My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 230: Saya debut first!

The scene in front of us made everyone watching it stunned.

Until the red dragon emperor and the six dragon kings, which were originally devoured by the dark matter of the dragon-eaters, escaped from the dark matter and fell to the ground, all the people reacted.

"Yicheng, are you okay?"

Serraog rushed to the current Red Dragon Emperor for the first time, hugged him in his arms, and asked with great tension, that gesture has exceeded the level of general concern.

It seems that it is like caring about my life and death lovers!

"Big Brother, I'm sorry, I failed again!"

Lifting his head from Seraog's arms, Yushin Ito's eyes began to weep, "Power is sucked, abominable! Obviously the Red Dragon Emperor who feared everyone, but failed again and again, I"

"Needless to say, don't blame you this time!"

Covering his mouth with Ito, Serraog immediately said, "Even the two-day dragon, or even the infinite dragon god, is powerless against the dragon-eaters!"

"Yes, partner!"

At this time, the Red Dragon Emperor Draig, who was in the sacred weapon of Ito, couldn't help but open his mouth and said, "The guy who eats the dragon is completely the natural enemy of our dragon family!"

After the operation of Serraog, the rest of the people also acted

They came to the six dragon kings one after another.

Only after knowing the situation of the Dragon Kings, everyone's face is not very good, because although the Dragon Kings did not have an accident, but each of them lost most of their strength.

In a long period of time in the future, the dragon kings have lost their fighting power!


At this moment, a roar filled with all kinds of negative breaths came out from the far cross, and most people couldn't help but feel a panic.

The huge cross has broken away from its inertia and slowly rises again!

"Hee hee"

At this time, ethereal laughter echoed throughout the land of Kyoto.

After hearing this laughter, the creatures who were startled by the voice of the dragon eater felt a heartfelt joy at this moment.

And the evil dragons who were very excited because of the appearance of dragon eaters

Then they all sent out painful wailing, their strength dropped!

The effects of the dragon-eaters on all living beings in Kyoto were completely offset at this moment.

"Everyone have to be careful!"

At this time, Yuba, who rescued Yasaka, said solemnly on his face, "The guy under the ground is coming!"


Suddenly I heard Yu Yihu's words, and everyone except the long gate was confused.

But do n’t wait for them to ask further questions-

"Buzz !!!!"

Under the land of Kyoto, there was a burst of noise, and then everyone felt that there was something unimaginable in the depths of this land.

"The guy who pretends to be a ghost, let me die !!" also perceives that the dragon-eaters that exist underground can't help but roar loudly, and each appears as a sphere of dark matter and black smoke.

At the next moment, black **** blasted directly towards the ground beneath the dragon-eaters.

I did n’t even care about the evil dragons and warriors who were still fighting there.


In an instant, an unprecedented big explosion occurred.

The land thousands of meters away was destroyed in an instant, and the land of Kyoto uttered a desperate cry at this moment, and countless smoke swept up and turned into a huge mushroom cloud.

The shock of terror spread on all sides and spread to the entire battlefield


At this moment, Nagato hummed softly.

The **** extinguisher named Juewu started, and a large amount of haze aura spread out of thin air, protecting all the companions around the red-haired boy.

After almost three minutes, the violent impact gradually subsided.

The smoke that obscures the view also dissipates

"how come!"

Asachel next to the long door couldn't help but widen his eyes--

Not far from them, there is a huge sky pit with a radius of several kilometers, and the buildings and so on around the sky pit have all been turned into ruins under the impact of such a distance.

On this ruined battlefield, only two-tenths of the large coalition forces remained.

In this huge explosion, a lot of heroes, fallen angels, demons, monsters, and evil dragons, etc., a large number of fresh lives died at this moment, turning into dust

Such a loss is really terrible. All mythical forces have been weakened by at least three layers. The fallen angel governor has been able to imagine the crazy anger of the main gods after the war!

But this is not the most important, the most important thing is-

The governor of the fallen angel looked to the sky, and the twisted existence tied to the cross could not help flashing on his face, "Why, the dragon eater would be so powerful!"

Asachel had to admit that the dragon-eater in front of him completely subverted his impression!

You know, he has not seen Samuel the dragon-eater before, but the dragon-eater at that time was completely a weird existence, even if he was conscious or not.

Asachel's ideas will naturally not affect the dragon eaters in the sky.

After such a terrible blow, the dragon-eater still roared continuously, "Come out, the guy who pretends to be a ghost, give me out !!!"

An angry voice seemed to ignite the anger in the hearts of all survivors.

"Oh, Samuel, you are really impatient!"

At this moment, a faint voice came from all directions, and then a white figure loomed on the sky, turning into a heavy phantom.

Soon, all the white shadows gradually merged into a blue-haired girl

Stand on the same level as the dragon eater!

It was a lovely girl who looked harmless, wearing only a pure white dress all over her body. The white barefoot seemed to step into the void, unbiased!

"Meet for the first time, this is Saya!"

Looking at the twisted presence in front of him, a smile appeared on Saya's face, "A long time for the famous name, Samuel the dragon eater, no, you should be called you the wrath of God-Satan!"

ps: There are too many digs, and I do n’t know how to fill them for a while, it ’s a tragedy ..

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