My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 228: Dragon Eater-Samuel fourth!


At this moment, it seemed that the tortured criminals made a horrifying voice from the distant sky, echoed across the battlefield, no, it was the whole of Kyoto.

Distress, jealousy, pain, resentment

The gloomy voice that seemed to blend all the negative emotions moaned, and the long door that heard the voice could not help but frown slightly.

"how come"

"What sound is this, why?"

"Damn it, this voice !!!"

At this moment, the original vigorous dragon kings all exuded a panic expression, and the momentum suddenly fell to the trough, and even some dragon kings almost fell from the air.

The rising momentum of many coalition forces was frustrated in an instant

"Roar! Roar! Roar !!!"

At this moment, the original evil dragons seemed to be infinitely encouraged. Overdraft of magic power at any cost became more violent and aggressive.

"Haha, the boss came out!"

"You are all dead !!!"

Originally in a disadvantaged position in the war, the leader of the evil dragon that was about to be sealed, the tyrannosaurus of great sins-Glendale and the guarding dragon of the treasure tree-Radon laughed out loud and laughed.

At the same time, the two evil dragons exploded out of the sky with more powerful forces

Once again, he was evenly matched against his own enemy.

"What a hell!"

On the side of the long gate, Asacher stared straight at the crack in the sky, "Don't tell me, it's really the **** thing!"

It's just that Assahir's prayers are doomed to futility.

Soon, a twisted presence emerged from the crack.

It was a huge cross.

Above the cross is a twisted existence **** with black chains. The upper body is a skinny fallen angel. Twelve black wings are opened out of thin air. The eyes are locked by restraints and blood and tears flow from the crack!

The lower body of this existence is a huge snake tail hovering over the cross!

That horrible voice came from this strange being.

"My day!"

Holding his fist, Asachel couldn't help but burst out a sloppy sentence, "God's malicious, dragon eater-Samer, actually unblocked, and became an enemy."

"This is the dragon eater, it's really good to see!"

Compared with Asachel, the Nagato is much calmer. At this time, the Nagato even has a leisure heart. Recalling the origins of this monster in front of me in the past years, I have heard about it-

In fact, this is the story of the biblical Adam and Eve.

In the biblical records, it was the existence in front of the snake that instigated Adam and Eve to steal the fruits of the Garden of Eden. This behavior probably angered the ‘God recorded in the Bible’, so God hated snakes and dragons extremely.

This is why most dragons are described as evil creatures in church books.

The dragon eater is the existence of the evil, the poison and the curse of the **** who hates the dragon. All in all, the compassionate **** cannot normally produce malicious, so one can imagine how powerful it is.

Because it will not only completely destroy the dragon clan, but even the creatures other than the dragon will be affected, so it is sealed in the depths of Kesetus. It is the ultimate dragon killing cursed by God, and its existence alone is already a very fierce dragon killing!

"It doesn't look exaggerated, but just how much fake information is there!"

After knowing that the God of the Bible is not simple, Nagato naturally knows that this so-called dragon killing is absolutely not simple. Perhaps he has a more profound identity and has not been exposed.


"At this time, let's take a shot first!"

When the battlefield was further intensified, and everyone with spare power was shocked by the appearance of the twisted monster in front of him, Nagato shot out.

The aura of extinct fog turns into endless crimson brilliance, and then converges into a beam of light!

In a blink of an eye, the red beam of light rushed straight to the sky and killed the slowly falling cross. At this moment, all the shocked people could not help but stunned.

The cross disappeared suddenly when the beam of light hit him

Then, the beam of light hit the space crack!


Under the impact of such a beam of light, the huge space crack suddenly collapsed and turned into a turbulent flow of space, and then quickly disappeared.


Seeing that his attack failed, Nagato frowned.

His eyes moved, and then he saw that the cross didn't know when, but it appeared in the middle of Chilong Emperor, the six dragon kings, and then the next moment-

"Shoot !!!"

After a few small breaking sounds, seven tongues, or tentacles, flew out of Samuel's mouth, and turned into black objects in seven groups, immediately surrounding the Red Dragon Emperor and the Six Dragon Kings.

Even if there is a terminal dragon that is hundreds of meters long, Yemengaard cannot escape.

Turned into a very huge dark substance!

"Guru Guru !!!"

Then, as if swallowing what sound echoed on the battlefield, it is clear that Samuel actually intended to directly devour the Red Dragon Emperor and the Six Dragon Kings!

Seeing this scene, there was a burst of cold breath on the battlefield.

"Asshole, let me go!"

"Forbidden hands-Sacred Sword!"

"Eat my grandson, you **** !!!"

After a while, the people on the battlefield who were not entangled with evil dragons all moved one after another, and different attacks directed at the so-called dragon eaters, trying to rescue the devoured Red Dragon Emperor and the Six Dragon Kings.



Dark matter and gas erupted from the dragon eater.

All the attacks are in front of these substances and gases, the energy is swallowed up in an instant, and the substances are also eroded by varying degrees in a moment.

No one can get close to this so-called dragon eater!

"It seems that I must do it!"

Seeing this scene, Nagato took a step forward, but it was at this time—

"Boom !!!"

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