My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 266: Dangerous situation first!

In the boundless void, the giant monster that was galloping suddenly stopped.

The vastness of chaos raged at this moment, but none of this attracted the slightest attention of the scary creatures of myth.

The attention of this scarlet monster was completely outside the endless time and space.

He sensed that his avatar in distant time and space was hit harder than ever before.


Estimated by feeling for a while, the Scarlet Monster realized that he had arrived at that destination, at least three days in the normal world, and could not help but roar with annoyance.

——No, not like this!

Such a thought flashed through his mind, and the Scarlet Monster understood that at his current speed, he could not wait until he arrived there, and his own enemy had already ran away.

In this case, the next time I feel him again, I am afraid that I am no longer an opponent!

The monster has never forgotten how weak he was when he first felt this enemy, and it was not worth paying attention to, but who knows, in just a few hundred years, he reached the point where he had to care.

In this case, it is impossible for oneself to wait for the next opportunity.


Thinking of this, the monster shouted involuntarily, and the terrifying momentum suddenly burst out, which was derived from the most fundamental source power in the monster's body.

Through the invisible connection between the body and the avatar, the power of that source is conveyed!

After doing all this, the breath of the monster could not help but languish for a while.

At this time, the void at the end of the dxd plane dimension.

The extremely terrible shock, after a full time, slowly subsided, and there was almost a tendency to fall apart at the end of the entire dimension.

The Scarlet Storm was completely destroyed by Bai Yujing's crazy attack.

Valerie was attacked by all parties, suspended in the void at the end of everyone's field of vision like a ruined realistic doll, and the breath of life was completely reduced to zero.

I have to say that Valerie's strength is indeed very strong, at least more than Bai Yujing everyone!

With the Great Catastrophe as her power supplement, she is not afraid of consumption.

But no matter how powerful, she still has an inevitable flaw, that is, Valerie's body, at best, is just a mixed vampire.

No matter how overdrafted, she could not bear too much power.

In short, her attacks and defenses have their limits.

Because, in the face of the gathering of people, it is almost a world-class attack, but it is impossible to fight. It is normal to fall into such a situation.

"The life is really hard! Then, let me give you the last one"

Relying on a strong sense, Saya was preparing to step forward to give her a final blow when she realized that Valery still had a touch of breath, but just before she started, Saya felt a repression of powerful will.

More than Shaye, the life in the void at the end of the dimension is suppressed by this will!

The body is imprisoned, the will is shocked, and the soul is tortured

That is the will derived from the plane consciousness that has been completely awakened!

When the entire plane was almost destroyed, the sleeping plane consciousness finally woke up completely, and showed their anger for these sinners.

"Damn it, it's time to make trouble, and"

A trace of annoyance flashed on Saya's face, especially after seeing tears in the eyes of kind girls like Madoka and Bama, even more annoying!

The girl knows very clearly that not everyone can ignore the suffering of all beings like her

Even when necessary, push it after this suffering!

Affected by such an impact, many kind girls may leave a deep shadow

At this moment, Saya has understood that no matter what the outcome of this war, she will definitely be a psychologist and a big-hearted sister in Bai Yujing for a long time.

Otherwise, Bai Yujing's combat power will be largely lost.

Annoyed, Sayaton suddenly wanted to get rid of the awakening of the plane consciousness, but she didn't wait for her to actually start, and a wave of terror suddenly appeared at this moment.


A horrible flame erupted from Valerie, who had already lost her fighting power.

The wound on the blonde girl instantly healed, and the **** streamer condensed into a bright dress, which made the girl suddenly very elegant.

However, everyone felt a heartfelt crisis at this moment, and the plane consciousness that had been awakened was constantly agitated, making this void constantly rolling.


At this moment, Valerie opened his **** eyes and spoke indifferently.

As soon as the words fell, the girl lifted her right hand towards the void and grabbed it. In an instant, a wailing wailing came from everyone's ear. It was a world-conscious wailing.

Then he saw what Valerie's right hand was holding in vain, and lifted it up to his small mouth.

Then just bite and suck!


In an instant, the wailing in the ears of everyone suddenly became more terrible, and then came to an abrupt halt, the surrounding void suddenly subsided, and the plane consciousness had disappeared.

Seeing this scene, Rao Shiye felt a chill, let alone other people!

No one could imagine that Valerie was so cruel to this point.

Actually eat the plane consciousness directly!

It was just at the same time as the chills that Shaye's eyes seemed to flash a flash of light, and the girl realized that the aura of the last plate of her advanced Dao realm seemed to have appeared.

After this battle, Saya can already start preparing for promotion!

However, that is what happened afterwards!

"You guys are doing great!"

At this time, Valerie's gaze finally looked at the people of Saya, full of murderous opportunities, "It cost me so much to pay, then, you should die too!"

As soon as the words fell, Valerie's figure appeared in front of Saya's Beastmaster!


Suddenly, the beastmaster was torn apart in an instant.

Blood spilled into the void.

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