My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 191: Lei Baer first!

After reaching his goal, Russell did not stay much.

After knowing who Nagato is, this typical young demon youth understands that there are not many common topics between him and Nagato.

As a result, leaving early is a more appropriate choice

Of course, Riselle's sister, Rebel Phoenix did not leave with his brother, but stayed.

"Master Nagato, I still have some things to do here!"

After bidding farewell to Riselle, Gurefia bowed to the long door, "I will come to pick you up to the banquet at night, I hope you have a good time."

After talking, Guleifiya disappeared into the teleportation circle with a delicate smile.


Seeing the delicate smile before her maid left, Nagato rubbed the tip of her nose speechlessly, then glanced at the Phoenix girl not far from her.

At this time, Rebel hung his head, and his face was almost down to the ground.

You can vaguely see the red face in the hair.

No matter from the behavior of Riselle, or from the words of Gurefia, they clearly and clearly expressed their ideas, and Rebel certainly knew their meaning.

As far as the situation in front of me is concerned, the girl is just shy, but she has no objection.

At this time, Nagato suddenly realized that he probably had more contact with the Jimmony family, and he was inadvertently misled in understanding the devil.

Jimmony, who values ​​feelings, is a relatively heretic existence among the demons.

Real demons pay more attention to honor than to attach importance to feelings. Similarly, they are also more realistic, advocating strength and power.

In short, the girl voluntarily followed the long door.

Thinking of this, a corner of the mouth of the long door quietly emerged. I have to say that this kind of girl's initiative to embrace her arms is really good.

"Can I call you Lebel directly?"

Thinking of this, Nagato wandered over to the girl with blond double ponytails, her right hand gently brushed the girl's ponytail, and said softly.

"No, no problem, sir!"

Feeling the action of Nagato, the girl seemed more shy.

Even subconsciously want to avoid

It's just that this kind of behavior didn't make Nagato unhappy. On the contrary, the girl's words and deeds made Nagato love her more.

Simple girls are always more lovable, aren't they?

"So, Rebel, walk together!"

Seeing that the girl was so innocent, Nagato thought about it, and finally decided to chat with her first, get to know each other, in other words, first date

Although Nagato really wanted to eat this little Phoenix.

"Okay, okay, sir!"

Hearing the long gate, the girl finally raised her head.

A flash of joy flashed across his red face.

Where do you choose a place to date with a girl?

The most conventional answer is estimated to be an amusement park. Whether it is a variety of film and animation, it is indispensable for amusement park dating, otherwise it is some famous places of interest.

The worst thing is shopping and chatting with girls.

It ’s just that Nagato is not an ordinary person after all. Before leaving, he flashed all the options in his mind one by one. The bored red-haired boy chose the dimension gap!

Well, if let outsiders know, I'm afraid it will be speechless for a while

It ’s just that whether it ’s Nagato or Rebel, it ’s fun to date in the slit of the dimension, Nagato finds it interesting, and Rebel feels eye-opening.

Although the surrounding area is almost empty, this is a dimension gap!

This unknown name alone is enough to provoke Rebel's interest.

"Huh, Master Nagato, what are those?"

Stepping on the void, Rebel looked at the various floating objects that appeared occasionally in the vast void around him, and asked with some doubt.

"Don't care, those are just garbage from the Three Realms."

Noting Rebell ’s gaze, Nagato just glanced and said indifferently, “Then speaking, in fact, it was not so easy to get in here.”


"This is a great red nest!"

Speaking softly, Nagato took Rebel's little hand and moved at a very fast speed under a ripple of space, and the scenery on both sides went backwards at such a speed.

"Wei, great red? !!!"

Hearing the long gate, Rebel could not help but look horrified.

As the eldest daughter of the Phoenix family, although Rebel has not received much training because she is a woman, she still has the necessary education.

At least the great red, known as the strongest existence of dxd, she still knows.

"Don't be so nervous, rest assured."

Seemingly feeling the girl's nervousness, Nagato responded with a smile, "Although it is a gap, it is very big here, and the place where the great red lies is just outside, far away from us."

"Plus, the great red now must be stationed there!"

At the end, Nagato couldn't help but let out a smile of misfortune, and let Rebel feel a baffling moment. But knowing that she would not encounter the great red, the girl felt relieved.

"Here it is, here it is!"

At this moment, the long door suddenly sounded, and the ripples in the surrounding space disappeared at this moment, showing a bunch of suspended objects floating in the void in front of the two.

"Ah! This, this is"

Looking at the pile of suspended objects in front of him, Rebel could not help being surprised.

In front of her, it was not just ordinary void trash, but the remains of a pile of rock golems, and in the middle of these broken limbs was a huge puppet that looked several meters high.

"This is what I discovered a long time ago, Ge Gumag, the war weapon giant made in ancient times by the God of the Bible, was placed in the dimensional gap after the function stopped."

Seeing the girl's surprise, Nagato smiled and said, "This big guy is my gift to you. Its ability is enough to protect you."

"Of course, before this, I will help you transform this big guy" ..

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