Guleifiah turned a little strangely, bowed to the long door and said, "Adult, if you say, you are really interested in the eldest lady of the Phoenix family"

"So, you can see the lady in no time!"


After a few minutes

Under the guidance of Guleifiya, Nagato walked towards the reception room.

Just now, Gurefija saw from the balcony that two Phoenix guests had arrived at the entrance of the mansion, and apparently came to visit the long gate.

So as not to feel rude

Gurefiat deliberately changed clothes for Nagato and dressed up a little.

Soon, the reception room will arrive


When the door of the reception room was opened, and the scene in the room was also exposed to the eyes of the long door and Gu Leifia, both of the long door saw the two figures in the living room for the first time.

Those were two young Phoenix demon figures.

The older one is a blond demon youth, full of a kind of arrogance that is common in the new generation of demons, and a little fear caused by the recent disaster.

To be honest, when I saw this demon youth, Nagato was in a hurry.

At first glance, Nagato knew that the other party was definitely a talented guy who didn't have much firm will at all, and was not afraid at all.

In contrast, Nagato is more interested in the younger girl.

It was a blond girl with double ponytails, dressed in a cute pink dress. The two ponytails did not hang down naturally, but showed a wavy shape.

This did not affect the girl's image, but gave her a touch of cuteness and elegance.

At least Nagato's eyes lit up even after seeing the girl.

"Hi Lord Nagato, hello, this is Rachel Phoenix 1"

After seeing Nagato and Gurefia walking in, the young demon stood up immediately, first introduced himself to Nagato, and then pointed to the girl who was standing up beside him:

"This is my sister, Rebel Phoenix!"

"I have seen Lord Nagato!"

When my brother ’s long voice just fell, the girl bowed happily to say hello

"Hello, I am the long door!"

As the saying goes, people who do n’t laugh at faces, even if they do n’t look down on the young demon in front of them, Nagato did not show it, but responded with a smile:

"I don't know if the two came from afar, is there anything?"


In the question that Nagato was so straightforward, Riselle seemed to be stuck.

Originally in the prediction of the young demon, Nagato had to talk to them first, chat about the wind and snow, and finally raise this question before it was right!

It ’s just that he did n’t expect that his so-called anticipation was entirely based on fantasy

People who are afraid of troubles like Nagato are most likely to be straightforward!

"That's it!"

Fortunately, Riselle was the elite of the Phoenix family after all, and soon responded, "This time, I represent the Phoenix family and hope to establish a good relationship with His Excellency Nagato."

Speaking of which, Riselle has roughly understood the nature of the man in front of him, pondered a little, and then pointed to his sister and said:

"After hearing about the story of Lord Nagato, my sister is very admired and hopes to follow him for a while and study hard."

As soon as this remark came out, Rebel lowered his head suddenly, his cheeks flushed.

"I understand!"

Seeing this scene, if you don't understand the meaning of the place, it will be as stupid as a pig. In the face of the benefits of such red fruit, where is the reason for Nagato to push it out.

The most important thing is that Nagato has just seen it-

The little Phoenix with the ponytails in front of me is a pure young bird, don't be a fool!

So, Nagato said with a smile: "For the famous Phoenix family, especially the tears of Phoenix, it has been famous for a long time."

"I also hope to establish a good relationship with the Phoenix family."

It ’s just that Nagato did n’t see it. When he talked about Phoenix ’s tears, Guréfia standing behind the Nagato could n’t help but twitched his mouth ..

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