My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 259: The reason and the third of the Holy Grail!

As the saying goes, the dragon does not live with the snake!

The essence of life contains the original sin factor called arrogance, especially the existence of the strong. This essence is even worse, often overriding itself above others.

The same is true of Valerie, who has an extraordinary history.

Therefore, despite the name of the Alliance, the Dragon Eater, or the God of the Bible, is at best an available object for Valerie.

In such a situation, Valerie would be damned if he didn't do anything with the God of the Bible!

When he came to this world more than a hundred years ago, Valerie was thinking about how to find out the enemy who had cause and effect with himself.

The usual hope-making technique or Zhanfu is because the other party seems to realize the failure of the cause and effect law.

And just then, the God of the Bible entered Valerie's eyes.

In fact, there is no way!

Who is the incarnation of the wrathful will of the God of the Bible, the dragon-eater will be voluntarily sealed in the kingdom of the underworld, and at such a close distance, Valerie does not want to see it.

In addition, before the advent, I saw that the crimson dragon flying in the gap between the dimensions passed through the memories and discrimination of Valery, and it should have the same main consciousness as the dragon eater.

If this kind of thing is made public, I am afraid that the whole dxd world is more than just shaking!

But for girls, this is nothing, just a dragon close to a purebred.

At best it just aroused her curiosity!

Then, driven by curiosity, the girl secretly intervened in the investigation.

Through the secret techniques accumulated in his countless years, Valery quickly understood the plan of the God of the Bible, fell because of the original sin called greed, and tried to gather the bodies of the seven beasts that sinned at 666 into the realm of Tao!

The scale is very big, in fact it is a stupid!

After seeing the entire layout of the God of the Bible, Valerie only had such an idea in mind.

To be honest, the girl really doesn't know what it means to enter the Tao Realm with someone else's body, and some flaws in the body and soul doom the Bible God to continue.

Of course, this does not matter to Valerie!

Anyway, the God of the Bible is not her.

It was just after seeing him that the young girl had a wit and moved herself into the position of her old enemy. Suddenly thought that if you want to break the game, escape can only be temporary.

To survive from Valerie's hand, the enemy can only enter the realm.

Non-Daoqiangqiang, faced with a dead end!

It ’s just that Dao Realm is not so easy to enter after all, and the opportunity needed is not so easy to appear. However, if the God of the Bible advances to Dao Realm, or when he enters Dao Realm half a step, it seems that there can be an early entry Opportunity of Dao Realm!

That is the immortal material possessed by the powerful Taoist realm!

In addition to walking out of their own avenues, the powerful people of the Dao State condensed the immortal substance, which was contaminated with the immortal nature, and could withstand the baptism of a really long time.

That substance was born at the moment of promotion to Tao Realm. If someone does it right before someone is promoted, there is a great possibility that they will seize the immortal material that has not yet been integrated into the other person ’s body, or even get an opportunity to get promoted to the realm.

Thinking of this, Valerie's eyes on the God of the Bible are wrong!

"Take this guy your own bait!"

At the moment, the girl made such a decision, and even very kindly handed over a secret recipe from her birth world and some practice experience to the other party.

With her help, the plan of the biblical **** suddenly changed a lot.

No longer need so many troublesome procedures to destroy the will of the so-called 666 beast, it can completely wipe out its will by itself, even when the lazy avatar and the violent incarnation die, the original sin is directly unified.

In this way, Valerie's bait plan was completed.

The girl is very confident, even if he sees through his means, he will take the risk!

And now--

"It really appears!"

Standing inside Saye ’s encircling circle, a smile appeared on Valerie ’s face, just now, from her hands and feet placed on the soul of the God of the Bible, she felt

The God of Scripture seemed to be attacked as he progressed to a half-step stage.

Life is dying crazy!

In the eyes of the young girl, it is clear that his enemy has appeared.

It's just that girls may not even dream of dreaming. Nagato will be an existence that can be promoted early. For even stronger power, it has crazyly suppressed itself for hundreds of years.

The blonde girl, who didn't know the inside, suddenly showed a smug smile, looked at the girls around her, and said, "Interesting, I have seen your plan!"

"I want to come to you to delay the time and let the guy who hides to seize the immortal material, so as to promote the Dao realm to compete with me?"

"No wonder you will kill the dragon-eating creatures before. I am afraid it is to promote the soul of the guy called the God of the Bible to speed up the transformation. Think of it like this, the red dragon outside the dimension must have died!"

what? !

Hearing Valerie's words, Saya and the three divisions flashed a bit of consternation at the same time, but a very dark panic appeared on the face.

Then the four exploded in a powerful manner, enclosing Valerie.

"Haha, it seems I was right!"

Seeing the performance of the four, Valerie smiled even more.

"Huh, how about that!"

Shaye, who was still guessing the other party's thoughts, flashed a decisive face on his face, "Anyway, you can't run out of our encirclement circle. Obey your life!"

"Hah, you don't believe this kind of thing! However, since you are so unwilling, then I will let you see what I have done for a hundred years! Come out, the Holy Grail!"

Seeing Saya's "stubbornness", Valerie's face could not help but flash a smile, and then gestures of holding something in both hands, a **** cup emerged from her heart!

Two smaller cups appeared immediately after, floating beside Valerie

Panic, pervading at this moment! ..

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