My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 256: Emperor vs. Burning Sky Fourth!

After hearing the emperor's words, the young man's face could not help changing.

The smile completely disappeared at this moment, only to see him staring indifferently and fiercely at the silver-haired king ten meters away, filled with endless majestic golden light.

"It looks like you are surprised!"

At this time, the emperor's expression was still indifferent, and his hands were behind his back, without any precautions. "But, obviously, although you have concealed all life in this plane, you can't hide us!"

"But after all, who can think of it, the legendary three Indian gods are actually one person!"

Speaking of which, the emperor's face could not help but show a very ironic smile, and said, "I have to say, the gods of this world are really stupid!"

"Hoo !! I don't deny this!"

With a slight exhalation, the young man, or Fen Tian, ​​said, "From the beginning, I was the personification of the cosmic spirit" Feng "-the strongest Brahma, and the subsequent Great Freedom Sky and Miao Pitian were nothing more than I created the avatar just to make my own avenue complete. "

"It's just that I'm too strong. If you don't hide yourself a little, no one would dare to talk to me. In fact, at first, I didn't hide, but the gods separated me from the avatars. It's open."

At the end of the day, a look of sarcasm also appeared on Fiantian's face.

"It turns out so!"

Hearing Tiantian's words, the emperor could not help but sigh, and then looked at the dome behind Fentian, and then for a while, he asked quietly and asked, "So now your road is complete, ready to use that thing as a pedal , Promoted to a higher level? "


Hearing the words, Fen Tian narrowed his eyes and seemed to think of something.

"In this case, chatting ends here!"

With both hands spread slowly, a powerful coercion gradually filled the emperor, "To be honest, if you are comfortable with the status quo and don't make any such avatars as the free world and Miao Pitian, I am really I don't want to start with you. "

"But you are too greedy, creating, destroying, and guarding the three gods into one, and even embarking on a path very similar to my brother's elder brother, then I can only kill you here!"

"Whoever kills who is not necessarily!"

Hearing the words, there was also a horrifying murderous opportunity in Burning Sky.

To be honest, when I recalled the red-haired boy I saw as a free day, Burning Sky really didn't know that the other party had such a relationship with himself.

But that's okay, now that you know it, you have only one choice!

The battle over the road, only kill!


In an instant, a violent echo occurred at the end of the dimension!

I saw the silver-haired king and the sky-burning **** with golden light on his body. He punched each other in the void, and two completely different energies repelled each other, shaking them apart!

"Burn, the flame of destruction!"

Stopping flying backwards, Fiantian instantly transformed, from a simple dressed teenager into a three-headed and six-armed God of War, one of whose angry heads opened his third eye between the eyebrows--


A golden flame full of sacred and destructive atmosphere erupted from the third eye, burning towards the emperor, and the endless void could not wipe it out!

That is the strongest power from the free-spirited avatar.

The flame that can destroy everything you see, even the gods are not spared. In Indian mythology, the **** of love who once tempted the free world was burned to ashes by this flame.

"Flame? Then come stronger than anyone else's flame!"

Seeing the incoming golden flames, a glimmer of light flashed in the eyes of the emperor, his hands folded, the silver radiance spread out, and the sing of all sentient beings echoed in this void.

Although it is impossible to accurately translate ancient ballads, as long as you hear it, anyone knows the true meaning contained in it!

That is an ancient ballad that spread from a long time ago!

Praise the first flame of humanity!

Its name--

"Humanitarian fire !!!"

Along with the emperor's final words and spirits, a red flame like blood appeared out of thin air, and rushed straight up, burning with the incoming golden flame.

Suddenly, the end of the entire dimension has fallen into a sea of ​​golden and red fire!

Although the golden flame is said to be the flame of the gods, and even said to be able to extinguish the universe, the owner of the flame is still only in the realm of Tao after all.

Therefore, the meaning of this flame is deep, but the same power is not so exaggerated.

The humane fire is only the flame ignited by human beings.

But it is a symbol of humanity, but all beings are still there, and humanity is still there. This flame will never be extinguished, and it will even have a continuous supplement.

With this passing, the red in the flames gradually prevailed!


Seeing this scene, Burning Sky's head, which was releasing the flame of God, could not help but express an angry expression, and suddenly a distorted state appeared in the void.

"Roar Roar !!!"

The sudden roar echoed in the void.

Then a terrifying devil walked out of the twisted space, and soon formed an army of up to 100,000 devil to siege toward the emperor.

"Fun, compare with the army? Hahaha !!!"

Seeing this scene, the emperor smiled suddenly, and he laughed with great joy, "Well, let me see, the invincible army that belongs to me, come back, come back from the endless void!"

With the call of the emperor, silver voids appeared in the void behind him!

"My king, you are the hope of all beings, the guide of all order and civilization!"

"Wang's will is what our blades are!"

"My King, may I be with you!"


Along with the chanting and singing, all of them were covered with silver, and the knights in armor all came out of the ripples of the space and gathered together behind the emperor.

In a blink of an eye, hundreds of thousands of knights came out and gathered into a mighty army!

Bring the emperor's might to the fullest! ..

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