My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 202: The hint of heaven is more!

"Statement against the scourge?"

Hearing Gurelfia's words, Nagato's eyes narrowed slightly, and he whispered softly in his mouth, "Is there anything else to declare, isn't it just going to do it?"

After all, the composition of the whole disaster group has gradually become more apparent.

Now the three major forces of the entire Bible, as well as the upper levels of the Nordic gods, are well aware that the culprit is to break the heaven of the Xumi Mountain and defeat the underworld, and occupy the bottom of the underworld purgatory.

In other words, there is no intention of concealment!

In fact, this is also the case. By this time, there is not much to hide, and only the last wave of temptation remains, which is the final battle.

Then, in the further explanation of Gulei Feiya, Nagato could not help but suddenly.

Although on the surface, the statement jointly issued by Biblical Mythology and Nordic Mythology is to warn the scourge of evil, for this it even speaks out harsh words that use war means when necessary.

But in the narrative of the statement, the three deeds of evil are more prominent.

First, the emperor emperor at the upper level of the group of disasters, with the power of the human dynasty, broke through the Tiangong World, destroyed many gods and Buddhas of the Xumi Mountain, and beheaded the Emperor Shitian

Second, the Purgatory Squad led the mysterious army, silently destroyed the Hades, and beheaded Hades

The third is that the scourge of evil wiped out the entire Egyptian mythology silently 100 years ago.

After revealing these three things one by one, although the whole world has not been spread in a short period of time, the senior leaders of the major mythical forces have known it for the first time.

Then, the unimaginable panic spread to the upper levels of the myths

You should know that these three things done by the scourge are too scary for the local residents. Almost everything symbolizes the fall of a top ten in the world.

"Because of panic, we have to find a sense of security. Therefore, the mythical forces who stand still will walk out of their own world and start a new exchange with the outside world."

Speaking of which, the face of the red-haired boy couldn't help feeling a sigh of emotion, "Sazax they intend to use this panic opportunity to open the door to a new era, it's amazing!"

Nagato can already imagine that under the pressure brought by the scourge, the mythical forces around the world began to communicate, and even signed peace contracts in the future.

At that time, the era of true peace will probably come!


"It seems that they are out of date!"

There was a saying flashing in his head. The emotion on Nagato's face was not there, showing a touch of indifference. "If they can survive in the near future, then say it."

Nagato is already foreseeable, and a major turmoil affecting the whole world is about to unfold.

When the time comes, it will definitely be a big robbery of living creatures!

At least for many mythical forces.

After all, no matter which side becomes the winner in the future turmoil, it is unlikely to tolerate the existence of so many so-called gods.

"Longmen Jun, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing Nagato's face suddenly apathetic, Wisteria Irina asked cheerfully, "It looks so cold, no problem."

"Ah, no, nothing"

Hearing Irina ’s words, Nagato recovered, and a faint smile appeared on his face, "I just remembered something very interesting."

During the talk, Nagato suddenly realized that Irina seemed much more cheerful.

More than Irina, Genova and Aisha beside her all seemed a lot more cheerful!

It seemed that realizing that he was not reincarnated as a demon, it seemed to the three girls in front of them that they had untied their hearts.

"Huh ?! Is there anything else?"

Looking at the church trio, Nagato smiled slightly, and then looked at Gurayfia, who seemed to be a little talkative, and asked.

"That, in fact"

Faced with the long door's question, Gu Leifia's face was also a little confused, and came to the long door, bent down, and said softly:

"Before I came back, His Highness Michael took a photo with me in secret and asked me to bring you a sentence. His original words were like this--"

"‘ We are angels, angels of the throne of heaven! ’"


Hearing Gu Lefia's words, the face of the long door changed slightly, and then a long arc appeared on his face, and he said quietly:

"Michael, it's Michael. It's a surprise!"


It is relative to the underworld.

It is divided into several layers, and here is divided into seven days.

The first day is the front line of heaven. There are a large number of low- and intermediate-level angels living here. The more upwards, the stronger the angels living. The third day is usually called the land of heaven.

Most devout believers will come here after death!

Just as Michael Nagar was nagging at the Nagato, the archangel had returned here through a special magic circle.

It was just that the place where Michael arrived at this time was not the sixth day headquarters where he and other Seraphs were, but the seventh day where God lived!

Of course, today, when the **** is no longer there, only the system of the miracle of the chief **** exists, and the system of the artifact is also here.

As the archangel and manipulating the system for many years, Michael was really not familiar with this place. He walked through the magnificent hall where God lived, and Michael soon came to the depths of the hall.

Here, the archangel sees two spiral columns.

Although it seems inconspicuous, this is the realization of the two major systems rooted in the celestial realm and even the entire dxd world in the physical world.

However, at this time, one of the pillars was filled with a dark and unknown atmosphere.

"Oh God!"

Staring at the black air, the wings behind Michael flickered and flickered, and after a while it stabilized, showing his determination:

"If this is the trial you gave me, Michael would definitely do it, for angels, for this heavenly world, find a real way out, even if it is my opponent."

"It's the same with you!" ..

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