My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 255: Bystander and encounter third more!

Just when there was a war in Romania

In the main hall of the capital of the Underworld Demon King, a large number of high-level mythical forces are gathering.

These high-level leaders were brought together in the previous turmoil that affected the Three Realms. Their purpose at the beginning was only one, that is to gather the strength of all people and find out the source of the turmoil.

These mythical forces are all with a long history. Perhaps a single force can do nothing about this inexplicable turbulence, but the energy erupted after being assembled cannot be underestimated.

Therefore, various artifacts and devices used to monitor the world are presented in this main chamber.

Only one of them comes from the Eastern mythology, the legendary deceased Lord of Heaven, Haotian used to monitor the world, but there is a scene that surprised the gods.

That was nothing else, it was exactly the battle in Romania.

With Saya and Valerie

There are also the White Dragon Emperor and Rezevim!

"Is this, Emperor Bailong's Tyrannosaurus?"

After being silent for a while, the Nordic Thor could not help but said, and then, as soon as he said this, he was knocked hard by Odin directly!

"Are you an idiot, Thor! You haven't fought against the dragon of the White Dragon Emperor!"

In the face of the Nordic Thor, the strongest person in the Nordic mythology, Odin seemed very rude. "The White Dragon Emperor has already got rid of the limitations of the Tyrannosaurus Rex, which is a great talent!"

"Wali, you grew up!"

Asachel, who stood in the middle of the gods, saw this scene and nodded secretly in relief, then deliberately coughed a few times and attracted the attention of the gods before saying:

"Everyone, the matter of the White Dragon Emperor is not mentioned for now. What we need to consider now is, should we intervene in this battle? It is rare that the place where the guy is located is caught in the fighting"

"It makes sense, but that's dangerous!"

"Yeah, who knows what kind of cards the old fox will have, it's better to sit here and watch the tiger fight, to find out if there is any chance to take advantage of it!"

"It's just too passive. Even if there is a chance, it's easy to waste, isn't it?"


Hearing Assahir's words, many people in the gods moved, and many people thought that as long as they wait and see the changes, more people are out of the ambiguous stage.

Seeing this scene, Asachel can only focus on the transcendentals such as Sazax and Thor, and when it matters, the strongest must always make a decision.

"I think"

Perceiving Asacher's gaze, Sazax was also aware of the situation, and when he was about to say something, he was preempted by the suddenly opened Celtic **** of light, Ruger!

"Let's watch it change!"

I saw the top ten of the local world say, "The most important thing now is to thoroughly see what is happening in this world, not to join the battle indiscriminately!"

The words of the strong are unique at all times, especially the strongest of the strongest sequence.

Although Ruger remained silent during the meeting, his authority was not small.

But when he said so, Sazax and others, who had the mentality to play, thought carefully and nodded, agreeing with his ideas.

Soon, the gods considered it and agreed to the spectator approach!

In this regard, Asachel, who originally wanted to help Wali, could only say nothing.

Looking at the battle scene in Haotian Mirror from time to time, Assachel could only secretly cheer for his actual adopted son and be proud of him!

At this time, the fallen angel governor can still remember the scene when he and his young Wally met.

In thought, an unconscious smile flashed on his face

Just as Saya and Valery fought, and the gods were watching, another pillar of the group of disasters, the emperor at the top of the billions of lives in the heavens, was walking alone at the end of the dimension.

The end of the dimension, that is the deep place between the dimension, the end of time and space!

Time and space seem to have lost their meaning here. Everything that comes into view is nothing but nothingness. There is no other thing at all.

However, he is still moving forward, step by step, without hesitation!

The pair of deep eyes that have gone through reincarnation and watched the humanity of all sentient beings looked straight in front of them, as if they could see all the voids and what signs they saw.

As time passed, the emperor went deeper and deeper, and the nothingness around him gradually changed.

Seeing with the naked eye, it is a dull glory!

The silver-haired king could not help showing a smile, and the whole person was moving faster and faster, almost turning into a silver brilliance, piercing the obstacles of the void.

Soon, the emperor saw a gleaming dome suspended at the end of the void from a distance.

"finally reached!"

Seeing this dome, the smile on the emperor's face was even worse, but after a while, the smile stopped, because at this moment, the emperor saw that there was an extra figure in front of the dome.

It was a young barefoot figure, accompanied by coldness and sacredness!


The figure seemed to feel the emperor's arrival as well. After making a soft whisper, the whole person slowly turned around and looked at the emperor with a scorching gaze.

"It's a surprise, I didn't expect anyone to know it!"

"It should be me who said the accident!"

Hearing the other party's words from afar, the emperor's advance speed remained unchanged. While advancing, he said lightly, "It seems that the gods of your plane are not all those straw bales!"

"Oh, listening to your tone, it seems to disdain the gods!"

Looking at the emperor who was approaching at an alarming speed, the young man chuckled and said, "Aliens are such a powerful existence, I remember the last time the alien met, even made me think about it."

"It's no problem to shoot this time!"

Stopped almost ten meters away from the young man, the emperor said, "Although it is not the same individual, the person you saw last time was born from the same source."

"I'll fight him for you, Shiva, or burn the sky!" ..

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