My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 222: Cao Cao's action is third!

"Oh, yes, I remember!"

After a little stunned, Rezevim thought for a moment, then suddenly said, "This is a **** destroyer-a monster created by Warcraft."

As a demon with the ability to invalidate artifacts, Lezevim naturally knows a lot about artifacts.

Especially at the apex of the artifact, there are very few **** exterminators!

Rezevim is even more rare.

If it weren't for the thirteen monsters in front of me, it would be too shocking, I'm afraid that in the first time, Rezevim would know the strength of this power.

"But after all, I really don't know," Warcraft Creation "can have such exaggerated means. I think it should not be an ordinary hand-holding means."

Thinking in his head, Rezevim made such a judgment.

"Anyway, let's see if we can knock it down!"

Compared with Lezevim, the dark dragon of the new moon seems to be more violent, and it disappeared in the first place and appeared on the head of a monster below.


I saw the dark man kicked on the monster's head.

Unimaginable power was transferred from that foot to the monster's head, causing it to lean back directly, hitting a high-rise building behind it to the ground.


After being suddenly attacked, the monster growled.

Then, a huge beam of magical power was bombarded from the monster's mouth, and the evil dragon man immediately evaded. The next moment, the beam directly hit the building in Kyoto


A large-scale destruction occurred instantaneously throughout Kyoto.

"Roar! Roar! Roar!"

The move of the first monster instantly triggered the riots of other monsters. A beam of light erupted from the mouths of the monsters. In a moment, the entire urban area of ​​Kyoto was transformed into a ruin.

Even ten thousand meters away, one or two evil dragons were affected and fell directly!

The destructive power of these monsters is really appalling!

"No! You cannot win by brute force alone!"

At this moment, the dark man appeared beside Lezewem. "I'll cover it. You go inside to find the user of the god's destroyer. Use your power to make his monster disappear."

"This is indeed a good idea, but it's a little late!"

After glancing at the city-in-the-city beyond 10,000 meters, the star son of the star said with a bitter smile, which made the strongest evil dragon wonder. Isn't the guy over there being pinned by the evil dragons?

Only his doubts, in the next moment, immediately got a response-

"I finally found you, Rezevim!"

The majestic words with a hint of anger filled the surroundings, and the red magic array appeared automatically in midair. Then, the red-haired demon king, Sazax, appeared slowly.

Behind Sazax, his family members followed one after another, equally impressive!

"As you see, partner!"

With some helpless shrugging shoulders, Rezevim looked at the red-haired demon in front of him and said, "This guy in front of me is not a simple character. There is him and his family, and we can't avoid it."

"Indeed, as you said!"

Sazax's eyes were fixed on the uninhibited demon in front of him, and he looked at Rezevim with unprecedented solemnity. "This time, I have made up my mind to eliminate your unstable factor directly!"

As soon as the words fell, the presence of the Red-haired Demon King soared instantly, and the terrifying power of destruction permeated, whether it was Lezewem, the dark dragon of the new moon, or the irrational monsters below.

At the next moment, behind the Red Haired Demon King, a ten-meter-long destruction incarnation appeared!

That is not the other, it is the strongest power of the Red Haired Demon King!

"Haha, then there is no way!"

Seeing the posture of the red-haired demon king, Rezevim knew that he could no longer be good today. The same horrible momentum spread, and the son of the star of the show finally showed that he was worthy of domineering.

"If you can do it, let's try it !!!"


"Very good, it's all fighting!"

In an empty base 500 meters below, Cao Cao looked at the huge virtual screen in front of him, showing a panoramic view of the whole of Kyoto.

This is a pattern manifested by surveillance magic built on the entire vein!

In this picture, the battle between the monster city and the evil dragons, the battle between the two of Lezewem and the Lucifer Devil, and the thirteen monsters are undoubtedly revealed in the destruction scene.

"Leonardo, can you still hold it?"

Taking his eyes off the screen, Cao Cao looked at a magic circle not far from him.

At the two ends of the Magic Array were sitting a drowsy nine-tailed fox beauty, and a faceless Zhengtai, centered on the nine-tailed fox beauty, madly drawing aura and pouring into Zhengtai's body!

The beauty of the Nine-tailed Fox is none other than the great monster of Kyoto, the incarnation of the earth's veins-Yasaka!

Cao Cao was able to draw aura from the earth's veins in such an exaggerated way.

And Xiao Zhengtai, who is absorbing the aura, is the descendant of Leonardo, the talented artist Leonardo Da Vinci, and has the existence of the **** extermination "Creation of Warcraft".

The thirteen monsters outside were created by Leonardo after absorbing a lot of auras and letting the **** exterminator enter an extreme state.


Xiaozhengtai said a little bit hard, but then kept silent. Obviously, with so many auras entering his body, Xiaozhengtai was not easy.

"Well, it's yours, Leonardo!"

Cao Cao very solemnly said to Xiao Zhengtai, that sincere glance, let the little guy forget all his pain at this moment, leaving only touching and endless motivation!

Then Cao Cao left the magic circle and came to the other side, bound to the altar of the Holy Gun at dusk.

The edge of the altar is leaning on a white-haired swordsman-Siegfried

The descendant of the hero Siegfried was originally an exorcist, a top warrior included in the Catholic Church, the National Council, and the Orthodox Church, and was named "Magic Sword Jick".

But at this time, he was just Cao Cao's last partner besides Leonardo! ..

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