My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 211: The second of the two battlefields!

"Sister Sakura!"

"The Lord of the Free City!"

"There are also five dependents of Chang Menjun, are they here?"

Seeing the six girls walking slowly in the distance, especially the purple-haired girl headed by the crowd who were confronting the evil dragon, could not help echoing bursts of wonder.

The fallen angel governor Asachel could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

I have to say that the situation just now is very dangerous.

If the attack of the three evil dragons is successful, the destruction of the entire city is a trivial matter, but if it destroys the action of the feather fox to occupy the dragon veins

Strategically, they are passive.

"Good morning everyone!"

After a while, I saw Sakura, with many family members, approached the crowd and greeted me gently, and then spoke with deep meaning:

"It seems that I came here very well when I was!"

"It's just right!"

Nagato stepped forward and said to Sakura.

The two didn't say anything more, they just looked at each other deeply, but they suddenly understood the feelings in each other's hearts and couldn't help but smile.

"Ah !!! You **** bugs!"

At this moment, three evil dragons issued triple words of anger. At the next moment, under the evil will of the evil dragons, the advancing dragons hovering in the sky swooped down one after another.

"No, counterattack !!!"

Seeing the reactions of the evil dragons, the Leviathan demon responded as soon as possible.

Afterwards, a large number of magical arrays were centered on the female demon, and they were densely distributed in an instant. On each magical array, a figure full of fighting atmosphere slowly appeared-

This is a part of the joint army that has been prepared in the underworld.

There are demons, fallen angels, heroes, and gods

Almost everyone is a unparalleled warrior. Faced with the attacking evil dragons, he was not afraid, but rushed head-on. Various attacks burst out at this moment.

Not only these soldiers, but everyone on the scene, except Yu Yihu, everyone moved together.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Almost immediately, endless roars appeared.

"Huh, there was a fight there, really, why are they so irritable!"

On a tall building at a distance of 10,000 meters from the battlefield, Rezevim Livian Lucifer looked at the evil dragons that had fallen from the sky, and the roar from far away, he could not help but said in a pretentious manner.

Only between the speeches, there was a touch of envy and jealousy in Lezevim's eyes.

To be honest, Rezevim also wanted those evil dragons.

But the problem is that the owner of the evil dragon is a pervert, a big pervert that doesn't know where to come from, and the means are so strange that it makes people chill.

Even if Rezevim was wild in nature, he dared not play any tricks in front of the other party.

"Shoot !!!"

The air broke, and then a middle-aged man with a dark body jumped up from the edge of the building and fell to Lezevim. He said:

"Found it, Cao Cao, just under the building!"

"Oh, that was hard!"

In front of the dark man in front of him, Rezevim showed enough respect, after all, the other party is the strongest evil dragon in the legend-the dark dragon of the new moon!

The most important thing is that the opponent is not a resurrected evil dragon in the distance, but a terrorist existence that has lived to the modern age and continues to exercise itself, and almost reaches the level of the dragon.

This kind of existence, even if temporarily become his own, is not Lezeweim can be neglected.

"So, find out that guy first!"

"Speaking of that, I still admire Cao Cao's guy. After all the hard work, I finally made all the preparations for the ceremony. When things came to an end, when I found something wrong, I could give up and give up."

"Huh, this decisive mentality is really amazing!"

Between the speeches, a magic bullet came out of Rezevim's hand, and then fell quietly. With a bang, the whole building turned into powder in an instant.

Subsequently, the magic bullet continued to fall and soon touched the ground.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

When the earth touched the magic bullet, one piece after another broke apart, and a large pit of more than ten meters appeared quickly below it, and it continued to extend downward.

If they let Assacher see such a move by Rezevim, I'm afraid they would shock their chin.

After all, at this time, the weight lifted by Rezevim was as light as it was when he was fighting in the Underworld and the Nagato, it was completely the difference between heaven and earth.

This is the power of Rezevim, the second force beyond the inefficiency of the artifact-decomposition!

Decompose everything in the world into atomic state with unspeakable magic power!


At this moment, accompanied by a roar, a huge fist exploded from the ground, colliding head-on with the decomposing magic ball released by Rezevim.


A huge explosion occurred in the big pit, the huge fist broke apart, and the magic bullet was also offset by the clean, endless smoke stirred, covering the entire big pit.


At the next moment, accompanied by a huge roar, a giant thing as high as more than 100 meters came out of the smoke. Although it was humanoid, the monster was also mixed with various parts of dragons and lions and other creatures.

It looks like a monster like Chimera!

The most terrible thing is that the monster's right hand, which has lost its fist, is constantly recovering at a speed that is visible to the naked eye. Within a moment, it has completely returned to normal.

"What is this stuff!"

Seeing the monster suddenly appearing underneath, Rezevim's face could not help changing slightly, but he could not wait for what he continued to say, and the ground below roared again.

The second Chimera monster walked directly out of the ground and walked up to the sky!

Then in less than a moment, the third, fourth, and fifth, a total of thirteen monsters with a height of more than 100 meters suddenly appeared.

This terrifying deterrent, Rao Zheweimu and the dark dragon of the new moon were stunned ..

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