My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 241: The chaotic Valkyrie first!

"Lose Viase? Why are you here?"

Having just learned about the heavens from his own unique channel, Asachel, with a very complicated mood, could not help but blurt out when he saw a Valkyrie who was anxiously looking for something.

"As Odin's personal Valkyrie, shouldn't you have gone back with Odin? Or, did Odin give you the mission to stay?"

It ’s just that when the words are spoken, the fallen angel governor regrets it


"Leave, leave ?!"

"How could it be? How could Lord Odin leave alone without notifying me!"

"Hardly, is this the legendary dismissal? !!! That's right, this is the dismissal! Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo high! You are so outrageous, Odin!"

Hearing Assahir's words, the Valkyrie who was originally unable to find Odin could not help but change his face.

Originally, Roth Viasser thought that Odin just went to the places where women were infested in some leisure time, as usual.

Only after hearing the words of the fallen angel governor, the Valkyrie felt a bit wrong.

With constant self-talk, the tears of the silver-haired Valkyrie came out directly, "I tried so hard for Lord Odin, but he forgot me to the island country!"

"It's too much! I even abandoned me! Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooerer! I'm a woman who doesn't do a good job! I'm a virgin! No boyfriend's history equals my age!"

In the end, the Valkyrie ran away in tears

Seeing this scene, the fallen angel governor was speechless and guilty, and originally had a deep and complicated mood due to the change of the heavenly realm, which was unexpectedly much better.

"Huh, after all, I was so happy to build happiness on the suffering of others. It seems that I am really a natural villain!"

Some laughed self-deprecatingly. The Governor of the Fallen Angel thought about it and turned back to his office. Since the change of the heavens has already happened, that is the fact.

Assachel had to estimate what he could do before the accident spread!

"At least guarantee world peace, don't you?"

The man who pretended to be the leader of the villain sneered at himself and continued to bury his intelligence

"Woo !!!!"

On the other side, the silver-haired Valkyrie panicked in tears and ran into the road, even inadvertently broke into the Kokwang Academy. Fortunately, today is a Sunday, the college is almost empty

Otherwise, the face of the Valkyrie may be a little lost!


Only after moving forward for a while, Rose Viase seemed to sense something, could not help stopping the pace of progress, and looked around subconsciously.

This view suddenly surprised the silver-haired Valkyrie.

Because in this empty college, there was a faint mist everywhere, and at the same time, a slippery warmth wrapped around the whole body.

"not good!!"

As a master of the existence of a large number of Nordic magic, the Valkyrie suddenly understood that he seemed to have stepped into a special enchantment that was being formed unintentionally

"Is this a typical example of‘ when people are unlucky, they will choke on their saliva! ’?”

Faced with this sudden situation, the Valkyrie, who has good psychological qualities, even has a leisurely mentality to open a self-deprecating sentence, and then watch the changes.

In this case, violent breaking of the enchantment is always the most inferior approach, because you do n’t know what a bad reaction the attack will produce. Only by carefully observing and finding clues about this mysterious enchantment can we make the most correct choice.

The next moment, the surrounding environment began to change—

The big college disappeared!

Instead, it looks like a vast grassland area. At the center of the grassland stands a seven-story giant tower that looks straight to the sky.

In front of the giant tower, Roseviase actually saw Lucifer's sister, Lias Gimory, and five or six figures standing there.

Waiting for the silver-haired Valkyrie to ask questions, red paper fell from the pagoda.

Rosewisser lifted one of his hands subconsciously, grabbed the paper closest to him, and found that there was a word on the paper.

Opening up, the silver-haired Valkyrie could not help but be a little surprised-

"Gift Game Name: Courage in the Seventh Tower!

Participants at a glance: all foreigners in the ideal country caught in the fog!

Contestants' victory conditions:

Pass the test of the pagoda in twelve hours, reach the top of the pagoda, and see the pagoda owner!

Sponsor victory conditions:

Participants did not pass the test of the pagoda within the specified time!

Contestants admit defeat.

If the contestant wins, he will get an unconditional promise from the organizer. If the organizer wins, he will get the ownership of the contestant.

Oath: Respect the above, and hold a gift game based on glory, wisdom, and power. "

——What strange situation is this? !

Looking at the red document in front of her, Rose Viasser's face could not help flashing a surprise. At this moment, she found that she was inexplicably made a contract.

After thinking hard for a while, she was still puzzled.

In the end, she could only look at Lias and the others.

At the same time, Lias and others also discovered this uninvited guest, and saw the red-haired girl wandering to the silver-haired Valkyrie.

"Hello, I ’m Lias Gimri, the future Grand Duke Gimri, I remember that you should be by the Nordic Lord God Odin."

"No !!!"

Hearing that Lias mentioned Odin, Roseviase could not help but denied it a little out of control. Then the girl realized that she had behaved inappropriately, smiled bitterly, and then said, "Sorry, something happened. Is a bit reckless. "

"In Lower Rosewisser, His Highness Jimmony, can you please tell me what is going on now?" Taking a deep breath secretly, the silver-haired Valkyrie picked up the red file in his hand and asked.

"This, what should I say?"

Hearing the Valkyrie ’s question, Lias Guimonry ’s face was obviously embarrassed, and she was silent for a while before she said, “I can only say, Miss Rosewiese, your luck is really bad "

ps: Try to write in the box court. ..

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