My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 220: The evil dragon army first!

"Crack !!!"

At this moment, the cloud-filled sky suddenly cracked.

The thunder between the layers of thundercloud flashed more intensely in a moment, as if the gods were roaring in anger, but even then, the mouth expanded slowly and firmly.

Endless horror evil and coercion permeated from that mouth.

"Hey, are you kidding me?"

Feeling the looming sound in the cracks of the sky, Asacher's voice could not help but tremble, because at this moment, the fallen angel Governor felt-

In that crack, there are thousands of evil dragon breath!

What is evil dragon, Asachel knows very well.

That is the vicious existence that the fellow dragons can't see anymore. In all the myths, they are the incarnations of various evils, the targets of the dragon heroes in the past.

Although notorious, it is undeniable that evil dragons are very strong.

No evil dragon is easy to deal with.

It stands to reason that before the long years ago, all evil dragons, under the union of various forces, killed and sealed the seal, almost disappeared.

But now, Assachel has actually sensed a four-digit horror number of evil dragons.

Rao is a fallen angel and the governor felt a suffocation and incredible.

However, the facts were not shifted by personal will. Soon, one evil dragon after another flew out of the crack, ignoring the thunder on the sky, and fell towards the altar where the feather fox is located.

Soon, the entire city was suddenly filled with dense dragons.

The evil terror dragon power shrouded from above, the whole city, and even the whole Kyoto were shrouded under the dragon power of thousands of evil dragons.

Many monsters and human Onmyoji have fallen down, and there is no way to fight!

The Onmyoji and the monsters who had not fallen down felt the unspeakable pressure, their fighting intentions were greatly reduced, and they could only look at the several heavyweights present.

"Huh, the four-digit evil dragon is really powerful!"

At this moment, looking at the sky above, Nagato finally couldn't help but open his mouth and sighed. Then his eyes narrowed slightly before he said, "Well, it seems that there is another big guy."

In the long gate talking room, the evil dragons covering the sky automatically revealed three circular positions.

In those three positions, three distinctive evil dragons descended from the sky, and soon descended to a distance of less than ten meters above the crowd, and the violent breath beyond imagination began to diffuse.

At this time, everyone saw the appearance of the three evil dragons

On the far left is an evil dragon with a dark green armor, and a bloodthirsty breath surrounds it. On the far right is a three-headed evil dragon, which is full of magical breath.

The evil dragon in the middle is like wood all over the body, even hiding a deep vitality.

As the evil dragon approached the ground, the feather fox seemed to be greatly provoked, standing up from the flow of fear, and gazing deadly against the evil dragon in the middle.

At the same time, the earth in the whole of Kyoto was shaken even more

"It turns out that you are destroying the enchantment I arranged!"

At this time, the wood-like evil dragon also looked at the feathered fox, and there was a malicious expression in his eyes.

Hearing the evil dragon claiming to be Radon, the feather fox did not speak, but the killing in his body permeated.

The killing intentions that didn't know how many creatures were killed, so that both the enemy and the enemy could not help but shudder and frightened.

"Haha, you fox is very good, let's fight!"

Seeing the response of the feather fox, the others had not said anything, and the evil dragon on the far left jumped out first, "Uncle Glendale, remember this name for me."

As soon as the words fell, the evil dragon who claimed to be Glendale moved instantly.

The huge height of more than ten meters turned into a diving fighter, rushing towards the feather fox and killing the past. The speed is fast and the action is decisive. Most people do not even have time to react.


"Not allowed to get close to Sister Yuyi!"

Bing Li's figure suddenly appeared on the road of Glendale's charge, and the concentric circles of her eyes began to show a magical radiance, and the power gained from the long door burst out again.

"Super God Luo Tianzheng !!!"


The invisible repulsive enchantment had a frontal collision with the attacking dark green evil dragon. In a sudden roar, the evil dragon flew out and hit the ground heavily.

At this moment, magic light **** with various attributes spread all over the air instantly!

In the silent silence, the three evil dragons have already shot the first attack is a heavy hand, the target is all the enemies present, insidiously speechless.

"Everyone be careful, this guy is the forbidden dragon of the demon source-Azdahaka, manipulating thousands of magical evil dragons, immediately counterattack, no need to show mercy !!!"

At this moment, the fallen angel governor finally came back to God.

At the same time, the Governor also fully realized that the three evil dragons in front of him were clearly the three evil dragons that had been strangled by many mythological forces, but they somehow resurrected.

However, the situation in front of him did not allow the angel governor to think more. He stretched out his wings and wanted to fly to the sky to directly take the attack from Azdahaka.

Just waiting for him to fly, the barrage of the sky has been bombarded down!


Faced with this situation, Nagato intended to shoot.

But before the faint mist spread, the red-haired boy felt something, and then dispersed the condensed power. At the next moment, a colorful ball of flames bombarded from a distance.


The fireball collided with a magic bullet

Then, like a spreading virus, colorful Mars splashed out, and the entire barrage was completely burned in an instant, and burned out in an instant!

In a few moments, the entire space was empty, leaving only a scorching heat.

"who is it!!!"

Seeing that his sudden attack had failed, three evil dragons named Azdahaka showed anger on their heads, and six eyes looked at the direction of the fireball.

More than him, the eyes of other people also looked at them in the past.

Then, at the end of everyone's field of vision, I saw five or six girls walking towards here, headed by a purple-haired girl, on her left hand, the last ray of colored Mars just extinguished ..

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