My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 235: Gabriel's invitation is second!

"Now insert an emergency news--"

"Yesterday, Kyoto was hit by an unprecedented super earthquake, and the entire city was reduced to rubble in the earthquake. Fortunately, before that, the relevant authorities forced the migration of all people in Kyoto, and no casualties were caused."

"Just starting today, the Millennium Mojing has become a thing of the past."

"In the future, we can only understand the ancient capital of a millennium from some video pictures or paper materials in the past. This is the sorrow of the entire island country. Let us observe three minutes of silence for this."

Listening to the sound from the TV, purple eyes swept indifferently on the various pictures of Kyoto ruins presented on the TV screen, and the long door that had just eaten breakfast looked pale.

This is exactly the second day after the end of the Battle of Kyoto.

After the war in Kyoto ended, Nagato bid farewell to all the people present, then returned to Tokyo with his family members, as well as Sakura, Rebel and Jeanne.

As for some things after the Battle of Kyoto, Nagato was handed over to Guleifiya.

All in all, the entire battle of Kyoto suffered heavy losses from all parties.

The local power of Kyoto is the most severely lost, let alone the monsters and Onmyoji who died in the war, the whole of Kyoto is destroyed.

The monsters were lucky, because after the event, Jiu Zhong recognized Yu Yihu as his mother-in-law.

The entire Nine-Tailed Fox forces migrated directly to the Free City of the Underworld.

Onmyoji teachers fell into bad luck and lost the most important base area. The best result was only absorbed by all forces.

The Kyoto monsters have suffered heavy losses, and the Mythical Allied Forces have also suffered a lot!

The six dragon kings and the red dragon emperor were restrained by the dragon-eaters and seized too much power. They will be in a semi-disabled state for a long time in the future.

The army of the mythical forces of the remaining parties also suffered heavy losses.

Although there is no loss of giants, the coalition forces dispatched to Kyoto are not ordinary generations. Within the coalition forces, they are all elites in the future.

The loss of these elites will make the major myth forces go downhill for a long time to come.

In contrast, neither Saya nor the dragon eater suffered any losses.

Whether it is Saya's legion or the dragon-evil led by the dragon eater, they are creatures that can be created out of thin air, and consume at most some energy.

When Nagato left yesterday, it was generally understood that the enemy's almost unharmed Sazeks and Assachel both had a strange face

Thinking of this, Nagato couldn't help but reveal a subtle smile.

"However, having said that"

After turning off the TV, Nagato stood up and moved around, thinking in his mind, "I don't know how they are going to treat the angels?"

Knowing that the God of the Bible still exists, even if he has fallen, but the question of how to treat angels must also be mentioned in the league's regulations.

After all, no one knows what the angels will do after knowing that God is still alive.

Although those with pure white wings are the ultimate incarnations of goodness, when the God of the Bible was still a holy incarnation, there were angels falling into heaven.

In this situation, the angels directly follow their own master, and the possibility of the group falling into the sky is not impossible. This has made many mythical forces have to be prepared. "In this case, should I go and have a good talk with Michael!"

Walking to the hall, the long door sat on the sofa, but in my heart, I thought of what I had received from Michael when I went to Kyoto.

Although Bai Yujing's family is great, he doesn't care much about the angelic forces.

But how to say, when the future Nagato ascends to the throne of the true **** and needs to really start preaching, it seems very appropriate to have a group of angels to support or something.

at this time--


The red-haired boy raised his eyebrows gently, because in the empty hall almost ten meters in front of him, a red teleportation magic circle appeared out of thin air.

Subsequently, three figures emerged from the magic circle.

It was n’t anyone else who led it, it was Nagato ’s spokesperson responsible for the outside world, Guleifija, and beside Guleifija was a silent fallen angel governor, and

"Gabrielle ?!"

Looking at the head with the aperture, carrying twelve wings, looks like a plump Seraph, the first beauty in heaven, Gabriel, and the long gate couldn't help but be surprised.

"Master Nagato!"

At this time, Guleifiya walked out of the magic circle and came to the side of the long door, bowing and saluting, "The governor of the fallen angel and Miss Gabriel have something to discuss with you in person."

"Oh, that's really a rare guest!"

With a slight smile, Nagato said to the two who had just walked out of the magic circle, "You're welcome, please sit down, Assael, Gabriel!"

Hearing this, Asachel and Gabriel nodded, then sat on the sofa opposite the long door.

After being silent for a while, Asachel said stiffly, "This time it was not mainly I looking for you, but Gabriel was looking for you. She wanted you to go to heaven."

"Yes, Nagato Jun, if you can"

The blonde girl put her hands together in front of the huge European faction and made a pleading, "I hope that Nagato Jun can leave as soon as possible, and Michael can't hold it!"

During the talk, Gabriel's eyes were even red, and it seemed that she was about to cry!

"I understand!"

After looking at the ugly face of the fallen angel governor, and then at Gabriel, Nagato stood up and said, "It seems that the situation is very anxious. Let's talk while walking, Gabriel."

"By the way, Guréfia, you help me take care of the few people who are still in bed at home."

"And Asachel, are you coming together?"


After being silent for a while, Asachel said, "After all, I am not welcomed by the realm of heaven, Junmen, if you can, save Michael!"

"Also, Nagato Jun, do you think the future will be peaceful?"

Hearing Asachel ’s question, Nagato was stunned, and then left without looking back. The indifferent voice echoed from far and near

"Of course!"

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