My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 193: The third parting party!

Nagato likes reading.

No matter what book, as long as it is valuable, he likes it.

Almost every time he conquered a world, he would collect books from those worlds and copy all the contents in his mind.

However, the purpose of long-term reading has always been one, that is to understand the world.

The world is different from the world. Different worlds have different civilizations. By understanding these civilizations, you can understand the world.

And books are an important carrier of civilization.

This is the reason for long study.

Therefore, when Nagato was studying, he didn't ask for any understanding. Anyway, this knowledge is just his own spiritual resources, just swallow it.

Therefore, even with knowledge of the double-digit world, Nagato is still capable.

When fighting, he is more inclined to use abilities.

Instead of fighting through spells!

It's just now that Nagato has a hunch that the knowledge in his mind seems to be of great use in the future. What does this indicate?

Suddenly, Nagato seemed to understand something, and his deep eyes seemed to penetrate the time

Faintly, the red-haired boy seemed to see the corner of the future!

"It's really interesting!"

After being silent for a while, an inexplicable smile appeared on Nagato's face, "I want to see why my future will be like that"

"Master Nagato, thank you!"

At this moment, after venting the joy in his heart, after Rebel took Gegumag into the subspace, the whole person directly threw himself into the arms of Nagato.

"Thank you, little girl, but you are my thing!"

After feeling the tenderness in his arms, Nagato let go of her thoughts, embraced the girl, and secretly made up her mind that she must be eaten as soon as possible!

"Okay, it's almost time, let's go back!"


When Nagato returned to the mansion with Rebel, it was exactly six o'clock in the evening.

The carriage was ready in front of the mansion, and Gu Leifia had already led several subordinate maids, and waited for half an hour on the side of the horse.

The late arrival of the long gate did not make Guleifiah angry.

Although the silver-haired maid was very strict with others, she was instructed not to be too hard in front of the long gate when she was in the city of freedom.

In response, the silver-haired maid accepted it very humbly.

It was only after seeing Rebell, who was still a complete body, that Gu Leifia looked strangely at Longmen, and seemed to regret something.

Seeing this scene, for the first time, Nagato's forehead had several ‘well’ signs.


Sitting in the carriage, the surface was quiet, but the red-haired boy secretly said, "Sometimes sooner or later I will let you see my combat effectiveness, and I feel sorry for you!"

"Ok?!" Gurefija, who was driving, suddenly felt a chill.

I just looked around but found nothing.

Can only continue to drive the carriage.

By the way, in the carriage, Nagato saw Elquitte, who was still asleep, and couldn't help but a little speechless choking, it seems that Princess Baiji has become more and more sleepy recently.

In this regard, Nagato seemed to have a foretaste of it, and was in a good mood.

After thinking for a while, Nagato specially opened a sub-space for Erkuite to sleep in, and put it into it. After all, the carriage was stable, and it was not a place to sleep.

Soon, the carriage carried the long door and others to the banquet scene.

This time the banquet was both a celebration party and a farewell party.

The banquet is very grand, set in a very huge building, the food is also very rich, there are not many guests, but the identity is very wonderful.

In addition to the four demon kings familiar with Nagato, the fallen angel governor, the Nordic king Odin, and the archangel Gabriel, the rest are representatives of the demon aristocracy.

Of course, in addition to these giant figures, there are many beautifully dressed demon girls, all looking forward, almost waiting for the long door.

However, when the long door held Lei Bell, followed by Gu Lei Fiya into the banquet hall, suddenly the majority of the people present could not help but be surprised.

The demon girls were surprised that a sibling had shot so early!

Subsequently, the girls couldn't help but feel angry and unwilling.

The representatives of the demon aristocrats, as well as the other three demon kings and the fallen angel governor who had a deep understanding of the demon, all looked at Sazax with a slightly surprised expression.

After all, everyone knows that the Phoenix family is an absolute supporter of Sazax.

The young lady of the Phoenix family appeared next to the long door. If it wasn't for Sazex, it might be an insult to everyone's IQ.

After all, the place where Longmen cultivated, but the former mansion of Sazax did not nod the red-haired Demon King, which family dare to contact Longmen without permission!

"Your Majesty, good means!"

"It is indeed!"

Suddenly, a little chaotic discussion sounded at the banquet.

Faced with such a little chaos, Sazax did not care, but saw the red-haired demon walked over the long door and enthusiastically said:

"Longmen Jun, you are finally here!"

"Sorry for the wait!"

Facing the Demon King's enthusiasm, Nagato smiled right.

"No, the official time has not yet come!"

His eyes moved slightly as he glanced vaguely over Gurelfia, and Sazeks said with a smile: "To be honest, you can come already very well. In fact, I am worried that you are not interested, directly Not coming. "

"Ha, you know me well, Sazax!"

Hearing the words of Sazax, Nagato couldn't help but smile slightly, "But after all, it's a farewell party. You have to come to the scene and meet a few more people."

"Okay, let me show you the way, please!"

A gesture of invitation was made, and soon, Sazax led the long door into the round table in the center of the banquet place.

Regardless of the celebration and parting, the protagonist is the long door!

Therefore, at the moment when Nagato reached the center of the venue, the grand banquet was thoroughly held ..

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