My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 229: Fifth, that fist!

Five minutes backward

The battle between Sazax and Rezevim has been heated up.

There were inch-by-inch cracks in the space where the two were fighting. The aftermath of terror was scattered, and the magic of destruction and decomposition destroyed and decomposed everything around them.

"Lezevim !!!"

"Sazax !!!"

In the call to each other, the fists of the two blasted together!

The violent opposition has spread around the two sides and shakes the entire space. It seems that the next time, the entire space will directly collapse into a terrible space turbulence!

However, in such a dangerous situation, the two did not mean to stop!

"Ooooooo !!!"

Suddenly, a terrifying voice sounded at this moment.

Both Rezevim and Sazaxe's face changed. Among them, Rezevim's complex expression of joy and hatred on his face, while Sazex was completely surprised.


The two made a punch in tacit agreement.

Under the reaction of the hedge, the two separated a safe distance, and then looked at the source of the horror sound, and saw a strange creature tied to the cross slowly falling.

"Damn it, turned out to be a dragon eater !!!"

Although Sazax is young and has never even seen the face of a dragon eater, this does not mean that he has little knowledge. The dragon eater has such a unique appearance that he can recognize it at a glance as long as he has read the information.

After thinking of the formation of the Dragon Army in the coalition, the Red-haired Demon King couldn't sit still.

Only when he showed his intention to go to--

"This road doesn't work!"

Rezevim blocked the red-haired Demon King with a cynical attitude, causing Sazax to grapple his teeth because in this short period of time, he saw

The attack of the Crimson Light Column failed, and the Dragon Eater directly swallowed the Dragon Legion!

"Give me a break !!"


During the conversation, the two collided again.

Also as a transcendental player, the two men are about the same strength, and they simply can't divide the victory or defeat quickly. Sazax's attempt to break through has naturally failed.

"Damn it!"

Looking at Rezevim in front of him, Sazex's killing instantly soared to the extreme, which also made Rezevem serious, because now Sazex is very dangerous

If you are not serious, you will really die!

at this time--


The whole vein of Kyoto began to roll over!

The earth shook wildly at this moment, cracks appeared out of thin air, and those buildings that had not yet been ruined collapsed completely under such shock.

"Aooo !!!"

Then, in the eyes of Sazeks and Lezevim, the surface of the original Cao Cao underground base was also the location of the black torrent transformed by the huge nine-tailed fox Countless black torrents start to converge and spin up!


Not long after, something broke out of the center of the torrent vortex!

With a slight squint, Sazax and Rezevim saw it. It was a dark nine-tailed fox beauty holding a golden nine-tailed fox beauty and flew in the direction of the dragon eater.


At the next moment, behind the two beauties, a golden light broke again.

If you take a closer look, it is a fist shining with golden light, which seems to be between reality and reality. I saw that fist crossed a beautiful arc in the air after breaking through the black torrent

Then directly in the direction of the advancement of the two beauties, chased the past at an incredible speed.

--what's going on? !

For the first time, the two old enemies of Rezevim and Sazax were so consistent, and then their eyes directly looked at the beautiful women and fists that flew one after the other.

On the other side of the battlefield, when Nagato was ready to start.

The sudden earthquake directly interrupted Nagato's move. At the next moment, the red-haired boy seemed to sense something, then turned his head and looked away.

In fact, not only the long gate, many people are looking into the distance

Because the atmosphere of the whole sky stirred up violently at this moment, and the atmosphere that stirred the sky was the dark shadow that was constantly approaching at the end of everyone's field of vision.

"That's my mother, and the feather fox mother !!!"

After the shadow was approaching, Jiuzhong, who had been placed in a safe place behind him by the long door, couldn't help but ran out, hugging the long door's arm with some excitement and pointing at the dark shadow.

"I knew that Mother Yuhu wouldn't lie to me, she really was"

Excitedly speaking, Jiuzhong got stuck, because she found out that Yu Yihu hurried directly to the seemingly dangerous dragon-eater holding her unconscious mother.

"Ooooooo !!!"

Seeing the feather fox approaching, the dragon-eater burst out of black matter and gas again.

Attempt to punish the destruction of this near thing in front of you.


"Shoot !!!"

In the sound of breaking the sky, the feather fox turned a corner directly, did not contact with the power of the dragon eater at all, and flew to the identity of Nagato and Jiuzhong in an instant.


The peculiar stance around the dragon eater collided and detonated.

At this time, the crowd saw that it was a somewhat illusory, gleaming fist that directly bombarded the material and gas released by the dragon eater!

After that, everyone was surprised to find-

After being exposed to the dark matter and the black smoke, the fist, apparently also condensed by energy, was not directly swallowed, but directly broke the barrier.


Bombed directly on the dragon eater's head!


The huge cross roared, and then flew out, and the black tentacles connected to the dragon eater and the red dragon emperor and the six dragon kings broke directly in an instant.

Seeing this scene, everyone is dull

The dragon-eaters who have no way for most people are so furious, this kind of thing is really ridiculous. ..

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