My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 248: Goodbye Orpheus first!

Time rushed, more than a month in a flash.

In these days, Nagato has been living in a drunken dream, and the life of nights and nights, and all the girls, including Lias, have not been able to escape the poisonous hands of Nagato.

All, with no room for resistance, was eaten completely by the red-haired boy.

Even if it seems that the Tacheng Baiyin has not yet fully matured, or El Mein Schertingerstein, who has just known for a long time, it is the same as Rose Viasser who accidentally broke into the long door trial.

During this period, Sazax finally learned that Lias had completely lost to Nagato, and hurried over, not only saw Lias, who had been lost to Nagato.

I also saw the picture of Nagato and Gurefia kissing.

The Red-haired Demon King broke out completely on the spot. Immediately, the Nagato and the Demon King fought an unknown battle in the alien space, and then the Red-haired Demon King left without a soul.

It is said that the devil was drunk directly on the day, and even almost made a streaking streak.

I have to say that this is a sad thing.

Of course, for Nagato, this is just a trivial matter. As time goes by, Nagato's hunch that he will leave alone becomes stronger and stronger.

Without knowing how long he will leave alone, in order not to leave regret, Nagato will naturally eat what can be eaten directly, and the red-haired teenager will immediately become a bulldozer

In the early morning of a certain night, Nagato directly attacked Cangna at night.

Then Nagato dragged Cangna's queen into the room again, playing double flight!

After that, Nagato fought the Leviathan demon who found that Cangna had lost his body and ran away, but as the battle ended, Nagato once again took the Leviathan demon.

The most worth mentioning is that Nagato went to the mainland of the heavens even at the cost of thousands of miles, and defeated the White Dragon Emperor and other people brightly, and then directly from their hands, the sister of the Saint King Sword-Rufi Pendela Gong, as well as Tacheng black songs were all snatched back.

To be honest, after that incident, in addition to the original title of "God of the Gods", Nagato added an additional nickname of "Sorcer".

Of course, in the eyes of women in the Three Realms, the threat of Nagato suddenly increased!

In the early morning of late autumn, the temperature of the whole Tokyo gradually became colder.

When Nagato's routine awakened from the gentle township, the red-haired teenager did not wake up the girls around him, what routine morning action.

Standing carefully, the long door carefully covered the girls with quilts.

After more than a month of indulgence, after confirming that there is really no "fish caught in the net" in his mouth, the originally sensible Nagato gradually returned to normal.

After all this was done, Nagato communicated with the systems of the heavens and the worlds, infused his own spiritual power into the gap between the hearts of these girls, and arranged an enchantment.

Then, Nagato left alone and quietly left the villa.

After stepping out of the gate of the villa, the ripples of the space swayed at the feet of the red-haired boy, and the whole person of the long door disappeared instantly in the human world. At the same time, his figure appeared above the free city of the underworld.

The time of the underworld and the human world is the same under the concerted adjustment of the forces of all parties.

Therefore, the underworld at this time is also in the early morning hours.

But compared to Tokyo, which is still a bit scarce, the City of Liberty below the location of the Nagato is already lively, and at a glance, people are everywhere.

Perhaps this has nothing to do with the life in the underworld is ordinary humans!

Such an idea flashed in my mind, and the Nagato didn't care. The whole person emptied a little under the feet, and broke the void, and appeared directly in a courtyard in the City of Freedom.

"My contractor, here you come!"

Just standing on the ground in the courtyard, there was a slightly inorganic sound in the ear of the long door. He turned his head and looked over, where a beautiful girl was standing.

It was a girl with beautiful dark hair, not as delicate as human cheeks, plus a little sharp ears and a weak body outside the black hair, making the girl look like Like a cute elf who needs protection from others.

However, the real fact is that in this plane, the girl in front of him does not need any protection.

She is more terrifying than any elf because she is—

"Infinite Dragon God-Orpheus!"

He yelled the girl's name softly, and the long door turned and walked to the girl's front, "Orpheus, I'm almost about to fulfill my agreement!"

"Oh, so, what do you plan to do?"

Hearing the words of the long gate, Orpheus's face showed a surprise, but he barely restrained the joy between words, so he calmly asked questions.

"Now, Orpheus, do you know your origins?"

Faced with Orpheus's question, Nagato did not answer immediately, but asked another question, "Also, do you want to kill the Great Red, or just drive it out of the dimensional gap?"

"When I am conscious, I am the infinite dragon **** Orpheus!"

As for the question of Nagato, Orpheus's face showed a doubt. After hesitating, he naturally answered the Nagato's question——

"What I need should be a dimension gap. According to my memory, I need that eternal silence. As for killing the great red, if I can, I would like to do it myself."

At the end of the talk, Orpheus' face flashed with hate that she didn't know about.

After seeing this scene, Nagato suddenly felt.

After confirming his and Saya ’s speculations again, Nagato took a step further in front of Orpheus, and the right hand directly lifted the chin of Infinite Dragon.

"Orpheus, let's make a new agreement!"

"I use my power to reproduce for you the supreme glory that I should have. Then, the infinite dragon **** will always be my infinite dragon god!"

"Then, let us two, join hands with each other in this infinite world and walk together!"

As soon as the voice fell, the long door leaned down and kissed ..

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