My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 253: Kill the dragon eater first!


In an instant, the huge underground space is filled with smoke and gravel splashing!

The **** giant fist slammed straight for hundreds of meters and stopped. However, the entire basement and even the entire castle had already shaken its foundation under this fist, and there were buzzing noises all around the castle.

"Sure enough someone came to attack!"

At this moment, Lengao's voice sounded in the dusty underground space, which attracted the attention of the dragon-eaters. At the next moment, the **** tide flowed in from the channel opened by the **** giant fist.

The blonde girl lay leisurely on the **** tide and floated in.

"Cough, thank you Valerice Pesh!"

Seeing the person coming, the dragon-eater shook a huge cross, suspended from the big pit on the ground, and thanked with some hesitation with some unclear words.

Although the two are allies, the status of the dragon eater is ultimately weak.

Not to mention the other, the unfathomable and mysterious unknown of the other party alone is worth the scruples of the dragon-eater. After all, everything about the dragon-eater is in front of her, but he does not even know the real name of the woman in front of him.

The name of the woman in front of her is exactly the original name of her possessed body.

Under such circumstances, even if you are arrogant, dragon-eaters must treat people with courtesy!

"No need to thank, and pay attention!"

Hearing the Dragon Eater's words, Valerie just nodded and responded, still looking around. "The guy who attacked is not dead yet, lurking around."

Between her speeches, the **** giant fist melted in an instant, turned into a large amount of blood, and gathered to Valerie's side, constantly surging, waiting for the opportunity!


Hearing the words, the dragon-eaters couldn't help but be shocked.

He looked at the end of the channel punched by the **** giant fist. There was nothing there. Obviously, the blonde girl who had attacked herself had disappeared.


Can not help but snorted coldly, the unknown power of the dragon-eater diffused.

Just now he was beaten by surprise. Without Valerie ’s timely help, he might be beaten to death alive.

That kind of suffocation makes the dragon eaters can't wait to get revenge.

It's just that the two stayed quietly for a while, and didn't wait until the attack, until they seemed to sense something, they couldn't help raising their heads, their faces changed greatly--

"not good!!!"

As soon as the words were spoken, the two felt a drop in ambient temperature.

Almost at the same time, the deep blue absolute frozen air penetrated from all directions, and the thick blood water froze in an instant. Whether it was Valerie or the dragon eater, the whole body was stained with a layer of frost.

And then


The temperature instantly became extremely hot from the cold.

Also penetrated from all directions, the hot flame even melted the surrounding buildings.

The horrible flame instantly ignited everything around it. The damage caused by the thermal expansion and contraction, and the sharp change in temperature difference made the two bodies stiffen.

"Facing is ineffective against us!"

"Oh, this is not, let us seize the opportunity!"

The soft laughter suddenly echoed, and the innocent figure of the incubator appeared out of thin air on the giant cross of the dragon-eater, with a strange black flame in his hand.

Then press it on top of the dragon eater's head!


At this moment, the dragon-eater could not help wailing.

The tortured area, which originally surrounded the endless darkness and the curse, all burned up in an instant, and it seemed to have no resistance to this flame.

"Oh, this is the fire of sin!"

Listening to the wailing of the dragon-eater, the incubator still had a pure and flawless smile, and his eyes narrowed like enjoyment, and he said, "It can burn any creature with sin karma. Oh!"

"So say, from the beginning, I was your nemesis!"

"Goodbye, Mr. Dragon Eater!"

Between the words, the strange flame continued to flourish, making the dragon eater's wailing more intense!

"Damn !!!"

Seeing this scene in front of her, Valerie was completely angry!

To be honest, although it is only a doppelganger, her deity is not ordinary. Innately, she is proud of all the creatures in this plane and does not think that she is an enemy.

I just didn't expect that someone actually hurt the person she wanted to protect in her hands

This is simply hitting the face with red fruit!



Horror scary magic beyond imagination burst out.

No matter frost or hot flames, even the entire underground space, even the castle above, is at this moment blown away by the magic wind transformed by this terrifying magic power.

"Ah !!!"

The blonde girl continued to scream, and the blood vessels all over her body even outlined on her skin, and the surging blood continuously sent horrible power.

Let her body can't bear this force!

"Go to die !!!"

Regardless of the body's ability to bear, Valerie looked at the incubator, protruding with one paw, and the five fierce **** claws even grabbed the dimension, locking all the directions of the incubator's escape.

At the same time, the shadow beneath her flooded out, rushing towards the dragon-eater who almost died.

Obviously, while attacking the incubator, she is also preparing to save the dragon eater!


"Crack !!!"

Suddenly, the sound of breaking sounded around. At the next moment, with Valerie as the center, the space around a few meters under an unprovoked force instantaneously broke and separated from the world.

The **** claws, as well as the spread of shadows, are all useless at this moment.

Valerie could not help but froze in place, watching the dragon-eater gradually lose his voice in the flames of burning sin karma, his expression gradually darkened.

"Sorry, the dragon eater must die, we can't let you save him!"

At this moment, the indifferent voice appeared behind Valerie. I saw Saya with the beastmaster and the arbiter, manifested from the illusion, slowly appeared ..

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