My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 198: The waves are rising [below] third


One wall of the abandoned factory was suddenly broken.

At the next moment, the black knight Rezo Volstulut rushed out of the smoke like an indestructible tank.

"Just there !!!"

With a sharp gaze, the black knight found the little mouse the long door said.

It was a young man in Chinese clothes holding a green bow.

Owner of the artifact!

Seeing the opponent's first glance, the Black Knight made a correct judgment!

Seemingly aware of the black knight's sight, the face of the youth in the Chinese suit suddenly changed greatly, and he fled without turning around, without any hesitation.


Seeing this scene, the black knight sneered.

In the previous battle in the factory, although he was not injured at all, he was already losing face. If he let the guy in front escape again, the name of the black knight would cry.

The right foot stepped back slightly, and Stuart turned into a black wind and rushed out.

In this way, one escapes in the front and one chases in the back.

The urban chase war begins.

Purely in terms of physical fitness, in any case, the youth in Chinese clothing is not as good as the black knight, but the place where they are at this time is all the streets.

As a result, young people in Chinese uniforms kept turning around with their sensitive skills

Try to get rid of the black knight's pursuit through the environment here.

Facing the youth's escape, the black knight seemed to turn into a terrible black tank. No matter how the enemy turned, he directly locked the other party's breath and moved in a straight line.

Along the way, all kinds of buildings and walls were crushed by the black knight.

Under such violence, Rao is a young and clever man with a keen skill, and he still can't escape. He can only watch the Black Knight getting closer and closer

"Ah, I can't stand it !!!"

At last, the young man who could not bear such pressure turned and pulled the bow, and a blue arrow appeared in the sky, which was placed on his long blue bow.


The Black Knight completely ignored the opponent's move and rushed towards it.

"Go to die!"

Perhaps it was the Black Knight's move that made the youth angry, and the cyan light instantly soared dozens of times. Obviously, the artifact in the hands of the youth was actually banned.


"True Devil !!!"

In a place about ten meters away from the youth, the black knight instantly waved his sword and shouted the real name of the magic sword. At the next moment, a huge red and black sword gas cut through the space

Beheaded and killed in the youth of Chinese clothing!

The forbidden hand that interrupted the artifact


"no surprise!"

In the abandoned factory, the long door glanced at the sky, suddenly.

Just when the artifact of the Chinese costumed youth was about to be banned, Nagato felt a touch of change from the entire artifact system.

The artifact will become stronger and stronger with the change of the food and the evolution of the holder's thoughts.

The so-called forbidden hands are changes that occur when the holder ’s thoughts and desires can drastically reverse the ‘flow’ in the world.

"Reversing the flow of the world will produce tremendous energy, which is the direct reason why the artifact prohibits hands."

"And not all of these energies are used on artifacts, there are also some feedback systems, which is why the artifact system can always exist and operate."

"But now, there is a third-party devouring energy"

A lot of thoughts flashed in my mind, one after another clues were connected, the long door's eyes gradually deepened, and finally a question whispered softly:

"Is the God of the Bible really falling?"

If it is a native world person, I am afraid there will not be such a doubt, but the long door is different, even if there is the memory of the previous life as a reference, but he also dares to doubt everything.

In the eyes of Nagato, a powerful biblical **** like the artifact system can be developed

No matter what you think, you die a little bit strange!

You know, Lucifer, the ancestor of the Yuan, does not even have one-tenth of the power of Sazax, but he is one of the best among the four ancestors of the Yuan.

Under such circumstances, even if the God of the Bible is greatly damaged because of the seal 666 beast, it seems that it is not so easy to die.

After all, the strong is the strong, and it is not so easy to be counterattacked!

"Perhaps, what the **** of destruction in India knows."

Suddenly, Nagato remembered the God of Destruction he saw when he first arrived in this world. In an instant, the red-haired boy seemed to understand what

"My dear, please chat with Xiaoqi!"

At this moment, Zhu Yue, who had finished rehearsal, took Elter Luqi to the side of Nagato, and placed Alterluci's hand on the palm of Longmen:

"I'm going to pick up Arquitt!"

Between the speeches, the dreamy golden stream flowed into the void again, swelling Zhu Yue, and Guleifiya together with the primate killer, and then returned to the void.

Soon, only Nagato and Alterucci were left in the entire abandoned factory.

"Not seen in a month."

After being silent for a while, Nagato put the girl in her arms, "I miss you a little, my Highness Princess Kuroki."

"Huh, the exact time is thirty-one days!"

In the arms of Nagato, the dark-haired girl hummed.

Elt Luqi's answer made the Nagato's body move slightly, and a red-hot boy's heart could not help but a stream of warmth.

You know, only those who really care about you will remember the time you left so clearly

"Sorry, it may make you wait longer in the future!"

Suddenly thinking of a hunch not long ago, the long door lowered his head, buried his head in the girl's neck, and said quite emotionally.

Hearing Nagato's words, Alterucci shuddered, but did not speak.

"However, no matter what happens in the future, believe me!"

Continuing to hug the girl's body, the long door's right hand slowly reached Elterucci's abdomen, stroked it gently, and then slowly said:

"After all, I will set foot on the top of the endless world, so no matter what happens in the future, I will come back, come back to see you, and our children" ..

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