My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 254: Start the second battle of fierce battle!

"Very good, you are good!"

After hearing Saya's words, Valery's extremely somber voice rang, full of hate, "It's great to make this seat so embarrassing!"

While speaking, Valerie slowly turned around, and the blonde girl's appearance was no longer as beautiful as before.

The ultimate power contained in the body transformed the beautiful body of the girl.

There are traces of blood vessels on the skin that is exposed all over the body. Not to mention, the white and slender arms swelled two or three times, and the European school turned into pectoral muscles. The whole person became a female man.

Although it will indeed be very suitable for fighting in this way, just how to say?

"You are disgusting!"

The Beastmaster with his arms in his arms could not help but whisper softly, "It's clearly a beautiful woman's body, but it was spoiled by you like this. After all, your guy's body is male or female!"

"There should be no gender!"

It was the adjudicator who connected the beastmaster, and I saw this silver-haired girl thinking and saying, "Many of those who lived for a very long time exist, both men and women."

"Hah, it turns out to be neither male nor female!"

Hearing the adjudicator's words, the beastmaster laughed deliberately out of context.

This smile completely made Valerie's anger impossible to suppress. The overwhelming murderous opportunity burst out at this moment, and a cruel smile flashed on Valerie's face.

Almost instantly, Valerie disappeared and appeared in front of the beast master

Volley is a very fierce leg whip!


The Beastmaster crossed his hands and received Valery's attack in front.

The strong impact force, guided by the body of the beastmaster, emerged directly from her feet, causing a shock to the ground behind the beastkeeper, and the cracks appeared.

"Little devil, you really angered me!"

Pressing the legs of the beastmaster's hands directly with his legs, Valerie's eyes were filled with cold light, and even a sharp fang appeared, and maliciousness appeared on his face completely.

"What about then?"

Hearing Valerie's cruel words, the beastmaster's face was full of smiles and uninhibited, "It's just a split, just want to scare us, or your deity comes over!"

As soon as the voice fell, the figure of the beastmaster suddenly disappeared in place


After losing the support point, Valerie's feet directly fell to the ground, and a long crack appeared on the ground, which even completely affected the stability of the entire divided space.

"That's right, the sword of beginning !!!"

At this moment, the figure of the arbiter suddenly appeared on the head of Valerie, the victory tyrannosaurus sword of the left hand waved out at this moment, and the unscrupulous attacks converged into a little at this moment, and burst out!


Faced with this attack, Valerie could not help but sneer.

At this time, she felt the difference in the passage of time. The sword of the other party seemed to twist the time, full of incredible sharpness.

For the first time, the shadow behind Valerie appeared and turned into a shield

"Keng !!!"

Tyrannosaurus sword beheaded on the shadow shield, making a sound of metal collision, and then the Garuru cannon of the right hand of the adjudicator moved directly to the shadow shield, and the cold breath began to diffuse.


Absolutely zero degrees of cold gas completely exploded at this moment.

The shadow in front of Valerie was frozen by the absolute zero freezing air for the first time, and flew away under the shock wave of the freezing air.

"Burn, the fire of sin karma!"

"Take the trick, the light cannon of the soul !!!"

At this moment, the figure of Saya's body and the figure of the incubator suddenly appeared behind Valerie's face, facing the figure flying upside down, using his own good attack.

"Ahhh! Give me a little more !!!"

At this moment, Valerie made a sharp cry in his mouth, and the horrible sound waves spread out, followed by an endless **** light, which filled the entire divided space.

"What the hell!"

At this time, Lezeweim standing outside the divided space saw the entire space stained with blood, and even a variety of roars continued to erupt, and the whole person could not help being depressed.

When the battle reached the most crucial moment, it was invisible

This situation is really unpleasant!


"It looks like this is a good opportunity!"

Recalling what he had seen before, the Dragon Eater was defeated, and Valerie was in a fierce battle. Rezevim realized that now is the best time to escape from here.


"Lizevim Livian Lucifer !!!"

The tyrannical roar went from far to near, and I saw the white dragon emperor wearing pure white armor pierced the air and came to him, "I finally found you, **** old guy!"

"Huh, isn't this a small force?"

Hearing the voice of the coming person, Rezevim could not help but frowned and said, "Don't make trouble, go away quickly, your grandpa and I don't have time to play with you!"


The unspeakable Wali just snorted. The wings of light opened at once, sending out a lot of magic. The pure white armor was wrapped in the divine light, and the precious stones in various parts.

"I, the awakening is-falling the absolute law to the dark white dragon emperor-"

‘Tianlong will reach its limit! ’

‘The destination is the domineering of the white dragon! ’

‘Wait, it will suppress the infinite and devour the dream! ’

With the spirit of Vali, vaguely, the past White Dragon Emperors resonated with them one by one, and the terrifying spirit gradually released!

"Go through the dream of infinite destruction through dawn to overbearing-I, to become the emperor of the unmarked dragon-"

The form of Vali ’s armor has undergone minor changes and emits a silver flash.

"Leading Ru Zhiyin's fantasy and the ultimate magic path!"

"Juggernautoverdrive !!!"

What appeared at this time was that the whole body was wrapped in silver armor, releasing a great aura, as if it were the existence of other dimensions. Although the surroundings did not touch, all were compressed!

At the next moment, the life-and-death struggle between the grandchildren of Lucifer's bloodline instantly unfolded ..

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