My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 197: The waves are rising [on] the second more!

Nagato's lake of heart mirror is connected with her women.

In a sense, this is an eternal contract between Nagato and his loved ones. Under this contract, Nagato can always be in love with his love.

Only in this way can we guarantee that each other's emotions will not change under the eternal years.

However, a close relationship does not mean that Nagato and his lover have been undefended, sharing all kinds of things and feelings with each other.

Everything has a limit. If it exceeds the limit, the good will become bad.

Anyway, the necessary privacy is still needed!

Therefore, in addition to the necessary things, Nagato seldom took the initiative to detect all the actions of the girls through this connection, but gave them as much freedom as possible.

Obviously, the time is now necessary

However, when Nagato found Alte Luqi through the soul contract for the first time, he discovered that the black trio was besieged!

If it is weekdays, Nagato may calmly watch the crowd, watching how his beloved Hei Ji tears the enemy into pieces, and even makes a leisurely evaluation.

But after listening to Zhu Yue's words, where can Nagato sit?

Horrible energy fluctuations spread from the red-haired boy, and the surrounding environment instantly seemed to be hit by a hurricane, showing a messy scene.

Seeing that the long gate is going to break away directly

"Dear, calm down !!!"

At this moment, Zhu Yue held the cheek of the long door with both hands and kissed it directly. The eyes of Zhu Hong and the purple eyes of the long door looked at each other.

Under Zhu Yue's long kiss, the energy fluctuations in Nagato gradually subsided.

It didn't take long for the lips of the two to slowly separate.

In the two people, the silver silk thread is connected to each other, it looks particularly gorgeous!

"Leave it to me, my dear. Can you use too much power now? If you accidentally cause the energy in your body to be uncontrolled and automatically promoted, it will be a tragedy."

Zhu Yue said this, the next moment, an illusory golden torrent flows out of the void, instantly sweeping the three people present and returning to the void again

Time goes forward three minutes

Located in an abandoned small factory on the edge of Tokyo.

Near-three-digit shadow aliens are spreading all over the corner of this not spacious factory. At the center of these shadow monsters is Hei Ji and her servants.

"Don't come out yet, clown!"

Even in the encircling circle, Hei Ji is still proud and arrogant.

At this time, His Royal Highness Ji Jun was dressed in a black dress, with long hair and waist, white skin and white snow, and the whole person was like a doll, full of inhuman beauty.

"Humph! Unclean and exist."

The male in a black coat appeared from the darkness, surrounded by shadow monsters, looking directly at the black ji, black knight and primate killer:

"Although you are not demons, non-humans should all be killed!"

As soon as the words fell, the shadow monsters around the man in black rushed towards the three black men, and at the same moment, the black knight stepped forward and pulled out the magic sword.

The splendid sword dance blooms in an instant, and the black knight kills all the shadows that are coming.

"Ha, take me a trick, purify the inflammation !!!"

At the moment when the sword dance of the black knight had just fallen, a spectacled man with white flames in his hands descended from the sky, his hands slamming down towards the black knight.


Completely ignoring his inertia, the black knight forced his sword across the front and collided with the incoming White Flame Fist.

Between the splashes of Mars, the flame glasses man could not help but fly a short distance.

"Shoot !!!"

At this moment, a shadow monster came out from the sky, almost grasping the stage where the old force of the black knight had gone, and the new force was not born, attempting to kill the black knight.



Faced with this shadow, the Black Knight once again ignored the skills of the normal human body, and used ordinary people to use forceful means that would absolutely cripple, waving the true demon in his hand.

The magic sword directly penetrated the shadow monster


At this moment, the sound of tearing the flesh suddenly sounded.

The black knight suddenly felt a pain in his feet, but found that his magic sword had actually penetrated his right foot from the bottom up, and blood was flowing down from the tip of the sword.

"Haha, you are ignorant!"

"My shadow is able to transfer the swallowed things to any shadow. It used to be calculated for you, and it has no ability to use it, ha, sure enough!"

"Give me all, kill them!"

Seeing the situation of the black knight, the black man couldn't help laughing, and then, under his orders, the shadow monsters rushed towards the central three.

And just now

"Wow !!!"

A sound like flowing water suddenly sounded in the abandoned factory.

At the next moment, a slightly illusory golden torrent flows from the void, centered on Elt Luqi, and the torrent flushes around.

Flame Man and Man in Black have been hit and fell to the ground.

The shadow monster melts in an instant.

"Huh ?! Mother Mother!"

After seeing this golden torrent, Alte Luqi, who was originally expressionless, couldn't help but reveal a surprised look. This illusory torrent of fate, who can use the entire Bai Yujing except Zhu Yue.

"Xiaoqi, it's been a long time!"

It seemed to hear Heiji's words, and the golden torrent gathered in front of the girl, and then dissipated, revealing the blonde girl and the long door and Guleifiya behind her.

Among them, Zhu Yue hugged Erkut directly

It looks very maternal.

the other side

"It's ugly, Black Knight!"

After looking at the surrounding environment, the two fell to the ground, and the black knight who was recruited, the long door said coldly, "I was injured in the hand of such a small person."

"Sorry, sir!"

Pulling the magic sword out of his feet without expression, the Black Knight's face was slightly ugly.

"I don't need to apologize!"

Interrupting the Black Knight's words indifferently, Nagato's eyes turned to the outside of the factory. "There is also a little mouse outside. Catch me. If you can't, hum!"


After speaking, the Black Knight rushed out ..

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