My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 195: Cao's ambition request prize!

"Is it only three months?"

After Wali's announcement, Cao Cao couldn't help but smile bitterly, and then said some ironically, "That adult is really kind!"

"You should know that there is a three-month buffer, which is already a boon for adults."

Hearing Cao Cao's slightly bitter complaint and knowing how the man in front of him existed, Wali naturally understood that this was just a disguise of the other party.

When he chose to betray, he already knew what the consequences would be.

"By the way, three months later, I will participate in sniping!"

Looking at the man in front of him who claimed to have the strongest **** extermination equipment, the current White Dragon Emperor's eyes flashed a strong sense of war, and then he didn't say much and turned directly to leave.

"Ha, Cao Cao sauce, come on!"

After Wali, Hei Ge said with an expression of "I see you well".

The beautiful posture of the cat and the elder sister and the mature charm that vaguely revealed, so that many of Cao Cao's men couldn't help but feel like a horse.

"Ha ha!"

Seeing this scene, Hei Ge followed Wali with a smile.

Behind the two, the young man with a stick, the blonde young man in a suit and the blonde girl dressed as a witch also followed

Soon, Wali's team disappeared in front of everyone.

At this time, Cao Cao secretly sighed.

To be honest, although not afraid of the other party, Cao Cao really didn't like to fight with Wali, especially after seeing Wali's Balong.

In the end, the existence of rationalism, Cao Cao hated Wali, an uncountable opponent.

What is the most annoying thing in the battle!


"It's a pity!"

Looking at the direction of Wali's disappearance, Cao Cao could not help sighing secretly. If it were not for the evil gang that grabbed the handle, Wali might become a person of his own.

After all, the White Dragon Emperor Warri is a very domineering existence

The scourge is a very domineering organization.

The two are not particularly harmonious!

"Hello, Cao Cao!"

Just then, Cao Cao walked out of a man with glasses, "Don't be dazed, what should we do now?"

"Oh, sorry, Georg!"

After recovering from contemplation, Cao Cao said abruptly, "In short, let's get on the boat first and leave, Tian Zhao is the base camp of the adult after all."

"Presumably no one intends to stay here for a long time!"

In his team, Cao Cao said nothing.

Under his command, the entire team was up and running. Half an hour later, dozens of people all took a private cruise ship and left the port.

After the people were settled, Cao Cao came to the deck of the cruise ship

Bathed in the sea breeze at night, looking at the increasingly distant continent, the man who inherited the soul of the ancient hero couldn't help but reveal a touch of unwillingness.

Although not particularly concerned about the issue of nationality, leaving Cao Cao as such is always a shame for Cao Cao. It ’s just that there is no way, the enemy he faces is too powerful!

It was a powerful existence that truly deduced human possibilities to the limit, and even more so than Cao Cao, he was more like a truly great hero.

Use human body to kill gods and subvert a mythical force

This kind of nonsense sounds. Throughout the history of mankind, it is definitely the first one. It is not necessarily the last one, but it must be the unprecedented.

In fact, if possible, Cao Cao did not intend to betray so early.

But there is no way, all of this because-

Emperor Shitian!

The beheaded Emperor Xumishan had collected countless heroes during his lifetime to prepare for the **** of destruction against Hinduism in the future.

And Cao Operation is born with the strongest **** extermination equipment, the existence of the holy gun at dusk

From birth, he was followed by Emperor Shitian

During his growing years, Cao Cao had contact with Emperor Emperor more than once. Later, after joining the Scourge, he secretly exchanged a lot of information with Emperor Shitian.

In short, Cao Cao occasionally acts as the undercover of Emperor Shitian's troubled regiment.

All of this comes from Cao Cao's unwillingness.

As the heir to Cao Cao who used the prince to command princes in ancient times, Cao Cao instinctively possessed great desire for control. Although he lived under people, he always wanted to rebel.

It's just that the core of the scourge group is extremely mysterious, making him dare not move.

With the help of Emperor Shitian, it is only an expedient measure.

It was just that even Cao Cao did not expect that Emperor Shi Tian died, that the God of War actually died in the hands of His Majesty, and even the entire Tiangong was lost.

Emperor Shitian is dead, everything he belongs to the heaven, and the disaster.

In this way, although the collusion between Cao Cao and Emperor Shi Tian has not been exposed, it is only a matter of time. Therefore, Cao Cao defected from the disaster group

In the process of defection, he also brought his subordinates and comrades-in-arms!

"Three months?"

Converging the emotions on his face, Cao Cao secretly thought, "Although the time is a little tight, but no problem, as long as that is completed"

"You are here!"

At this moment, the sudden voice echoed on the deck.

Hearing the words, Cao Cao turned around and saw that several figures were walking up the deck in turn, and the talking glasses-headed man, Georg--

The descendant of Faust, who made a contract with the legendary devil Mephistophylls, the rare **** exterminator-the owner of the fog.

The few people who followed Georg were also the elite of Cao Cao, all of which were artifact messengers of the forbidden level.

One of them also has a user created by Warcraft.

They are one of the strongest weapons in Nagato's hands!

"You are here!"

Seeing the person coming, Cao Cao said with a smile, "It happens that you are all here, so listen, I have something to announce."

"Oh, what's the matter?"

Hearing Cao Cao's words, Georg couldn't help but wonder.

"I decided to implement that plan, in order to survive the sniper that may come in three months, it is no longer a time for scruples!"

"I want to prove that I will not lose to that adult!" ..

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