My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 203: Nagato and Cang's second!

Time flies and flies like running water

Soon, the summer is over, and with it comes the new semester—the arrival of the second semester.

Shortly after the opening ceremony, Komago College began the preparation of a large-scale event in September-the sports festival, and the so-called sports festival can actually be understood as a recreational sports meeting.

What are the activities of two people, three feet, obstacle running, etc.

However, this activity has little to do with Nagato.

Coupled with the fact that it is not strong enough, Nagato is not very interested in participating in this inevitable victory. Although it is good to abuse vegetables, it is also tiresome to abuse vegetables every day.

The most important thing is that the girl next to Nagato is almost absent.

To participate in this recreational sport is not to get cheer and love from your sister, it is too fake to be alone to fight for honor!

"So, I will continue to bask in the sun!"

Lying on the lawn under the shade of trees, the gaze of the long gate swept the noise of the sports square in the distance, but the thoughts in my mind fluttered up, and I don't know where to go.

A week ago, Sakura had already left

The five dependents with long doors.

Their only goal is to chase Cao Cao!

Yesterday, Nagato just got the news that Sakura and their team had collided with Cao Cao's team for the first time, and beheaded several artifact owners. Cao Cao escaped in a dogfight.

I have to say that Sakura's shot is indeed extraordinary!

Compared to Sakura, it is also leaving, Lei Bell is just going home to save his parents!

After leaving the house for a few days, the young lady of the Phoenix family finally feels homesick, and then said goodbye to Nagato yesterday and went home alone.

Originally Nagato wanted to be with her, but the girl was shy.

So Nagato failed to follow.

After Rebel left

There was only Guleifiah beside the long door.

It is just today that Gurefiah goes to the meeting routinely.

Since returning to the realm of the world, Gurefija has had a routine meeting every few days. Nagato dares to pack tickets, and there is definitely a handwriting of Sazeks.

Otherwise, where are there so many meetings!

In this regard, Nagato sneered.

The Red-haired Devil thought he had a chance, but in fact, he had lost his last chance, because not long ago, Nagato found a chance

Gurefiah has completely eaten the soul from the beginning to the end, from the body!

Completely cut off the Devil's hope!

In fact, it's not just Guleifiah

Aisha Aljet, Genova, Wisteria Irina, and the youngest Sakagami Zhidai were all found opportunities by Nagato and ate them one by one.

In fact, if possible, Nagato also wants to train these girls for a period of time before picking them.

It ’s just that there ’s a hunch in Ningmeng. If Nagato does n’t eat these girls now, it may take a long time before they can actually eat them. Therefore, after thinking for a while, Nagato finally shot.

I have to say that the days of being a bulldozer are indeed very comfortable, more ridiculous than ever, and even after the girls leave for a few days, they still feel unhappy.

"Longmen Jun, you are here!"

Just as Nagato wandered out of the sky, the sudden girl's voice passed into the ears of the red-haired boy from far and near, making him wake up from his thoughts.

"It's Cang Na!"

After waking up, the long door slightly propped up his body, turned his head a little, and then saw that the student council president Cang Na had already come to himself.

"Is there anything? Rarely will you come to me in person!"

"Can't you come to you if you're fine?"

Hearing the long door, the girl calmly supported her glasses, and then sat directly next to the long door. "Although I came to you, it's true!"

Then you are so straightforward? !

The corner of Nagato's mouth moved slightly, and then he remembered something, and said, "Let me think about it. The purpose of your coming to me should be to know my true identity."


Facing the sudden words of Nagato, Cang Na couldn't help but paused and said:

"Let the second lord of the City of Freedom chase Cao Cao for you. I'm afraid that your identity is not as simple as a guardian."

"No, no, in the City of Freedom, I am indeed a guardian!"

Hearing the words of Cang Na, Nagato could not help but smiled, and then retorted, "But the existence of the guardian, at a glance, knows that it is a kind of worship-like existence, not directly under the city of freedom.

After Sakura and Cao Cao fought a war, Nagato knew that his identity would be suspected.

After all, before Sakura set off, Cao Cao had led his team and continued to destroy the world, and even caused more than one encirclement and suppression.

But every time the encirclement and suppression were defeated in front of the gun that killed the gods, so that the forces participating in the encirclement and suppression were frustrated.

At this time, in the face of Cao Cao, Sakura's victory is more dazzling

Then it naturally attracted the attention of the senior biblical people!

"I understand!"

After carefully pondering the next long gate, Cang Na suddenly lost defeat. Obviously, the long gate meant that he was not a person in the city of freedom, but only a friendly guardian.

Cang Na secretly guessed that Nagato should have a more special identity!

Thinking of this, Cang couldn't help but sigh, they knew too little about the different world.

The most taboo of communication between different forces is unknown information.

This result is very unfavorable!

"All right!"

At this moment, the long gate sat up completely from the lawn.

Looking at the spectacles girl in front of her eyes, the long door said leisurely, "Cang Na, according to the equivalent exchange, I answered you a question, do you have to pay the price!"

"What price do you want?"

After hesitating, Cang Na asked solemnly, and at the same time the whole person moved slightly away from the long gate, as if the teenager incarnate beside him seemed to be a flood beast.

In this scene, the long door looked at it and could not help but a little speechless choking. ..

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