My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 258: Emperor's Prestige

The torrential flood turned into a gruesome monster.

Originally, the flat sea surface that had been separated under the beheading of Jianmang was twisted in an instant, and a huge liquid arm directly bombed out, bombarding the swordmand.


The violent roar suddenly appeared, which was the sound of the collision between the sharp swordman's arm and the water arm.

The huge sword awn that can kill the flood is naturally indestructible, but under the continuous bombardment, it is still inevitably consumed, and the sword awn is getting smaller and smaller as we continue to advance.

Seeing that the flood monster is about to kill the sword, enough to swallow.

The three faces of Burning Sky were filled with joy.

Victory is close at hand!


However, at this moment, Jianmang, which had shrunk to a certain extent, exploded instantly.

The silver streamer spread out at this moment, turning into a handle of invincible magic swords, the number of which is in the tens of billions. At the same time, every magic weapon flashed the same silver light.

"Boom !!!"

All the magic soldiers resonated madly at this moment.

Soon, it turned into a terrible sword array!

After that, the hymn reappeared!

It ’s just that this time the hymn is no longer an ancient ballad, but a call from the endless void, different worlds, the emperor ’s dead courtiers

"I pray to God to let me be with the king!"

"Wang, you are the only king, the king who truly leads the world!"

"I wish to follow my emperor's strategy to raise my whip all my life!"


The thoughts and loyalty beyond the constraints of time and space and chaos have turned into the most important bond between the emperor and his subjects, and this terrible sword array has been completely activated!


The flood hangs up at this moment!

Missing the divine sword in the unit of billions, the endless tornado of the sword was rolled up in the flood, and the past was rushed to the sky and shocked to the extreme, without mercy.

"This is impossible, **** it, the flame of destruction!"

Seeing the attacking Dragon Sword, the three heads of Fentian shouted respectively, and the third eye on the head of the big free sky burst out the most powerful flame.

Only in the face of the tornado composed of the endless Excalibur, the flames of destruction burst in an instant!

At the next moment, the tornado directly hit Fentian's body


In the violent roar, Fentian instantly endured the bombardment of the Endless Excalibur, and the body of the gods that had been forged for countless years was also unable to withstand it, and instantly collapsed.

The soul in the god's body has endured hundreds of millions of swordsmanship's decisive bombing!

Almost on the verge of dying

at this time--

"Boom !!!"

The dome, which had always been on the edge of the battlefield, could not help making a noise.

Then there was a ray of light on the dome, taking advantage of the sword attack, directly illuminating the soul that was about to be destroyed, and instantly absorbed it into the body.


In an instant, the dome made a pulsating sound like a roar.

The end of the whole dimension could not help shaking at this moment. It was not the kind of vibration that was shaken by external forces, but the sound of the dimension of the dimension.

The whole void seems to be pleased with the birth of existence!

No, this is not the joy of the void

It is the joy of the world!


At this time, the void above the tornado, the figure of the emperor appeared again.

The king ’s long silver hair fluttered between the storms, and the huge tornado disintegrated at this moment. Numerous swords rushed towards the emperor, gathered and merged in his hands.

Soon it turned into a primitive, yet imposing sword.

That is the emperor's sword, whose name is the sword of life!

Holding the sword of life, the emperor's figure disappeared in place instantly, and then appeared on the edge of the dome. The fierce blade of the sword was directly facing the dome.


At this moment, it seemed to feel dangerous, and the dome began to change!

Sudden beast sounds erupted from the dome. Accompanying the beast sounds was the power of terror and the gray power between light and dark, which formed a heavy obstacle and was protected on the dome shell.



The silver-haired king sneered, and his face was full of disdainful smiles, "Obviously it has been almost conceived, and it should be tolerated until success comes out. It is greedy to seize the last source of Tiantian. Is it the best time? "

"The purpose of Burning the Sky is to capture your origin when you are almost successful. Now that he has hung up, then as a winner, Burning Sky's plan, I laughed, just try, can I reach the Dao State! "

"Goodbye, the 666 King who has not yet been born, or the King of the Bible!"

As soon as the words fell, the sword of the life was stabbed straight out, and then with a "click", the sword blade penetrated the barrier and the eggshell, and the huge sword body directly fell into the dome!

next moment--


The extremely shouting cry came to light!


Over the Romanian mountains, unprecedented devastation broke out.

The blood-separated space exploded completely at this moment, and a large piece of the sky appeared broken, accompanied by a violent air wave, which turned into an extremely dangerous space turbulence.


At this moment, a burst of blood-colored waves erupted in the turbulent space.

After the **** air wave disappeared, there were five more embarrassing figures in the huge space turbulence for a moment. That was no one else, it was the four people of Saya and the five of Valery.

"Huh, it's really not bad, you guys!"

Some panting wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth. Valerie looked at the four girls on the same face, but the injuries were lighter than herself.

You know, her body is born out of reach in this world, even if it is just a avatar, it is not comparable to most guys who came from a large world.

But here, she almost could not beat the four girls in front of her!

"However, next, I want it"

Halfway through the words, Valerie seemed to sense something and could not help changing her face! ..

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