My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 236: The third trip to heaven!

"Sure enough, it is not a fool to be a strong man!"

Behind Gabriel, Nagato felt a lot of emotion when he walked in front of the huge door. The Assasser guy might have discovered some clues.

However, when you know it, you know, and Nagato doesn't care.

At this point, the various forces in this world have little meaning for Nagato.

The rest is not enough for these mythical forces to intervene, even the average level of transcendence is not qualified to intervene!

Perhaps Assacher was also aware of this, so he didn't get to the bottom.

"Longmen Jun, please!"

At this time, Gabriel, who was walking in front, pushed open the door, and while walking in, he said, "This is an elevator for the angel above."

"Oh, that's really interesting!"

Hearing Gabriel's words, Nagato recovered from his thoughts, glanced at the so-called elevator, and walked in.

After the long door walked in, the elevator suddenly became a white space.

Immediately, the golden pattern began to shine at the feet of the two!

At the next moment, Nagato felt a sudden floating sensation, and the whole body was thrown towards the sky like a sensation!

In an instant, the surrounding scenery changed suddenly, and the divine light began to shine.

Looking around from the long gate to the surroundings-

Here is above the clouds. When you look up, the bright sky comes into your eyes. Then, a huge door appears in front of you, slowly opening!

"Longmen Jun! Welcome to Heaven."

With his back to the gate, Gabriel saluted respectfully towards the long door.

Through the huge door-the front door of the heaven, what is reflected in the long door is the road made of white rocks, the neatly arranged stone buildings on both sides, the buildings floating in the air, and coming and going, with pure white Winged angels.

"It's worthy of heaven, so dazzling!"

Following Gabriel, Nagato could not help but sighed.

The huge sky is shining with white light, everything in the field of vision of the red-haired boy, whether it is an angel or a building, even the road where the long gate is now walking is glowing.

The road is spotlessly clean, as pure as the surrounding light!

"There are a total of seven layers in the heavenly realm, here is the first layer-called the first day, the seventh day at the top is where the **** lives, and now there is only the miracle of the **** of the chief and the system of artifacts."

Seeing the interest on Nagato's face, Gabriel explained it very appropriately, and then said apologetically, "Although it is reasonable to say that Nagato is the first time to come, as a landlord, I should accompany Nagato to appreciate For a while, but Michael is dangerous now, so "

"I know, you will compensate me after the incident, Gabriel!"

Intermittently interrupting Gabriel's words, Nagato's gaze took a good look at the first beauty in heaven, and said in a pun.

"Thank you, Longmen Jun!"

It was just obvious that pure Gabriel could not hear the potential words of the long door, bowed very gratefully, and then directly pulled the hand of the long door and started to move forward.

Probably because Gabriel led the way, the long gate and Gabriel were not hindered by all the way, and at most received the curious eyes of the angels.

After passing through the elevator several times in a row, the long door and Gabriel arrived on the sixth day soon.

At the first glance here, the long gate saw it, standing at the end of his field of vision, the shrine-like building that shone with a golden aperture.

The entire building is constantly releasing sacred waves, and it feels like seeing it as a blessing. The amount of light has reached such a level that it is not surprising that the devil will disappear with a glance.

In front of this building, several angels with ten wings and twelve wings were standing there.

After seeing the appearance of Nagato and Gabriel, some of the most superior angels could not help but reveal a look of surprise, and then looked at Nagato one by one with the eyes of scrutiny.


Seeing the angels' long eyes could not help but snorted coldly.

Although the indifferent posture can not be seen now, Nagato is finally a strong man who came from the overbearing position, where he can withstand the scrutiny of others.

However, after all, Nagato thought of Michael ’s previous statement, instead of using violent counterattacks, but evoking the brilliance of the giant statue of the gods, which was a fusion of three beasts in his body.

A simple touch of light appeared out of thin air from the teenager.

All the angels seemed to see a blow, and could not help but stagnate. Some angels could not help but take a few steps backwards.

After a moment, all the angels showed an unparalleled surprise.

No one is more surprised than an angel, even an incarnation of light, who sees the brilliance of the Nagato, which is no longer the sacred and noble glory of the general.

That brilliance has transcended everything in the common sense of angels.

It even surpassed the angels who never missed!

"Master Nagato!"

Seeing the silent interaction between Nagato and other angels, Gabriel could not help but said, and during the speech, the beautiful angel even changed the title of Nagato involuntarily.

"No need to talk, where is Michael?"

Waving hands interrupted Gabriel's words, and the Nagato didn't say much nonsense, and went directly to the topic, "Let me see Michael's situation first and then talk about it."

"Uh, okay!"

Hearing the long door, Gabriel was surprised, and then directly volleyed a little, and another elevator appeared in front of the long door-

"Because of the seventh floor, I will not accompany you to go up!"


In response to Gabriel, the long door nodded and walked into the elevator alone. At the next moment, the red-haired boy and the elevator disappeared in front of the angels.

After he disappeared, all the angels breathed a sigh of relief unconsciously.

After a while, the angels discussed.

"I don't know, are we doing this right?"

"It should be right, after all the light"

"Glory beyond everything!"

"" ..

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