My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 252: Victory and raid third!

"You guys!"

Seeing Shi Shengwan's expression, the Great Red couldn't help but show his anger.

Originally, after seeing the magical and axe-like behavior of Shisheng Maru, in front of such a powerful, the crimson dragon warrior had already retreated.

Although because of the rank of the world's guardian, the great red had to fight against outsiders, but this does not mean that he must stand in the face of irresistible forces!

It is also a good choice to give up the rank of guardian you are responsible for.

However, the killing pill's staring eyes completely angered the existence of the supreme glory in the dxd plane all year round, leaving no trace!

In an instant, a terrifying glare flashed in the eyes of the Dragon Warrior!

At this moment, the invisible world has invaded this dead space from outside the space, assimilated it into a part of itself, and then converged on the dragon warrior.


At this moment, the Dragon Warrior growled.

Massive auras burst out from above and below his body, and the muscles of the Dragon Warrior's body exploded at this moment, and the whole person pulled out about one meter out of thin air.

Seeing this scene, a corner of the mouth of Shisheng Maru gently emerged.

Previous actions, killing pills are all deliberately provocative!

Because he saw the other person's intention to flinch.

Although it would save a little effort to keep the opponent from self-defeating, but for Shishengwan, he lost so much effort, not to deter the opponent.

He has only one goal, kill him when the opponent is the strongest!

If not, the killing pill sacrifices iron crushed teeth capable of seizing the power of all defeated objects as sacrifices, devouring countless artifacts, evolving the sun and moon to devour

In order to achieve the action of natural teeth and explosive teeth, it loses its meaning!


"New fangs need blood to commemorate!"

"And this big guy in front of me is, without a doubt, the most suitable sacrificial sword slayer now!"

Such thoughts flashed in his brain, killing pills raised his natural teeth on his right hand, cold Yuehua diffused from the blade, and gradually condensed into a dragon shape

"Mystery-Cang Long Po!"

At the next moment, Shisheng Pill came out with a sword.

The fierce sword pressure and the power of Yuehua merged at this moment, and turned into a Xuanyin Canglong, rushing towards the dragon warrior and rushing past


At this time, a powerful dragon warrior burst out with cold hands and a push!

Under the endless trend, the terrifying aura condensed into red crimson dragons, greeted by the Xuanyin Canglong bite, trying to crush the Canglong with a tens of times gap.


Facing the attacking Crimson Dragons, Xuanyin Canglong roared, even as a phantom, passing directly through Crimson Dragons' bodies

Then, with sharp fangs, he bit the half of the dragon warrior!

"How can this be!!!"

The pain in the body caused the Dragon Warrior to exclaim. He couldn't imagine how it would happen in such a situation. Why can't he attack the opponent's dragon in his own dragon.

The dragon warrior is very puzzled in his brain.

However, at a time when it was not conceivable, the old fangs had already penetrated his flesh, and the terrifying bite force was obviously going to crush his half.

After transforming into a more agile dragon warrior, the great red has lost its confident defense. Under such circumstances, he has no way to guarantee that he will not be crushed!

"Since this is the case, then"

At the juncture of the crisis, a fierce flash flashed in the eyes of the dragon warrior. Under the idea, the dozens of crimson dragons that had burst out rushed towards the body of the killing pill.

Obviously, the Dragon Warrior's plan was to save Wei from Zhao, or to replace injuries with injuries!


"What a joke!"

It is obvious that the killing pill that the other party attempted is just a sneer, and the broken tooth of his left hand is raised high, the flashing knife light is as high and dazzling as the sun!

"Mystery-Holy Dragon Break !!!"

I saw the bursting teeth on the left hand of Shi Sheng Wan waved out, accompanied by Jianyao and Qinglei was a terrifying dragon full of the sun's hot breath.


I saw that the Holy Dragon collided positively with dozens of Crimson Dragons.

The horrible energy fluctuations are raging at this moment, and the already dead space is swayed under this shock, and there are some signs of collapse.

"Roar Roar !!!"

Just then, there was a burst of Long Yin from the explosion center.

It didn't take long for the Holy Dragon to directly bite the seven inches of a Crimson Dragon, rushing out of the smoke in the center of the explosion, and then the Crimson Dragon exploded quickly.

In the sound of explosion, the holy dragon rushed out and hit the dragon warrior

Contact with Xuanyin Canglong!

The power of the sun and the moon merge with each other!



The dead space began to collapse.

"Damn, how could it be like this !!!"

In the underground vault of the Romanian Vampire Castle, the dragon-eater who was originally closed here seemed to sense something and could not help but widen his eyes.

Terror and unknown power emerged out of control, faintly running away.

But at this moment-


The ceiling above the secret room burst open.

A golden beast-eared girl with golden energy filled her body from the sky, a punch full of infinite passion directly broke the unknown power and bombarded the dragon eater.


Suddenly hit hard, the dragon-eater could not help but spit blood, the whole person and the cross crashed down to the ground, and even hit a huge pit.

The girl who issued the first attack did not stop, and rushed up again!

It doesn't seem to plan to give the dragon eaters time to react, ready to bomb them.


"Hugh wants to succeed !!!"

With the sound of anger, the wall on the side of the chamber shattered, and a huge **** fist came from the sky, hitting the girl directly.


ps: The outbreak was almost impossible, and he almost died of heat! ..

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