My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 204: Can you believe the man? Third!

Although very speechless, Nagato understands Cang Na's idea somewhat.

After all, Nagato really doesn't have much reputation for getting along with women. Not to mention, the five dependents that Nagato has now are obtained through the so-called 'cost'.

The most important thing is that, not long ago, the relationship between Nagato and Zhen Luo Chunji accidentally leaked into Cang Na's ear.

The news that her queen almost lost her virginity made Cang Na froze for a long time before she recovered.

Since then, Cang's gaze to the Nagato was a bit wrong!

Although it is not visible on the surface

But in fact, Cang Na is 100% wary of Nagato. In front of the girl, the red-haired boy in front of him is a vicious wolf!


"Although you generally know what you think of me."

Somewhat helplessly curled up his feet, and the right hand of the long door supported his cheek. "But what you look like is really depressing. I just want to have a good chat."

"Huh, depressed? That's what you asked for!"

Thinking of his sister, except for the film underneath, the whole body became the price of exchanging knowledge with someone. Rao is a natural and indifferent Cang that couldn't help but gritt her teeth.

"Hah, it's just some equivalent exchanges you wish, as for!"

With a whisper in his mouth, before Cang Na's face began to change, Nagato resolutely shifted the topic, "Yes, are they still in the underworld now, Lias?"

"Ah, yes!"

Hearing Nagato's words, Cang Na, who had little intention of entanglement, was resolutely diverted to the topic, "Your Majesty Besib said that there is an experiment for them to help, and"

Speaking of which, Cang Na's face could not help but show a little envy, and said: "There is also a predecessor who is highly respected in the devil, optimistic about Lias, ready to transfer a dependent to her.

"Only the premise is that Lias and they will pass the test of that dependent"

"So, they stay in the underworld and continue to struggle?"

Hearing this, Nagato could n’t help but take Cang Na ’s words, then nodded in satisfaction, “It seems that Lias has gradually changed, and I ’m not worried.”

"Painful? What painful?"

Hearing the words, Cang couldn't help but sneer, and said a little angrily, "I can't see it at all. All I see is that a big man is constantly playing with a girl with his own strength."

"No no no, Cang Na, you don't understand!"

Naturally, Nagato would not approve Cang Na ’s comments, but rebutted quietly, “As my wife ’s lover, I will either make a vase for me to treasure forever, or”

"Must be a strong man, go forward with me!"

During the speech, Nagato seemed to feel something, and the whole person gradually filled with a word of shock and fluctuation, which made Cang Na feel a shock.

After a while, realizing that he had changed, the long door frowned.

The next moment, the volatility stopped and disappeared.


After the volatility stopped, Cang Na looked at the long gate, as if to say something, and then stopped talking.

"Ha ha!"

Facing Cang Na's performance, Nagato just smiled softly, and then continued to say, "Cang Na, you should understand that although the vase will always be with me, the vase will always be just a vase."

"In contrast, the woman who can advance with me has a higher status in my heart!"

"And Lias has the potential to grow into a strong man, but for various reasons, all I see is a future female grandpa walking on the so-called noble road, not a future female devil."

Speaking of which, Nagato stopped speaking and stopped talking.

But the red-haired boy knew that he had said so plainly, and wanted to come, with the wisdom of Cang Na, what the next Nagato meant to say, she was already clear.


I have to say that what Nagato said was quite shocking for Cang Na.

The girl who is determined to open a school where everyone is equal ca n’t imagine why the red-haired boy is so persistent for the powerful.

Persecuting his fiancee is also developing in this direction!

"Because power is everything!"

Seemingly seeing Cang Na's thoughts, Nagato dumped his upper body to face the girl, "Cang Na, I remember you had a fiance before this."


Facing the approach of the Nagato, the girl's face flushed slightly, trying to avoid it, but she still held back, "However, I defeated him by playing chess, thus canceling the engagement."

"You are really naive, Cang Na!"

There was a bad smile on the face of Nagato, "If it weren't for your sister Seraph's existence, believe it or not, you just won a hundred times in chess and couldn't dissolve the engagement!"

Hearing Nagato's words, Cang Na's pupils couldn't help shrinking!

Although the girl really wanted to refute the bad guy in front of her, she was thinking about it a little bit, but she had to admit that the possibility of the long door is very great!

"I know you want to gain the approval of the upper demons by various means, and open up a ranking game school in the underworld where all demonic children can go to school!"

Seeing the girl's acquiescence and unwillingness in his eyes, Nagato continued to say with a smile, "But, have you ever thought about a situation when you finally opened the school after a lot of hard work"

"Suddenly a terrorist attacked the school. You said, what will happen?"

Although Nagato was only a hypothesis, Cang Na couldn't help but pale slightly after hearing this hypothesis. If that kind of thing happened, his dream would almost be broken.

"Another example, I suddenly felt that you were beautiful and missed you, what would you do!"

As soon as this remark came out, the whole person of the long gate dumped instantly and threw the **** the grass. The two hands clasped the girl ’s hands and pressed her body.

"Wait, don't you just want to talk?"

Faced with such a situation, Cang Na's complexion changed greatly and suddenly panicked.

"In this case, can you believe the man?"

As he said in this way, the head of the long door swooped down and kissed directly on Cang Na's lips, making the girl's eyes wide ..

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