My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 196: Zhu Yue's intention came first!

In the morning, a ray of sunlight spilled into the room from the gap in the window.

The curtains were blocked by the breeze, and they had lost their function. The sunlight shining comfortably into the room fell on the closed window of the sleeping person.


Feeling this ray of sunlight, Nagato's consciousness soon awakened.

The drowsiness was like thin ice. In a moment, it melted away like a cloud, and the long door opened gently, opening his eyes.

For the first time, Nagato felt a sense of **** coming from below, making people want to hum directly, and in an instant, Nagato naturally remembered what happened last night.

Last night, Nagato ate Lei Bell cleanly from beginning to end as expected.

The girl is very shy, but in front of the overbearing of the long gate, there is no use.

Even, it ’s just for Nagato.


Feeling his waist, he was also hugged by a pair of white jade-like arms, and a touch of smooth skin came from his body.

Nagato chuckled, and the girl lying tightly on herself.


The action of the long door awakened Rebel who was also in his sleep, opened his eyes, and a pair of dark blue pupils like jewels slowly opened.

The confused look filled the gem-like pupils. Rebel twisted his head naturally, raised his hand, and rubbed his eyes.

Under this action, Rebel finally found out his situation at this time!

Consciousness was recalled in an instant, and I felt that in my body, there was a sense of fulfillment that had never existed before. Rebel finally remembered what happened last night!

The confused face stiffened, feeling that he was lying on a body, and Rebel slowly raised his head, and soon, a smile-like face was introduced into her eyes.

"Long, Lord Nagato ?!"

The voice was slightly surprised, and the girl's face flushed suddenly.

The pair of somewhat messy twin ponytails seemed to shake slightly with the owner's panic, making Nagato look quite happy.

"Good morning, Rebel!"

With a slight smile at the girl, Nagato greeted leisurely.

It was just that Nagato's hello didn't get a response. It turned out that Leibel was still in a trance. Obviously, for the girl, the situation at this time was a bit dreamy.



The girl suddenly felt a foreign body in her body move.

Then, under some instinctive strange feeling, the girl recovered from her trance, and saw that the cheek of the long door was close, and her face was full of smiles.

"Exactly, it's still early, let's take the next morning luck!"

Two hours later, Nagato God walked out of the door refreshingly.

At this time, it was already past eight o'clock in the morning, Chaoyang had completely walked out of the horizon, spilled its light all over the world, and the huge city had recovered.

When walking from the balcony, the long door glanced into the distance at random, and the eyes with super vision saw the streets and vehicles and pedestrians in the distance.

When the long door walked down the stairs to the first floor, Gurefija was ready for breakfast.

"Rebel will be in trouble today!"

Sitting directly at the dining table, the red-haired boy took the knife and fork leisurely, and then said indifferently, "Gulei Feia, please take care of her."

"Yes, lord!"

Faced with Nagato's command, the silver-haired maid responded indifferently.


Seeing Gu Lefia's reaction, Nagato nodded with satisfaction, and had to say that the professional maid was just comfortable, at least not going to the bottom.

At the moment, the long door began to enjoy his breakfast.

As for the practice of the Nagato, in fact, food or the like is no longer a necessary thing, it is just a mouthful of things, Nagato never intends to give up.

The goal of becoming a strong gate has always been to enjoy life

Not to be self-defeating.

Half an hour later, after the long door had drunk the last glass of milk, before getting up, a subtle golden streamer filled the surrounding space.

In this streamer, the illusory golden portal slowly emerged.

Seeing this abrupt change, Gu Leifia was prepared for the first time and wanted to try the portal, but was blocked by the long door.

"Crack !!!"

In a few moments, the portal opens automatically.

At the next moment, a dreamy and beautiful girl emerged from the portal, with long golden hair flying, white gifts flying, and scarlet eyes full of mystery.

Although the other party looked exactly the same as Alquet, Gurefija still recognized the difference between the other party and Alquet for the first time, and their temperaments were very different.

If Elquitte is pure white, the girl in front of him is supremely noble.

"My dear, I miss you so much!"

After walking out of the portal, the blonde girl smiled sweetly towards the long door and walked to the long door. The whole person sat directly in the long door's arms.

"I miss you too, Zhu Yue!"

Soft fragrance Wen Yu was pregnant, and the long door also showed a smile, and then said in a straight color, "At this time, you will not come for no reason, is there anything?"

"what's up?"

Hearing the words of Nagato, Zhu Yue asked with great interest, "There is indeed something, but dear, do you really not know?"

"Could it really be"

Seeing Zhu Yue's expression, Nagato suddenly realized that some of his previous judgments were correct, and then he couldn't help showing a smile of surprise.

"That's it!"

Zhu Yue did not go around the corner again, but positively affirmed the judgment of Nagato, "I came to pick up the two girls, and this happened to both of them. It is better to let them return to Bai Yujing."

"indeed so!"

Nagato nodded and agreed with Zhu Yue's judgment, "Erquette is upstairs. She has been drowsy recently, and Alte Luci is in Tokyo."

Speaking of which, Nagato's consciousness reached out to Alte Luqi

Then, terrifying anger!

"Go to death !!!"

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