My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 238: Star Spirit Road first!

In the Romanian mountains, there stands a grand castle.

Surrounded by the magnificent castle in the center, many buildings were built, coupled with the rare snowy night at this time, the surrounding environment is all snowy mountains, which can be called a superb scene.

However, in this superb scene, brutal wars are staged.

Under the guidance of some fuse, the vampire Zepesh faction and Camilla faction that have been hiding here since ancient times finally broke out completely.

The female-oriented Camila Vampires took advantage of the snowy night to launch a surprise attack

Only unexpectedly, the Zepesh faction was already prepared to wait for the enemy to come to the door. As a last resort, the so-called surprise attack can only evolve into a frontal attack!

The magic of blood beyond imagination, the horrifying claws that tear the flesh, the speed of making people unresponsive, the special ability of innate aliens, etc., the vampires' moves are endless.

Soon, deaths and injuries appeared in both conveniences, and the big snow gradually became stained with blood.

Seeing the war going to a fierce stage-


An angry roar came from the central castle.

Terror and coercion erupted from the central castle, impacting the hearts of all the vampires present. Many vampires fainted in an instant.

At the next moment, an evil dragon flew from the castle

"This is a dragon? No, these dragons !!"

"All have the breath of vampires, don't they?"

"The guys in Cepes even gave up the vampire's glory!"

Seeing this scene, Camilla ’s commander of the vampire—the young blonde vampire who looked like he could n’t help but widen his eyes.

Subsequently, she subconsciously activated the magic circle under her feet.

At this moment, the evil dragons seemed to feel the breath of the magic circle, and dozens of dragon breaths bombarded from the sky.


The space twisted and broken at this moment.

The seventh day of heaven, deep in the temple of God.

The sublime and sacred light gradually converged, revealing the prowling Michael and the red-haired boy sitting on the suspended throne.

The two cylinders of the miracle system and the artifact system have long disappeared, or become an integral part of the Nagato Tenkai system!

At this time, Nagato has become God-the only true God in the hearts of angels!


Slightly opened eyes, and the purple eyes of the long door seemed to penetrate the time and space, and noticed some extreme anger from the existence of the human world.

"Is this sudden hatred my hard predecessor?"

Such speculations flashed in his mind, and then Nagato instinctively understood that he seemed to be right, that was the anger of the biblical **** who had completely lost his place.

But what about that, since it ’s just a biblical god, it ’s not worthy of attention.

Thinking this way, the focal length of Nagato's gaze gradually condensed, and then he saw Michael still crawling under him, and then said: "Michele Qing!"

"My Lord!"

Hearing the call of the long gate, Michael crawled even lower.

Seeing the Archangel's gesture like this, Nagato knew that this was his loyalty to himself, and he couldn't help showing a satisfied smile.

Although it has obtained the position of the God of the Bible, this does not mean that Nagato has been recognized by all angels. Those lower-level angels will not say it. There are many high-level angels who know the truth.

They may not necessarily recognize the new God Lord Nagato!

But that doesn't matter. With the hegemony of the Nagato and its influence, with the passage of time, the Nagato will eventually become the only true **** in the hearts of the angels.

However, if Michael had the full help from the beginning to speed up this process, it is also excellent for Nagato!

"Go, do what you should do!"

Speaking lightly of his arrangements, Nagato continued, "I need some time to sort out the legacy of my predecessor. Don't let anyone disturb me for now!"

"Michael understood, my lord!"

Hearing the command of the long gate, Michael stood up and retreated to the door of the space, "Michael assured you that your glory will eventually cover the sky!"

As soon as the words fell, Michael turned and left the space.

"Crack !!!"

After Michael left, the space door closed automatically, and then disappeared.

Only the red-haired boy was left sitting alone on the throne

Subsequently, Nagato closed his eyes with a smile, and the faint light once again diffused from the red-haired boy, and soon filled the entire space.

However, this time the brilliance was completely concentrated in this space, and did not cause turmoil in the entire heaven.

At the same time, Nagato's consciousness gradually increased, leaving from this space, and in an instant he crossed the endless time and space and came into the original starry sky of the heavens and the world.

The strength of the source gathered, and a temporary body was gradually condensed with the consciousness of Nagato.

Nagato's consciousness entered the body, and he grasped everything in the body for a moment, then opened his eyes. At first glance, Nagato saw it, and was constantly fusing the core of the system of two cylinders.

It looks like the sun is eating two cylinders that fall into it.

As far as pure visual effects are concerned, it is quite spectacular.

It ’s just that Nagato ’s focus is not on these. The red-haired boy is concerned that with the constant swallowing, a large amount of various biological information intelligences that have been studied by the God of the Bible in order to find the strongest body are fed back into his own consciousness Some subtle changes have taken place in the humane origin of.

Originally, the core of the strength of Nagato's humane origin came from Zhu Yue——

It contains information about the evolution of the entire earth's ecosystem and even hundreds of millions of years before the birth of Zhu Yue.

With the integration of the new information, these informations have unexpectedly changed.

If you want to express it in words, it is-the disordered life information seems to have a tendency to form a whole.

Indistinctly, Nagato found that he seemed to have touched the road ahead for the promotion of humanitarian mode. A road full of brilliance, but equally difficult, appeared in front of his eyes.

"Is this the so-called Protoss Road?" ..

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