My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 267: Battlefield change second

The blood-stained scene shocked the entire void!

The vast majority of people looked at the beastmaster's torn body, and the spilled blood was completely stunned. The mind was blank, and I didn't know what to do.

You know, the hundreds of people present are all people who have been in Bai Yujing all year round.

What they are most familiar with is none other than the supremacy of Nagato, and Saya ’s near omnipotence!

But now, the myth of Saya seems to be broken

"Oh, this expression is very good!"

Seemingly satisfied with the expressions of the people, a blood-stained smile flashed on Valerie's face, the blood flashed on his body, and the whole person disappeared again, turning into a light and rushing towards the emperor behind them.

However, not everyone is stunned!


As a small number of unstunned people, Luo Hao saw Wallerie's performance, snorted very uncomfortably, and showed his magical power, the whole person instantly appeared on the path of Wallerie's progress.

"Smash the universe !!!"

I saw Luo Hao burst out directly, and the surrounding space burst instantly!

Afterwards, the space ripples formed into stacks were stacked and bombarded, directly bombarding Valerie, and then turned into space turbulence and space debris!

"court death!!!"

Valerie didn't expect someone to stand in front of her.

In anger, the girl directly extracted one third of the power of the entire holocaust and turned it into a terrifying crimson torrent, directly breaking through the turbulent space and impacting Luo Hao.


Under the impact of the torrent, Luo Hao groaned and flew out.

At this time, the power of the soul belonging to Nagato appeared in Luo Hao's heart, guarding Luo Hao's origin, otherwise, Luo Hao might have died on the spot.

It ’s just that although he did n’t die, Luo Hao also lost his fighting power and fell into a coma.

Although Luo Hao was in a coma, her actions completely awakened everyone, and various attacks went towards Valerie immediately. Among them, Xiao Meiyan strongly supported and directly picked up her compass.

However, Valerie was not the monster before.

I saw that this girl used incredible bullet-wiping techniques to evade all attacks, then crossed an arc in the void and appeared directly in front of Xiao Meiyan!

"Sorry, I can't let you continue doing that kind of thing!"

Valerie's right hand directly grasped the compass at Xiao Meiyan's wrist, pinched it out of the crack, and the other hand gathered a lot of power to rob, and it was about to bombard the face of Xiaoyan's face!

But at this moment-

"Don't do anything with Romula sauce!"

Lu Muyuan, who was originally in a state of depression due to the impact of plane consciousness, reacted at this time, and the pink bow and arrow directly bombarded Valerie.


With a violent roar, Valerie flew out all over.

Although under the protection of a large number of robbers, Valerie was not hurt, but the blonde girl's face shone with an incredible look-

"How could you beat me up?"

After stopping the trend of flying backwards, Valerie looked at Lumuyuan incredulously, but was surprised to see that behind the pink girl, three phantom figures were floating on it.

Those are three distinctive young girls, all of which look powerful.

However, what shocked Valerie was not the beauty of the three girls, but the breath contained in them. That is undoubtedly the breath of heaven and earth!

Sensing this breath, Valerie was stunned.

The complete Sancai Avenue of Heaven, Earth, and Man is absolutely no stranger to Valerie, but it is because he is not strange that he will be shocked. There are three ways. That is the prototype of a perfect world!

"Get her, you must get her!"

Thinking of the benefits that the perfect world could bring, Valerie even forgot her long-time enemy, and an unstoppable greed suddenly rose in her heart.

The endless power of the robbery gathered, and Valerie directly turned into a moving natural disaster, and rushed directly towards Madoka.

Along the way, everyone's attacks are countless under the power of endless robbery!

Valerie didn't even bother to ignore other people's attacks.

"This look, hate it!"

"That man, **** it!"

"Give her the death penalty!"

Valerie's actions were naturally seen by the three phantom girls behind Madoka. The three of them expressed their opinions. The endless power of the three Dafas was drawn from the heavens and the world and gathered on Madoka.

