My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 249: The second prelude to the final battle!


Orpheus, who was strongly kissed by the long door, couldn't help but stagnate. Then he woke up and slammed open the long door. He stepped back a few steps and looked at the long door, at a loss.

"Ru, do you know what you are doing !!!"

In the language, the old language that the girl had always used was replaced by modern language.

This shows that the peace in Orpheus's heart!

"Ha ha!"

Seeing this scene, Nagato could not help but chuckled.

If you change to Orpheus more than a hundred years ago, I am afraid that you have stripped her off. I am afraid that she will not react. Maybe she will ask curiously what Nagato is doing.

Speaking of which, Nagato had to admire Ilya.

In these years, Nagato handed Orpheus to Ilia, and after his efforts, the infinite dragon **** Orpheus was finally completely dyed with life.

"Of course I know what I am doing."

After a slight smile, Nagato looked at Orpheus's sullen face and said, "Orpheus instead, haven't you noticed the difference in your body?"

"What eh?"

Hearing the long gate, Orpheus suddenly froze.

At this time, the Infinite Dragon God only found out that he didn't know when his body was covered with a ‘foreign thing’. When his thoughts moved, the ‘foreign thing’ turned into a spiritual light and merged into her soul.

"Boom !!!"

At this time, Orpheus could not help but startled.

A large amount of information poured into the mind of Infinite Dragon God, making her expression complicated in an instant. Before long, Orpheus said hesitantly:

"This, is this true?"

"Of course!"

Nagato's face was filled with a firm smile, and he said earnestly, "It has been confirmed repeatedly, there will be nothing wrong, so, Orpheus, together?"

"Of course, I can't wait!"

After a moment of silence, Orpheus said firmly.


Hearing Orpheus's answer, Nagato smiled with satisfaction, then snapped his fingers, and the invisible fluctuations spread from Nagato's body, spreading throughout the plane in an instant.

In the city's main palace, Rin, who had just woken up, suddenly sobered from low blood pressure, and a flash of light flashed in his deep eyes. The upper-level cadres of the entire Free City were summoned for the first time.

As far away as possible, in a certain palace of the scourge group of the Celestial Empire in the human world, the silver-haired emperor entrenched on the throne couldn't help but laugh from the sky and walked out one after another powerful knight!

In a corner of the plane, Saya stopped and smiled in place

"Oh, finally started!"

next moment--


At this moment, unspeakable dimensional shocks broke out between the dimensional gaps.

The entire dxd plane and its attached space produced a shock. At this moment, all the powerful men with the level of the devil and even the strength above felt the shock and couldn't help but be shocked.

Deep in a gorgeous castle in the Romanian mountains.

The blonde girl who was soaked in the blood pool could not help but snorted coldly, and then came out of the blood pool with bare body, Ling Yun's fighting intention gradually germinated

"Huh, although it is not time, but the battle of life and death, why has a certain family climbed!"

At the same time, the entire dxd plane is the strongest Hindu pure land.

Three noble deities are sitting above the void.

Those are three very unique gods. On the left is an old man with pink skin, four heads and four arms. In the middle is a young man with five faces, three eyes and four arms. On the far right is a peaceful man. Young warrior.

The three gods in front of you are not others, it is the three gods of Hinduism-

Big Burning Sky, Great Comfortable Sky, and Myopia Sky!

"New outsider?"

"It should be, stronger than the last one, do you want to do it?"

"No, destiny told me that our goal is coming"

"So, let's go!"

In the last sentence of the great freedom, the three gods gradually merged together. Soon, the three gods turned into a handsome and indifferent boy

A faint divine power permeated from the young man, making the void of the entire pure land somewhat unbearable.

If you let outsiders see this scene, I'm afraid you will be stunned!

No one can imagine that the three Indian gods who stand above the earth will actually be one!

If Nagato sees this scene, he will be surprised to find that this young man is almost the same as the one who saw himself in the big comfortable world!

"The time for destiny is almost up, and the moment of detachment is at this moment!"

As soon as the voice fell, the indifferent boy stepped out and disappeared into the pure land.

Dimensional gap!

Here is the junction of different dimensions in the dxd plane, which is also the foundation of all dimensions of the plane, infinitely small but infinitely vast.

However, at this time this foundation is constantly shaking

A huge turbulent space began to wreak havoc.


At this moment, accompanied by a violent roar, a powerful red body covered with dreamy gems burst out of the turbulent flow of space.

This dragon is more than 100 meters tall, full of indescribable deterrence.

This dragon is none other than the existence of the strongest sequence known as the dxd plane-the great red!

Only at this moment, the posture of the strongest dragon in the legend rushing out of the turbulence in space seems to be a little embarrassed, and there is also a hint of hesitation in the sound of Long Yin.


At this moment, a dragon chant sounded again in the turbulence of the space. At the next moment, a slightly deserted silver energy dragon rushed out and drove towards the great red.

"Aooo !!!"

Seemingly perceiving the chase behind him, the great red turned directly, that is, a giant crimson dragon breath jetted out of the dragon's mouth and collided with the energy dragon.


The turbulence in space is more intense at this moment

ps: A big explosion will start tomorrow, and I will brew it again! ..

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