My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 231: The top three are second!

"Are you Orpheus? No !!!!"

Seeing the appearance of Saya, after feeling the breath of the infinite dragon **** on Saya, the dragon-eater's face could not help flashing a surprise beyond anger and distortion.

But soon, the surprise turned into anger, and Samuelton, the dragon-eater, spoke fiercely and denied, "Who the **** are you, why is there an Orpheus breath!"

"Ah la la, you actually see it!"

Hearing the twisted monster in front of him, Saya's face couldn't help but flashed a bit of surprise, and then seemed to remember something, and said with some clarity:

"But this is also true. After all, it was you who looted the Infinite Dragon God!"

"You actually know? !!!"

The moment the words of Saya just fell, the cross suspended in the sky erupted into a terrifying spirit, and the endless darkness seemed to cover the whole sky.

"Who the **** are you !!! Why do you know these things!"

The hoarse voice was full of anger and killing, the dragon-eater's twelve wings were fully opened, and the magical eyes stared straight at the girl in front of him.

"Don't you say that?"

No matter the intimidation of the dragon-eaters or the coercion of the entire sky, the girl can't show a trace of panic. On the contrary, the girl's face is full of smiles-

"I am Saya!"

On the sky, two unusually strong men talked like this.

Completely ignored the entire battlefield!

The dragon eater's voice is full of unknowns, no matter what tone it gives, it gives people an unspeakable sense of panic. In contrast, Shaye's voice is full of beauty.

People can't help but indulge in it, can't extricate themselves!

"I said, don't you have any eyes on you!"

At this moment, a lazy voice echoed within the limits of Kyoto, and then echoed above the sky, the next moment, the golden light bloomed from the earth.

After a while, the light dissipated, leaving only a golden idol up to 100 meters in height!

It was a great **** full of thick will.

The left arm of the idol is an extremely huge gun, the right wrist is equipped with a pair of caged hands, and behind it are a pair of golden wings that seem to cover the sky.

However, in the eyes of Saya and the dragon-eater, the most conspicuous is the shimmer on the idol.

It is a light that transcends all the definitions of ordinary dust.

It's not even a simple light anymore!

It is the initial light that opens up everything from nothingness and chaos, but also the final light that destroys everything and returns to chaos. It is also the light of civilization that formulates all orders and inherits countless years.

On the shoulder of the giant idol, the red-haired boy was sitting on the same level as the dragon-eater standing in the sky and Saya.

"Other people don't care, but Master Ben doesn't like being ignored like this!"

I saw that Nagato leaned against the neck of the giant idol and looked at the dragon-eater and Saya with a scorching gaze. Among them, there was a slight flash of relief on his face as he swept over Saya.

——Who does n’t matter! ! !

At the moment when the voice of Nagato just fell, all the surviving creatures on the ground also flashed such a sentence, and at the same time revealed a word of anger.

If it is not to be beaten, who would like to be ignored like this!

"Not everyone is eligible to join the conversation!"

Seeing the appearance of the Nagato, Saya had not yet responded, and the dragon-eater Samuel took the lead to react. The dark matter and black smoke diffused in an instant, turning into dark **** of light.

In the blink of an eye, the attack that once destroyed the entire battlefield reappeared!

But this time the goal is not the battlefield

It was Nagato and his idol.



Sneering sneered disapprovingly, Nagato photographed the idol under him, and at the next moment, the idol giant raised his right fist covering his caged hands


A voice resembling a dragon and tiger roaring echoed, the giant idol blasted out, the violent and sacred fist condensed into an entity, and directly blasted out.


In an instant, a huge explosion occurred across the sky.

The energy beyond the endurance limit of the human world began to run away, and the entire space above Kyoto began to twist, and it was about to collapse in this explosion.


The calm voice of Nagato came again.

With the voice of the red-haired boy, the invisible space seems to be transformed into a solid electrical conductor, and the crimson electric current is stirred up throughout Kyoto.

The explosion, which had not yet reached the extreme, suddenly dissipated under this special lightning.

The distortion of space also recovers under this current!

It only took a moment for the entire sky to return to its original appearance

As if the explosion just now was just an illusion!

Such a terrifying scene, not only the beings on the ground in the battlefield of Kyoto, but also the two of Saya and the dragon-eater could not help but reveal a little surprise.

"In this case, am I eligible to join the conversation!"

There was still a smile on his face, and Nagato looked at the dragon-eater with great interest, and said mercilessly in his mouth, "I still have to kill you to be qualified!"

"You! Juniors are rampant!"

Hearing the disdain between Nagato's words, the dragon-eater who was already bad-tempered suddenly wanted to get started, but after seeing Saya in the corner of his eye, the dragon-eater had to hold back.

Although he didn't want to admit it, the red-haired teenager and the girl both had his level.

The current situation is a very typical tripartite standing!

You can't act rashly until your attitude is unknown!

"Humph, old guy!"

Seeing that the dragon-eater didn't do it, the long gate couldn't help being a little boring, and then looked at Saya, pretending to speak without knowing:

"This lady, could you please tell me the secret of this old guy, I just heard it very vigorously just now, and what is the so-called God's Fury!"

Hearing the words of Nagato, the dragon-eater was violent.

In the face of this rage, Saya didn't pay any attention to it, but cooperated with the long door and smiled, "In fact, the secret is very simple. The guy in front of you is the God of the Bible in your mouth, although not completely. But at least partly! "

ps: The previous chapter was overturned and rewritten, and it was a little late. ..

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