My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 237: My Lord! ! ! Fourth more!

"Crack !!!"

After a brief weightlessness, the elevator door suddenly opened.

Reflected in the eyes of the long door is a simple temple. Compared to the building on the sixth day, the temple in front of you may not be so bright, but it is extremely thick.

For example, the building on the sixth day is like a young man with a bright appearance, and the temple is like a majestic middle-aged man with a successful career.

The youth looks bright, but the inside is flashy.

"Say, what am I thinking about!"

In a trance, the long door had walked out of the elevator, and then the thoughts in his heart flashed, and the red-haired boy began to follow his instinct.

The entire seventh day was very quiet, and could even be described as silence.

The vast world seems to be in a state of time stillness.

Long Gate walked all the way, and there was no other thing besides the temple building with a thick breath, and no other creatures.

This situation continued until the long gate reached the deepest part of the temple-

It was an empty space, full of mysterious fluctuations.

Walking in from the doorway of the space, the long door saw a huge cross at first glance. No, not so much as a cross, but as two crossed cylinders.

In the center where the cylinder crosses, Michael is bound to it!

The dark lines surround the Seraph, and the six pairs of pure white wings flicker bright and dark, symbolizing that their owner is wandering between light and darkness

From the front, it looks like a dragon eater!

By the way, the two cylinders seem to have been summoned and are trembling.

"It turns out so!"

Nagato is a figure of He Xu, and at first glance he can see Michael's present state.

Obviously, the archangel in front of the long door is using his body and even the whole soul to suppress the two cylinders that are about to be summoned.

It was just that the original sin on the cylinder made Michael a bit unbearable.

"This breath should be the God of the Bible!"

After a detailed understanding, Nagato came to such a conclusion, and at the same time Nagato was a little curious, what are the two cylinders in front of him-

It will be contaminated with God's original sin and get the call of God.

"Save Michael first!"

After thinking for a while, the long door glanced at the painful Michael, and it didn't waste time. The faint mist diffused from around the red-haired boy and covered the whole space in the blink of an eye.

Immediately, the vibration of the two cylinders disappeared!

Then Nagato snapped his fingers, and the phantoms of Sky Dragon, Pterosaur Dragon and Giant Divine Soldier emerged behind Nagato. At the next moment, a giant idol giant appeared in the sky.


I saw that after the emergence of the giant, his hands directly held two huge cylinders, and the radiance from the gods poured out directly, dispersing the breath of original sin, or swallowing it!

Michael finally lifted his shackles at this moment.



Straight down to the ground.

Strolling to Michael lying on the ground, the long door spoke quietly and said, "Hey, Archangel, are you still awake?"

"I'm still awake!"

After being silent for a while, Michael, who seemed to be in a coma, slowly spoke out and said, "Sorry, Lord Nagato, let you see this ugliness."

Then I saw the archangel slowly sitting up, looking at the long gate with a bit of awkward smile, at the same time, the wings behind him finally returned to a holy white.

"No, this is not ugly!"

Shaking his head lightly, the Nagato denied Michael ’s words, “Can you do this step, Michael, you ’re really amazing, at least in my opinion.”

"Thank you for the compliment!"

Hearing the long gate, Michael just smiled bitterly, not proudly.

"I want to ask something!"

At this moment, Nagato's eyes narrowed slightly before he said, "I don't ask you when you see my truth. Anyway, from the beginning, I never lied, just deliberately didn't say something. Found. "

"What I want to ask is, do you know the consequences of your choice?"

"I know!"

Michael's answer was decisive.

After taking a few deep breaths, Michael stood up from the ground, bowed slightly towards the long door, and then slowly began to tell:

"A long time ago, I was just an angel, the spokesperson of the Lord's will."

"But after the death of the Lord, I am no longer a simple angel, but an archangel who shoulders the entire angelic family, and I must be responsible for the entire race."

"An angel is a messenger of heaven, a person who spreads light, and nothing else!"


Hearing Michael's words, a smile appeared at the corner of the long door.

The news that the dragon eater is the wrath of God may not be known by the angels, but Michael must know that God has not yet died, and has fallen into darkness, but he still uses the saying that the Lord is dead.

Obviously, Michael refused to recognize the fallen **** as his own master.

"Then I won't be hypocritical!"

Hearing Michael's decision, Nagato nodded lightly, and the original air of Heaven's Tao, which had been sealed tightly, diffused at this moment.

Feeling this noble glory, Michael couldn't help but be shocked.

What a glorious noble and magnificent shore!

Michael couldn't help but knelt down and worshiped at the top of the long door. The long door didn't care about it, but passed directly over Michael and came under the two cylinders.

The idol giant held the cylinder and reached in front of the long door.

Then Nagato pointed at one of the cylinders, and with a bang, the glorious wave of Wei An diffused at this moment, spreading throughout the heavens for seven days in an instant.

All the angels froze for a moment, and then they all felt the warmth in their hearts.

It seemed as if something had entered their hearts.

Immediately, like a flash of light, all the angels and even all the Holy Spirit suddenly understood what they were, and at this moment they knelt down and shouted in their mouths—

"My Lord !!!"

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