In an instant, Lumuyuan was directly transformed into a representative of the heavens and the world-Yuanshen!

The pink long bow was pulled apart, and three bows and arrows symbolizing the three strengths came out together, hung on the long bow, and then shot towards Valery who was charging. After shooting the three arrows, Madoka recovered to its original state and collapsed.

Obviously, the power of San Dao is not so easy to use.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

At the next moment, three consecutive bows and arrows hit Valery.

The horrible explosion erupted on the humanoid natural disaster formed by Valerie. The three forces from the heavens and the world are essentially no less than the power of robbery. Rao Shi Valerie also had to stop.

The power of the robbery on the body was instantly thin to the point where it almost disappeared.

Fortunately, the holocaust is not exhausted, and the power of the calamity is endless!

Soon, the guardian power of Valerie was fulfilled again, but Valerie also recovered from greed, and his mind became clear, remembering the original goal!

Especially after seeing more magical girls around Madoka

Valery suddenly prepared to shift the attack.


"It hurts!"

At this moment, a slightly depressed and cheerful voice sounded in Valerie's ear, and then the girl saw a young girl with animal ears and two pony tails appear in front of her.

That was no one else, it was the Beastmaster who had her body divided before!

Seeing her reappearance, Rao Shi was still stunned, but the girl remembered it very clearly. Before that, she did kill him.

The power of his own robbery is to erode his body and mind completely.

And at the moment when she was stunned, Saya's body, adjudicator and incubator appeared directly behind the beast master, transformed into three rays of light, and merged into her body.


An unprecedented golden grudge appeared out of thin air.

With the help of the remaining three bodies, the rebirth of the beast relied on the power of the chaotic beast nest in his body raised the grudge in his body to an unprecedented level, and then punched out.

This punch is definitely the most powerful punch of the beast master.

Various beasts, Eudemons, Warcraft and even Divine Beast Factors from the Beastmaster's body have burst out their own power, and the countless beast's soul has burst into its own power.

A heavy punch directly bombarded Valerie!

Originally, because of Madoka ’s attack, a lot of power was consumed. In the roar of thousands of beasts, he was directly broken by the fist of the beastmaster, and then


Valerie flew out.

The body, which had been completely recovered, was suddenly hit hard, with a small mouth opened, blood spit out involuntarily, spilled into the void, and it looked extra bright.

At this moment, the depression in Valerie's heart was beyond words.

Originally, I wanted to use the power borrowed from the body to slay special killings to avenge the big losses I had eaten. The result was okay at first, but in the end, I was hit again.

"Where are these monsters from the end!"

Such thoughts flashed in his mind, and Valerie already understood at this time that he had no right to retain power. During the rotation of the thoughts, it inspired the origin of the body from the body.

Originally Valerie also wanted to save some resources, and then return it to the body.

In this case, the damage to the body can be smaller.

Now it seems that she is a little naive!

Now, it is time to desperately!


Suddenly, a violent wave that completely shook the plane erupted from Valerie.

The power of countless robbers has revealed entities visible to the naked eye from the void, and gathered them into Valerie's body, turning them into a huge demon **** up to 100 meters!

The horrible arrogance burst out, and the weaker people could not even get closer to each other within 100 meters.

"Roar Roar !!!"

At this moment, the giant demon roared with horror.

The power of countless robbery extends from the shadow of the demon **** and turns into a variety of strange weapons and attacks. At the same time, it attacks the people of Shaye and forces them all away.

Then the demon **** strode in the direction of the emperor, and soon came to the emperor.

Big feet lifted up directly, and Demon God stepped on it with one foot!

At this time, under the attack of the shadow of the demon god, all the people of Saya couldn't stop the demon god's move at all. When it was about to succeed, the emperor suddenly opened his eyes.

The body glorified, and the emperor's figure disappeared.


The Red Demon God stepped directly on the cracked dome and crushed it

ps: The beginning of the next chapter, the protagonist appears! ..

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