My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 250: The killing pill reproduces the first more!


At this moment, the cold hum resounded in the gap of the dimension.

The turbulent flow of space is filled with a deserted silver moon, which not only suppresses the turbulent flow of the space that is almost out of control, but also opens up a path to the starry sky.

At the next moment, the silver-haired shuddering prince walked out of Yuehua Road.

He is no one else, it is a killing pill!

After a lapse of hundreds of years, he finally returned from the deep sleep of bloodline evolution.

"After so many years, you still haven't improved!"

I saw the golden eyes of the big monster glanced at the slightly crimson red dragon not far away, and the corner of the mouth of the killing pill finally appeared a scornful arc, and said tauntingly.


Hearing the killing pill, the great red couldn't help but utter an angry roar, and the huge wings swung violently, turning into an endless crimson storm, rolling towards the position where the killing pill was!

The turbulence in the space that had been gradually calmed down was attracted at this time

Evolved into a more terrifying storm of destruction!


"Boring means!"

Facing the crimson storm that seemed to be approaching slowly, there was no movement on the face of Shisheng Pill, and his left hand turned into a claw, and the strong and dazzling light was condensed.

With one claw, the terrifying heat appeared out of thin air, condensing into five hot claw blades!

Subsequently, five claw blades cut through the void and beheaded in the center of the storm


The unprecedented horror explosion exploded at this moment, and the turbulence of the space was filled with madness. In a blink of an eye, the area covered a thousand kilometers, and even continued to expand! .

At this moment, the big Three Realms shook again, and even an earthquake occurred.


Standing at the forefront of the explosion, Shisheng Pill frowned.

This frown is not because the big monster feels the damage caused by fighting with the Great Red. This kind of trivial matter is not worth killing Shengshengwan at all.

The reason why Shishengwan frowned was that the breath of the great red had changed

It is growing at an unprecedented rate!

"Oh I see!"

After thinking a little, Shi Sheng Wan couldn't help but understand.

The reason why the Great Red is lofty in the dxd plane is not only because he surpasses the power of the dragon, but also because he is the guardian of the world

When the world is damaged, the great red will gain the will of the world!

If you think about it this way, the explosion just happened was caused by the Great Red. His purpose is simple and clear, which is to increase the turbulence of the entire dimension.

In turn, it affects and threatens the entire world and stimulates world awareness!

"It's really clever!"

He whispered in a low voice, the cold silver Yuehua bloomed, and the Shengsheng Pill, accompanied by Yuehua, almost turned into a light and rushed towards the great red!


Facing the killing pill from the rush, the great red couldn't help roaring, two sharp dragon claws were drawn out in the void, and six red claws came out.

Just with the speed and agility of the killing pills, he almost escaped the claw's bombardment almost instantly. The next moment, the silver-haired noble son appeared directly on the head of the Crimson Dragon

The two hands were pinched into claws, condensing the sunlight and the moon, respectively, and waving down!

"Claw of the Corona !!!"

"Yuehua's Claw !!!"

Five hot golden claws and five cold silver claws emerged out of thin air, hitting the head and back of Crimson Dragon heavily


A fierce roar erupted from the Crimson Dragon!

The energy-like claws collided violently with the jewel-like scales on the surface of the crimson dragon's body, so that the great red couldn't help but utter a howling dragon chant.

Seeing that the great red is about to fall from the void-


Great changes have appeared!

Crimson energy fluctuations erupted around the body of the Great Red, and even began to dye the gap of the entire dimension into crimson colors.


At this moment, the Great Red issued a tremendous dragon sound.

At the next moment, the body of the vast dragon, which was as high as 100 meters, began to change, shrinking, shrinking, and shrinking again. In a blink of an eye, it shrank to only about two meters.

Then, the dragon's body began to deform violently. The sturdy body gradually became slender, the short forelimb gradually became an arm, and the thick hind limb changed into a long leg.

In a blink of an eye, the great red has changed from a dragon to a dragon warrior of different types!

"Ah, you bastard!"

The crimson dragon warrior glared at the killing pill at the next moment of appearance, "actually made the deity show this gesture, come out, my artifacts!"

As soon as the words fell, the space that had been dyed crimson began to ripple.

Along with these spatial ripples, a large number of artifacts flashing the breath of God appeared in the surrounding space, and the dense number of them even obscured the view of Shisheng Pill.

"Huh? This is"

Looking at this scene, Shi Sheng Wan's brows could not help but raise!

A single artifact is not enough to make Sheng Sheng Wan sad, but the number of these artifacts around it is indeed quite amazing, and most importantly, the breath of these artifacts is one.

In this way, Rao Shishengshengwan must also pay attention to it!

"Haha, are you scared?"

It seemed that he was very satisfied with the reaction of the killing pill, and the dragon warrior laughed, "This is an artifact group created by countless years after the deity has absorbed the dreams of all beings!"

"Take this trick for me, a fool from another world !!!"

As soon as the Dragon Warrior's words fell, the surrounding artifacts made a burst of sound, resonated, and soon turned into an endless stream of artifacts

Towards Shengsheng Pill, go straight down to kill! ! !


At this very moment, Shi Sheng Wan's right hand pulled out a worn-out Taiji from his waist, and at the next moment, the worn-out blade was transformed into a huge fangs sword!

"Last rampage, iron broken teeth !!!"

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