My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 232: God's plot first!

It was a long epic hidden deep in the past.

There was once a **** who was born from the divine glory, born divine, he listened to the worship of the believers, created the existence called angel, walked the world, and spread the glory.

He is the embodiment of all goodness, the guardian of the balance of order!

However, Red Dust is a super large dye tank.

Finally, on a certain day, God encountered an irresistible temptation to always have a kind heart, and for the first time a feeling called greed emerged in his heart.

This is the original original sin!

Subsequent arrogance, lust, jealousy, gluttony, laziness, and anger were born.

Seven deadly sins!

So, God began to fall--

The door to original sin opened. The original sin of arrogance, lust, jealousy and gluttony inadvertently fell into the underworld, merged into the world of demons, and became the four demon kings of Yuanzu.

At that time, the ancient snake instigated Adam and Eve to steal the fruits of the Garden of Eden

"The next thing is logical."

In the sky, the girl in white gauze said quietly, "Your so-called **** is angry, and then part of your will merges with the original sin of rage, and seizes the body of the snake, and turns into a dragon eater-Samer."

When the girl's voice fell, the whole world of Kyoto suddenly seemed very quiet.

Saya's voice was not very loud, but it spread far away in this empty environment. In addition, everyone in Kyoto is not a mortal and heard the girl's comment.

Then, most people fell into unspeakable shock and even shock.

"How can this be!!!"

After quite a long silence, it was the fallen angel governor who first broke the silence.

I saw Assahir opened his black wings and flew to the shoulder of the giant idol in a flash, looking at Saya and the dragon-eater, his expression was a little excited, even fierce!

"If you are a god, then what is our fallen angel? !!!"

Although he didn't have much affection for God, Asachel could not imagine that the completely distorted one would be the side of the incarnation of God.

The so-called fallen angel is an angel who is attracted by the original sin and fallen, and is denied by God.

But now, God himself has fallen

So what is a fallen angel? ! !

In a sense, the fact that Sayah said is to deny the existence of the fallen angels. Because of this, Assahir is really unacceptable.

"Count defective products!"

At this moment, the deep and distorted voice of the dragon-eater quietly sounded, "It's just some inferior products that made me look unhappy, so I just discarded them."

"what did you say!!!" Hearing the dragon eaters, Assahir ’s eyes widened.

For the first time, an unstoppable anger filled the mind of the fallen angel governor, a huge light gun appeared in the sky, and at the next moment, a huge light gun over thirty meters came out.

The Gun of Light broke through the air and moved forward dozens of meters in an instant, bombarding the Dragon Eater in an instant.

It's just that at this moment, the black smoke filled it and completely enveloped it.

The gun of light melted instantly.

"In vain!"

The cross on which the dragon-eater was located was not even shaken at all, and even the dragon-eater himself was too lazy to look at Asachel. His eyes only swept through the long door, and then placed on Saya—

"Uncover my past, what are you going to do?"

"It's just fun!"

Facing the dragon-eater's question, Saya smiled casually, "I just feel very strange, why don't you stop me from telling your past."

"Not needed anymore!"

Hearing Saye ’s question, the dragon-eater seldom showed a sense of emotion, "The original I may need to hide, but with the help of my allies, my return has become a foregone conclusion!"

"In fact, if Cao Cao's ritual failed, I'm afraid I have completely returned."

"You don't even need to use the help of my allies!"

"It turns out so!"

After hearing this, Saya couldn't help but sigh softly.

In this way, all the secrets in Sayya's mind about the biblical **** in front of him have been completely spliced ​​together, and a journey about the biblical god's attempt to achieve the true divine realm is presented in his heart.

All stories originate from the original sin of God!

With original sin, there is desire, and with desire, one wants to go further, and in order to go further, the God of the Bible is prepared to fully integrate the seven sins into his own body.

It is just that his divine body is sacred, and he cannot fully accommodate the seven sins.

For this reason, the God of the Bible began to choose other bodies.

Then after a lot of years and painstaking selection, he found the new body most suitable for him, that is the body of the legendary beast emperor-666 beast!

After that, the nerves of the Bible have fought hardships, captured and sealed the beast of 666, and then the body and the four demon kings died together, and the soul carried the four original sins brought back from the four devil kings. , Into the seal, seizing 665 beasts.

Although I have n’t seen that so-called ritual, Saya knows that even without careful thought, it must have been the last straw that overwhelmed the will of the 666 beast.

I am afraid that the ritual is to use the sacred gun of twilight to gather the huge energy generated by the forbidden hand into a killing god's attack, and annihilate the last will of the 666 beast!

"However, with that guy as an ally, there must be more secret methods such as winning, but if the guy remembers correctly, it is not a good kind, it is best to turn your face!"

Thinking of a **** target he and others waited for, Shaye was full of malicious belly, and then said, "Okay, what are you going to do now, fight?"

During the talk, Saya moved like a pre-sports athlete preparing for sports. The girl's face was full of eager expressions, and the fighting spirit was terrible-

"Sar, Samuel, and this long-door monarch, let's fight! Whether it's heads-up or group fight, I don't mind, the only winner is me!" ..

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