My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 199: Family members return fourth!

Nagato is a man of destiny!

Since rebirth, everything at Nagato has been almost unfavorable, traveling across different worlds, tampering with the fate of fate, and reversing the general trend between heaven and earth

In front of Nagato, the so-called sons of destiny, the arrogance of the times are all scum!

In other words, he is the strongest arrogant of the times.

It's just that Nagato has regretted that it is about his heirs.

Perhaps the Nagato escalates too fast, which causes the essence to rise too fast, which makes normal pregnancy difficult to complete, or there is a limitation in the Ningmen that prevents the existence of Nagato from appearing second.

All in all, even if the women are close to three digits, Nagato still has no real heirs.

As for Rin, Eliya, Sakura and Bingli, although they are indeed daughters of Nagato, they are not the true blood descendants of Nagato.

According to legend, Nu Wa uses her own blood to mix with the nine-day breath and squeeze the earth to make people.

The first generation of people called Nüwa their mother!

The relationship between Nagato and Rin, in a sense, is almost similar and equivalent to the relationship between Nüwa and the first generation.

This can be seen from the fact that Rin, Sakura and Ilya, as well as Chuan Bingli did not inherit the main strength of Nagato, or their own physiques.

To be honest, the reason why Nagato occasionally has a desire to start with his daughters is actually this, otherwise, Nagato does not want to be a ghost father.

Long ago, Zhu Yue once said

If anyone can truly give birth to pure descendants of Nagato, it is the two sisters, Elter Lucie and Elquitte.

To be honest, Nagato was really emotional at that time, almost singing with the two princesses at night.

Finally, the other girls could not help but be jealous.

Only with the passage of time, the children in Zhu Yue's prophecy have never been born, and gradually Nagato put his mind in other places.

However, Zhu Yue is after all practicing the law of destiny and coming into contact with the long river of destiny!

Her words are some kind of predictions about the future

It was just over a hundred years late.

"Longmen Jun, I'm pregnant with your child!"

When Nagato and Elt Luke kept for a while, and then took the black knight and some captives back to the villa

I saw the excited Al-Quitt thumped.

Seeing this scene, Nagato was startled, and quickly released the black girl next to him, caught the girl, and said with some helplessness:

"I said, I'm already a mother, so I can't calm down!"

"It really is a fool!"

Regarding her sister's move, Elter Lucy also couldn't help whispering, "I'm afraid this guy doesn't even know about his pregnancy."

Sure enough, the secret guess of Hei Ji was confirmed in Bai Ji's next words

"Sorry, because I'm so excited!"

Hugging the neck of the long door directly, Elkut hung like a large koala on the body of the long door, rubbed, and then said with a smile:

"Speaking of this, when my mother came to tell me, I was really taken aback." To tell you the truth, when I said this, I suddenly let others around me quiet for a while, and I have to say that Alquette ’s natural stay has penetrated into the bone marrow

"Okay, my daughters, it's time to go!"

At this moment, Zhu Yue walked down the stairs, looked at the two daughters in the hall called, and then looked at the long door, smiling slightly.

The two did not speak, but tacitly understood what they wanted to say to each other.

"Okay, Mother!"

"Okay, Nagato Jun, you must think of me!"

Hearing Zhu Yue's words, although very reluctant, both Elkette and Elt Luke kissed the face of the long door separately, and then responded very well.

"So, goodbye, dear!"

In the end, Zhu Yue smiled and greeted the Nagato, and the torrent of golden fate swept over again, sweeping the two princesses in black and white, as well as the two men of Princess Heiji.

Soon, several people disappeared in the villa


After the girls left, Nagato exhaled a little sorrowfully.

Nagato knew very well why the two girls wanted to return to Bai Yujing.

In addition to Bai Yujing is relatively safe, that is, in Bai Yujing, with the support of Gaia, the two girls are infinite magic, unlimited energy.

Only two girls in this posture can produce offspring for Nagato.

After all, before the baby is born, he relies on the mother to absorb nutrients, and the essence of Nagato is too strong, and his children must not be normal lives.

What is needed is not only sufficient nutrition, but even the mother's strength!

Otherwise, it is possible that the baby has not actually formed

The mother body fell because of being overwhelmed!

To be honest, if possible, Nagato wants to go back to Bai Yujing together to accompany his children to grow up, but the timing is a bit wrong.

In the dxd world, things are going to the most critical moment, and Nagato cannot leave at all.

"Forget it, I'm not a son-in-law after all!"

For a long time, Nagato sighed, and then walked directly to the three unconscious captives, reaching for the head of one of them.

At the next moment, the unconscious person suddenly twitched

After a while, the long door let go.

"It turns out so!"

After reading the memory I read, the long door closed his eyes and pondered for a while, before leisurely speaking, "Although there are some prohibitions in the other person's mind, some information is eliminated."

"But the most important information is available, and Cao Cao's people are starting to do it!"

After bowing his head for a moment, Nagato understood in his trance. This was the last test before the final battle on this plane. Cao Cao was probably a chess piece on the bright side!

"In this case, I also need a few pieces!"

Thinking of this, Nagato suddenly moved, and turned to look at the door of the villa, where a huge magic circle appeared in the sky.

In the magic circle, several dependents of the long gate slowly appeared

"It seems that there is a chess piece!" ..

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