My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 257: The war is fierce first!


Seeing the emperor's knightly army, Fen Tian's only open-eyed head could not help being dull.

Subsequently, the existence of this strongest deity in the entire plane was slightly shocked, and a more intense radiance was filled, which represented the opening of Miao Pitian's head.

The invisible position spreads out, that is the power of the halo belonging to the patron saint!


The devil legions that were originally charging at this moment all made a roar, and the momentum of the extremely violent legion soared to the extreme at this moment.

The overwhelming surging momentum seems to want to completely destroy everything in the world!

"Ha ha ha ha ha !!!"

Seeing this scene, the emperor first chuckled, then laughed loudly, and said loudly to the most loyal knights behind him: "The enemies now appearing in front of us are demon ghosts manipulated by the only **** in India, they have The power to destroy everything is a real strong enemy! "

"However, the minions of these gods are already declaring war against us, knights, how do you say to respond to them?"

"War! War! War !!!"

Hundreds of thousands of knights issued a tremendous declaration, echoing at the end of the whole dimension, there is no need to hesitate at all, they are the emperor's army, as long as the king's destiny goes, there must be a battle!

"That's it, go ahead and win for me!"

The immensely powerful Emperor Wei spread out, and the silver-haired king issued the final order—

"Drink !!!"

In the moment when his words fell, more than 100,000 knights of the cavalry immediately burst into a thunderous cry, charged forward, and soon collided with the incoming demon legion.

In an instant, the mythical war broke out completely at the end of this yuan.

Under the radiance of Miao Pitian, the devil burst out their strongest powers. One hundred thousand devils turned into one hundred thousand devastating beasts. Their charge strength can completely destroy all the cities in an instant.

However, in front of these demons, the emperor's knights are also not to be underestimated.

I saw the knights waving the magic soldiers in their hands, which was more dazzling than the sun, and the entire world was dyed white in an instant, because the king was watching behind him, and his fearless courage seemed to turn into substance. Instantly blocked all the other party's attacks!

"Roar Roar !!!"

"Kill kill !!!"

The roaring and shouting sounds followed one after another, and the entire battlefield was plunged into an unprecedented great dogfight. The entire battlefield was stalemate for a while, and the end of the huge dimension stirred up an endless torrent of magic.

The magical torrent even spread to the luminous dome so that the frequency of its shining light continued to deepen.

It seems that the existence bred in the giant egg is about to break out of the shell!

"No, it's time to hurry!"

Yu Guang's eyes perceive this scene and think so in Burning's heart.

After all, his goal is this dome. If his goal fails because of the enemy in front of him, I am afraid that Tiantian will regret his life. Therefore, he must exert his full strength!

Thinking this way, the third head of Burning Sky opened his eyes, and that was the head of Big Burning Sky, and the personality of the original cosmic spirit ‘burning’ became manifest.

Although in the mythology of the Indian three gods, Dafentian, the **** of creation, seems to have fallen. But in fact, he is really the strongest existence in the three bodies!

"The Ganges who gave birth to me, in the name of my burning sky, call your coming, for my way forward, sweep away all the enemies of the outsiders, the Ganges come !!!"

The third head just opened his eyes, and he recited a great speech!

next moment


There was a twist and a break in the space above the void, and then with a bang, a lot of cosmic floods rushed down from the void, seeming to drown everything!


The sea of ​​flames, which had gradually poured out, was the first to encounter floods, and could not help but utter a voice.

A large amount of water vapor was born suddenly and spread out.

Whether it is the flame of the gods that destroy the universe, or the humane salary with powerful backup! Faced with unreasonable cosmic floods, all can only be suppressed at the bottom of the flood, retaining the last trace of fire.

Subsequently, the flood directly hit the battlefield of hundreds of thousands of troops


"How is this going!"

"How can there be floods"

The huge battlefield suddenly collapsed completely under the scouring of the flood. Although the knights and the devil are both strong generations, they also lack resistance in the face of a flood that can flood the entire planet.

Then the flood came and rushed towards the emperor, trying to drown the silver-haired king!

"Interesting, this is the so-called annihilation flood!"

Looking at the super flood that obscured all the vision in front of him, and feeling the unspeakable horror magic inside the flood, a smile appeared on the emperor's face.

"In this case, I will do my best!"

In this way, the emperor took a step towards the flood that was rushing in, and stepped out, and the vast void sent out a wave of turmoil, as if the carols from ancient times appeared again.

It was hundreds of thousands, thousands of thousands, hundreds of billions of beings praised by all beings!

Praise the strongest king who leads humanity!

Under this carol, the emperor moved forward step by step, without hurry

But it was full of determination to never waver.

As he moved forward, silver streamers flowed from the emperor's body, condensing into the sharp edge of the divine sword. Great sword!


Faced with the flood, the emperor could not help but yell, and the whole person merged into the sky's sword mansions and rushed towards the front.

Straight towards the place where Burnt Sky is located!

"Oh Ganga, guard my body!"

Faced with this situation, Fian Tian shouted in unison, the six arms were printed separately, and the huge flood seemed to come alive, turning into a giant beast and attacking the sword.


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