My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 219: The second trumpet sounded!

Before dawn, the long gate rose from the gentle township.

With the help of Rebel, the red-haired teenager walked out of the room neatly dressed, but found that the entire ancient city had completely awakened.

When Nagato took Rebel and Jeanne to the center of the city

The monsters around showed unpleasant expressions.

This kind of unhappiness is not just about being so slack about the long gate, but also full of it. For these three days, the monsters have been unhappy with many outsiders.

Feeling the unhappiness of the monsters around, Nagato understood.

After all, Kyoto is the Kyoto of the monsters, and at most, those Onmyoji teachers have the same share, but it is definitely not a demon, a fallen angel or even other gods.

But in these three days, the entire humanity in Kyoto actually migrated completely under the strong penetration of the demons, and even some weak demons forced to leave their hometowns.

Under such circumstances, it is surprising that most of the demon clan's sense of the outsiders such as Nagato is good.

It ’s just that you do n’t want to go back, the monsters still have to bear it

Because they are too weak.

Especially after losing the dragon king general Nine-Tailed Fox General, the monsters in Kyoto could not resist the demon king, and the orders of the fallen angel governors could only endure in humiliation.

"It's really small!"

He murmured to himself, Nagato ignored the monsters around him, and soon came to a newly built altar in the center of the city.

On the altar, Yu Yihu was holding Jiu Chong Tang in an imperial place, and the two didn't know what they were talking about. They talked and laughed, and they looked very happy.

In the past two or three days, the feather fox has been comforting Jiuzhong except for its daily accumulation of fear.

Facing the little loli of the nine-tailed fox who lost her mother, the feathered fox's motherhood was completely inspired.

According to Bing Li telling Nagato, it seems that Yu Yihu is planning to discuss with the other party whether Jiu Zhong can become his own righteous daughter after rescuing Yasaka.

"Longmen Jun, you are finally here, everyone has been waiting for a while!"

When Nagato arrived, Bing Li was the first to see Nagato. I saw the girl directly rushing into Nagato's arms. The cold feeling made Nagato's originally confused brain unclear.

"Good morning, Bingli!"

He smiled bitterly and said hello. Instead of pushing the girl away, Nagato hugged each other and came to Asachel and Sevilla, and said softly:

"Yo, the two got up so early!"

"Not up early!"

Hearing the question from Nagato, the Leviathan Devil rarely did not sell Moe, but said with a slight bitter smile, "Including last night, I haven't slept with Asachel these nights."

"Oh, so hard, what's the result?"

After carefully looking at the concubine and the fallen angel governor, Nagato keenly noticed a trace of tiredness deep in the eyes of the two, and asked with curiosity.

"We almost turned the whole Kyoto upside down, but we still couldn't find Cao Cao!"

The answer to Nagato's question was Assacher, and I saw a bit of doubt in the face of the governor of the fallen angel. "If you don't know that you won't lie to me, I want to say that Cao Cao is no longer here."

"Oh, what are you going to do?" Hearing this, the long door asked again.

"What else can you do, find out Cao Cao through the help of Miss Yu Yihu!"

He smiled bitterly, and then, Assahir's face showed a solemn expression, "Before the teleportation of the Underworld, the absolute sufficient combat power has been assembled."

"No matter what the situation of that person is, all we need is that he is dead!"

"Huh, I understand!"

Hearing the governor of the fallen angel, Nagato nodded in understanding.

Although the God of the Bible is great in the eyes of the world, in the eyes of demons, fallen angels and other gods, it is a huge obstacle in the new era of the entire world.

Unless it is the claim of the God of the Bible, I am afraid that the three major forces of the Bible will not kill each other so violently!

The most important thing is that if the biblical **** returns, the position of the celestial realm will be very uncertain, and the whole world may once again evolve into an era of war fighting with each other.

Therefore, with the exception of Heaven and Hinduism, the decision of all the combined mythical forces is to put an end to all possibilities of the reappearance of the God of the Bible.

Let this **** who created the heavens continue to be a legend!

The time is in a hurry, just an hour!

When the sun rose completely from the side of the mountain, the feathered fox on the altar suddenly stood up, and the dense formation of runes on the entire altar started.

"Attention, the feather fox is about to start!"

Seeing this scene, the long door said suddenly.

The people around the altar calmed down. At the next moment, in the sight of everyone, a purple air fell into the altar, making the entire altar seem to be active.


Extremely terrifying coercion burst out of the altar.

The extremely fearful flow of darkness emerged madly from the foot of the feather fox, and soon the feather fox and Jiu Zhong were completely submerged, and began to spread in all directions.

"Ooooooooo !!!"

Not long ago, a huge nine-tailed white fox with a height of more than ten meters emerged from the stream of fear, and on the body of the nine-tailed white fox, Jiu Zhong was sitting on it.

Obviously, the nine-tailed white fox is the prototype state of the feather fox!


After the appearance of the Nine-Tailed White Fox, the endless flow of fear instantly turned into a black mist, covering the whole of Kyoto. The next moment, the land of Kyoto began to shake violently.

This is the silent collision between the strength of the feather fox and the guardian enchantment on the ground.


As the turbulence intensified, the buildings in Kyoto began to collapse.


As if the power of the feathered fox touched the enchantment, the roar of the evil dragon rang through the sky again.

Just like the horn blowing on the battlefield, after the sound of the dragon's voice, the entire sky of Kyoto was already covered with black clouds, and the terrifying thunder flickered constantly among the clouds.

The violent thunder sound, as if the gods were irritated, something that shouldn't exist came! ..

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