My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 242: The world has the second most power!

Lias's words made Rose Viase somehow inexplicable.

It was only in the subsequent explanation of Liyasi that Rose Viasser's complexion gradually changed, from the original inexplicable to the complicated, to the unbelievable horror——

The origin of all this is Lias's declaration of war against Nagato!

Four or five months ago, Nagato and Lias had an appointment game, which was based on all of Lias' future bets.

At that time, Nagato put forward the restriction of sealing the three great gods to extinguish the banned hands.

Thus let Lias see the hope of victory.

But with the passage of time and the frequent fighting these days, Lias gradually realized that the long door is unfathomable.

God-defenders have never been powerful because of God's destruction.

On the contrary, it is because God is powerful because of him.

In fact, Lias already knew her fate, but it was just the pride in her heart that made the girl really unwilling to admit defeat, or, even if she lost, she must lose in a downright manner.

Maybe it was touched by Lias, or it was her own bad taste

After receiving the challenge from Liyasi, Nagato proposed a second method, which is to use the god's extinct hand, the ideal country in the fog, as a venue for Liyasi and others to challenge.

As long as they can pass the test, they can win without having to fight with Nagato.

Even in order to make up for the family of Lias, Molongsheng Tanning, because of the dragon eater, he cultivated the resulting power gap. , Al Mein Schertingerstein as a foreign aid to Lias.

Such a good thing, Lias naturally agrees!

I just didn't expect that Rosewiese would get in at this time and be recognized as a member of the contestant's side by the entire ideal country.

"This unscientific!!!"

After listening to Lias, the silver-haired Valkyrie remained silent for a while, and then said with a complex face, "How can this kind of thing be done!"

"what's up?"

Lias and others could not help but look at each other.

The vast majority of these people are too young, and the only Yuba Kiba with a long memory of the years is too laid-back because of her previous life, and the knowledge reserve is not much.

Compared to them, Los Vivias, although not very old, is completely different.

As an existence that grew up in the magically developed forces of Nordic mythology, the knowledge reserve in the mind of Rosewiese has thrown away several streets.

Therefore, she was frightened by the so-called ideal country in the mist.

The girl is very clear that it is not difficult to create a heterogeneous space, but it is harder to create a heterogeneous space that can affect all living beings that enter into it and make a contract.

If this space is to let yourself sign a contract in a way like hypnosis, Los Vyasser will not be so surprised, but when the contract was just signed, the girl knew that she was not affected.

It is a contract signed directly by the space without its own approval!

In this case, even the strong gods such as Odin, the main goddess worshipped by the Valkyries, are impossible to achieve, at least in the light of the broad knowledge of Los Visanas!


"Which of the many main gods are still exploring, taking control of the world?" Frowning slightly, Rosewisse murmured in words that only he could hear, and then could not help but doubt the identity of Nagato

"Miss Rosewiese ?!"

At this moment, seeing that the Valkyrie in front of her was in deep contemplation, Li Yasi had to open her mouth to wake it up. After all, Li Yasi didn't have much time.

"Ah, sorry, think of something!"

After sobering up from meditation, Rosewiese calmed his mind and took a deep look at the tower before officially speaking, "Since the contract has been enforced, then I can't escape."

"Let me wish you a helping hand, Your Excellency Lyas Gimri!"

"It's my honor!"

Upon hearing the Valkyrie's answer, Lias couldn't help smiling.

The seventh floor of the tower.

This is a normal family environment that looks very normal.

"Huh, it's really amazing!"

The red-haired teenager sitting on the sofa in the hall looked at the TV screen not far away, and Roseviaser looked deeply at the scene of the tower, and could not help but admire:

"It seems that the Valkyrie, who accidentally ran into it, seems to have discovered something!"

Although the silver-haired girl's self-talk is very small, even the people around Lias and others haven't heard it, but the long gate that controls the whole country naturally heard it!

The fact is just as the girl thought-

At this time, Nagato has indeed controlled a part of the power of the entire world, and all of this is due to the two systems that the God of the Bible left in the heavenly realm.

The artifact system is in charge of many artifacts, letting the artifacts enter the forbidden state with the thoughts of all beings, against the flow of the entire world, thus causing a slight delay in the operation of the world

At the same time, it intercepts the power brought by some hands-off and maintains the operation of the system.

And the miracle system of Si Zhangshen took the opportunity to erode the whole world!

In short, these two systems are actually developed by the God of the Bible in order to gain world power. From this point, I have to say that the God of the Bible is really a genius.

It's just that the God of Scripture is out of luck, and his conspiracy can only make a wedding dress for Nagato in the end!

It is with this authority that Nagato can enforce the contract in the country!

Make everyone have to participate in the game!

"Although my authority is not big enough today, I can't enforce contracts with those powerful Demon Kings and those beyond."

"But in the face of the existence of some of the most common Demon King level, it is still very easy to do!"

Sitting on the sofa, the long door looked at the contestants who had reached the tower before the screen in front of him, and could not help but show a smile that calmed the opponent.



The sudden explosion suddenly interrupted the pretense of the long door.

Afterwards, Gabriel ran out of the kitchen in a dark body and said aloud, "No good, Lord Nagato, the kitchen exploded."

"" ..

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