My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 251: The second enemy of the starry sky!

"Aooo !!!"

At the moment when Shishengwan pulled the sword out of the sheath, a ghost image of a demon dog different from the prototype of Shishengwan emerged from the blade of fangs, and it became extremely huge in an instant.


I glanced at the domineering demon dog phantom, and Shi Sheng Wan's eyes flashed a warmth of memories, and then it was fleeting and became extremely incomparable!

At the next moment, the killing pill, who has tempered the horror demon power for some years, is infused with the demon sword!

Under this demon power, the demon knife wailed like an overdraft!

"Roar Roar !!!"

With the infusion of the killing pill demon power, the domineering demon dog roared continuously, the immense immense momentum spread out, as if to swallow the whole world.

At the same time, the indestructible fangs blade was transformed!

The blade of fangs turned into an unspeakable fluid.

Surrounded the whole person.

Turned into a prototype sphere!

The whole process seems to be a long one, in fact, it is a matter of an instant, and when all this is done, the torrent of artifacts that came from the shock just arrived.

"Boom! Boom! Boom !!!"

The torrent of artifacts constantly bombarded the fluid, and a terrifying shock came continuously from the center of the bombardment. Under such bombardment, the surrounding space even twisted.

"Hahaha, actually deliberately defending against my torrent of artifacts, idiot! Now I see if you are still dead!"

Seeing that the killing pill did not hide, but defended directly, the crimson dragon warrior could not help but reveal a big smiley face, and laughed a bit gaffeously.

In his eyes, the big monster from another world is absolutely dead.

These artifacts are all powerful weapons that he has condensed from fantasy in the long years, absorbing the spirit of all beings. No one knows the power of these artifacts better than he does.

You know, these artifacts are the prototypes of all artifacts in the dxd plane artifact system except the **** destroyer!

A single quantity is fine, but if the quantity is large, even the entire world cannot bear it.

Just smiling, the red warrior feels a little wrong

With the passage of time, the bombardment has not stopped completely. The place where the stranger originally was is like an endless abyss. Those artifacts are gone forever!

"what happened?!"

Seeing this scene, no matter how stupid people realize something is wrong.

At the moment, when the Dragon Warrior's idea moved, he was ready to give up the attack and look at the situation. However, his idea seemed to be in the mud, and there was no response at all-

The torrent of artifacts could not be stopped!

"not good!!!"

The dragon warrior who noticed all this suddenly looked ugly.

However, at a time, he didn't know how to react. He could only watch all the artifacts be bombarded, and then all disappeared in the strange fluid.

And then


The roar sounded like an earth-shaking ground suddenly reverberated.

The fluid that engulfed many artifacts exploded at this moment, turning into two kinds of terror forces of gold and silver, which were constantly intertwined, and a space was opened up in the gap of this time.

At this moment, all the worlds connected with the dimensional gap were shaken violently.

Whether it is the mainstream celestial realm, the underworld and the human realm, or the small world of other mythical forces, all have been subjected to immense impact, and natural disasters such as earthquakes and tsunamis have appeared almost instantly.

Especially in certain areas of the human world, there is a moment of mourning and turning into purgatory!

The entire dxd plane was completely boiled!

"This, how is this possible !!!"

Looking at everything around, the scarlet dragon warrior was horrified.

Because he was very close to the explosion center, he did not escape the aftermath of the explosion, and was directly surrounded by the space created by the explosion. However, this is the case, and the Dragon Warrior will be shocked.

Everything in front of you, if it is scaled up thousands of times, it is called creation!


Just then, a violent roar came from the sky.

Lifting his head, the crimson dragon warrior saw that two huge spheres of gold, silver and silver had been formed. There is no doubt that it is the sun and moon in this space.

The nascent sun and moon are attracting each other and running each other.

As the breaths of the two spheres continue to converge, the entire space seems to be evolving in a mysterious and mysterious manner, and there seems to be a tendency to become a real starry sky.


"Ooooooooo !!!"

But I saw the phantom of the huge white demon dog appeared in the sky. In the howl, the huge blood basin swallowed the two spheres together.


The entire space distance oscillated.

The starry sky, which was still evolving at this moment, seems to have entered the final stage. The space is full of anger, and the two spheres start to shrink like a pierced balloon.

Visible to the naked eye, the golden sun glory and the silver moonlight are rushing towards the starry sky!

Looking closely, the dragon warrior saw—

It was a noble figure falling from the stars.

I saw the other person holding a very extraordinary knife in each of his hands, and the golden sun glory and silver Yuehua were pouring into the knife in the man's two hands.

From afar, the Dragon Warrior can hear clearly, and the sword is getting clearer and clearer!

Obviously, with the influx of two forces, the knife is getting stronger!

Similarly, the entire unformed sky is shrinking.

Until the sun and the moon disappear completely

At this moment, the entire unshaped starry sky was caught in eternal silence.

——The enemy of the starry sky!

Seeing the prince who was getting closer and closer to him, the Dragon Warrior who had been completely froze in place for some reason, thought of such a word in his mind.

The big monster in front of you is definitely the future enemy of the starry sky, the natural enemy of the sun and the moon!

"Thank you for your artifact, stupid dragon!"

At this moment, the indifferent voice rang in the ear of the dragon warrior. At the next moment, holding the double-edged killing pill directly crossed the obstacle of space and appeared in front of the dragon warrior

The big monster's face is a little pale, but he is standing high, looking down at the dragon warrior! ..

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