My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 194: Return to the world and ask for a subscription!

The banquet was very successful.

At least on the surface.

Although halfway through the banquet, Nagato already had a tendency to leave, but it was only discovered by Guleifiah and comforted in time in secret.

As for why Nagato wants to leave, the reason is those demon girls.

Originally, Nagato just wanted to try an experience that he had never experienced. However, the experience was experienced, but it was a nightmare experience.

From the very beginning, the beauty surrounded them, and the Nagato enjoyed it.

As the strong man of the great consummation in the realm of the Tao, most people cannot hide their essence in front of the long gate, even if they are the demon girls who are born with power in front of them.

Over time, the essence will always be displayed in front of the long door.

Then, Nagato suffered

Can you imagine that I thought I was a butterfly flying among the flowers, and found that this flower was actually the smell behind the flowers?

At that time, Nagato almost ran away.

Fortunately, Guleifiah found out, and pulled the Nagato from the encirclement of the demon girls and hugged him in his arms.

Although the consequences of doing this directly broke Sazax ’s heart

Soon, the banquet was over.

Worried about the irrationality of Nagato, Gulyfia rejected the retention of Sazax and passed through the magic circle directly from the underworld to the villa of the human world.

"Relax, I have calmed down!"

After returning to the familiar mansion, Nagato smiled bitterly at Gurefija, "But speaking of it, this time I am really miscalculated. Fortunately, I got Rebel, otherwise I would have suffered a great loss."

During the talk, Nagato directly hugged the Phoenix girl into his arms.

Let the girl almost scream out unconsciously.


Gurefija, who was not particularly familiar with the situation of Nagado, showed a puzzled look.

However, Nagato did not want to explain more, but began to change the subject and said: "Gulei Feiya, help me make a cup of black tea."

"Yes, lord!"

Hearing the command of the long gate, Guleifiya backed away.

After the silver-haired maid left, the long door directly hugged Rebel and came to the sofa in the hall. The two fell directly on the sofa, and the long door directly kissed the girl.

As if to make up for his broken heart, Nagato asked for it deeply.

Let Rebel almost feel a suffocation.


After a long kiss, the long door cuddled the paralyzed girl in her arms, then sat up from the sofa and exhaled for a long time.

"Well, it's really delicious, so it feels much more comfortable!"


Hearing Nagato's words, Rebel, who was already shy, was directly buried in Nagato's arms.

The girl's body hangs on the long door like a koala.

At this time, Gu Leifia had brewed black tea and brought it up in time. In the face of the situation of Nagato and Lei Bell, the silver-haired maid ignored.

Regardless of others, this maid literacy alone made the long door nod.

Picked up the black tea, and Nagato thought while sipping tea.

This time, Nagato was really careless.

After an unprecedented and tragic tribal war in the ancient times, the population of the tribal population decreased sharply, not to mention that there were more boys and girls

Under such circumstances, the devil's side naturally encouraged a lot of children.

In such a large environment, with the addition of the chaotic nature of the devil family itself, the atmosphere within the entire devil family seems a bit chaotic.

What kind of harem, inverse harem and the like, really should not be too rare.

All kinds of one-night stand, or cannon friends are everywhere.

Some pure-blood families have inter-marriage of clan siblings and siblings in order to ensure the purity of blood, and even some more chaotic relationships.

What would a demon girl grow up in such an environment

As long as you think about it, you will know.

The most important thing is that Nagato has a very serious virgin complex!

It is not so exaggerated to let her woman contact with any man, but as the most determined man, Nagato cannot tolerate the stain.

Therefore, after realizing that many of the girls around her who look like flowers are not virgins, the feelings in Nagato's heart can almost be imagined.

At this time, Nagato finally realized

Not all demon girls are Lias, Canna and Rebel, or Lias, Canna and Rebel are the few among the demon girls.

Since it is a good woman, don't hesitate!

Go directly!

Thinking of this, Nagato suddenly said surprisingly, "I've decided to come to bed at night, Rebel, I will make you completely my own!"


Just when Nagato returned to the world.

Above a certain port at night, the two teams of horses are facing each other. One of them is headed by the White Dragon Emperor Wali, and the Tacheng Heige is in a small team.

There are only five people in Wali's team, which is much worse than another team of dozens of people.

However, under such a multiple gap, the other team still dared not act rashly, and most of them showed a current tension of the enemy.

"Cao Cao, don't you plan to give up yet?"

At this moment, the White Dragon Emperor Wali suddenly said to the leader of dozens of people across from him, a young man holding a mysterious gun.

"Isn't this a normal thing, Wali!"

Hearing the words of the White Dragon Emperor, the young man named Cao Cao said leisurely, "If you are not asking for the adult, you must be the same as me."


"Don't talk, it seems that I'm right!"

Seeing the silence of Wali, Cao Cao continued to say, "Also, I am the Cao Cao who inherits the soul of Cao Cao and has the strongest **** extermination equipment. Have you heard that Cao Cao will submit to others?"


After being silent for a while, Wali slowly said, "The betrayal group has to pay the price, the adult said, giving you three months, and then there will be a sniper."

"If you can't stand it, you will be at your own risk!" ..

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