My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 272: Dragon Girl and Salvation First!

At first, Nagato was just an ordinary mediocre, doing nothing.

After rebirth, Nagato was determined to go on the road of the evolving powerhouse, seizing the opportunity to grow wildly, and from then on, Nagato was the conquering hegemon and undefeated guardian.

Although a huge Bai Yujing force has been established and many powerful men and women have been gathered, in the eyes of Nagato, the so-called force is just something that is convenient for you to build.

With the skills of the people such as Nagato and Saya, even if no power is established, what can't be done?

In short, Nagato always felt that the forces seemed useless.

But this time, if it were not for the appearance of Bai Yujing's people, I wouldn't be able to sustain the transformation of the Nagato by only Saya, Emperor, and Shengsheng Pill.

The most important thing is that Nagato can feel the hearts of everyone who are truly caring.

This is the real reason for the indifferent nature of the long door.

"How about it, is it very moving!"

At this time, Saya, who dominated the position of the long door, seemed to know his thoughts, and whispered in the arms of the long door, "Brother Nagato, you are not alone anymore."

"Yeah, I'm not alone anymore."

For the first time, something called a sense of responsibility appeared in Nagato's heart. When he looked at the people gathered around him, he was planning to say something to them--


There was a burst of roar outside the void.

That is

"The collapse of the plane!"

For the first time, Nagato sensed this, and then looked at everyone who had also calmed down because of this sudden roar, and said, "Wait and celebrate, I am going to save the world!"

During the talk, the long door pulled Saya from his arms, and then disappeared in place with the seat of God.

"Why, why is this so?"

The red-haired girl who was hiding in the bathroom of the apartment alone looked at the extra scales on her neck in the mirror and couldn't help but panic. "Could I be that kind of monster too!"

Just the moment her words fell, there was a roar outside the bathroom window.

The grim dragon head broke through the closed window directly!

The evil dragon's breath full of sulfur smell made the girl suddenly stunned, until the huge dragon's mouth of the evil dragon, with its fierce fangs exposed in front of her

"Ah, help!"

Frightened, the girl could not help punching.

As a result, an astonishing scene emerged. The huge evil dragon head under the fist of the young girl even flew straight out, destroying the bathroom wall by the way.

After the punch, the girl froze.

However, not waiting for ecstasy, the girl was shocked to find that the scale of the evil dragon also appeared on the arm of her fist, and it increased a little.

——Sure enough, I am going to become a monster too!

Such thoughts flashed in her mind, and the girl panicked more and more, especially when she thought of the changes in the world in the past few hours, the girl even felt a sense of despair.

A few hours ago, the world was still normal.

The girl was the cheerful and strong orphan.

Today happened to be her birthday. In order to celebrate her birthday, the girl asked for leave at the part-time job, but just returned to the dormitory, and the big change began.

The first is the earthquake from time to time, which has destroyed the entire city.

Then many people turned into monster evil dragons, slaughtering other creatures everywhere, even fighting each other, and the whole city fell into **** hell.

"It's as if the world has abandoned humanity!"

He whispered to himself, the girl found that the scales on her body even spread to her face, and the consciousness was dissipating a little.


Just then, there was an endless roar between the world and the earth.

Even if the consciousness is dissipating, the girl can feel a trembling panic, vaguely, the girl understands that the whole world is about to collapse completely.


At this moment, the ceiling suddenly collapsed and the rock fell down.

Seeing the girl is about to be completely hit by the rock

"Hey, I saw interesting people!"

Indifferent voices rang in the ears, the rock dissipated into dust in a moment, the girl barely glared, and then she saw a golden constellation, and the red-haired teenager on the constellation was watching herself.

——Is it God? Unable to speak, the girl thought so.

"Yeah, lucky girl!"

As if knowing the girl ’s thoughts, the right hand of the Spiritual Youth approached slowly. “It ’s amazing to be able to control the power of the evil dragon. Then, accept my gift, girl!”

This is the last sound the girl heard before being comatose

At the same time, the girl felt a terrifying nine-headed dragon, and surrounded herself heavily. The warm feeling made the unconscious girl's mouth show a smile.

Mouth muttered: "Mom"

"Uh, I don't particularly like adopting daughters, if I have to adopt them, then I am also a dad!"

Withdrawing his right hand, the long door looked at the girl who was releasing the faint and complicated Long Wei, the girl curled up on the ground, could not help but reveal a rather helpless expression.

The red-haired boy didn't expect to find a magical existence the first time he returned to the plane.

Obviously just an ordinary person, but can use the power of evil dragon.

Under a certain impulse, Nagato directly input part of his power of Emperor Dragon into her body, suppressing and fusing the power of evil dragon in the other party

The red-haired boy wanted to see what this girl's future would be.

Nagato did not yet know what kind of existence he would create in the future with this move.

But now Nagato has no time to think about it.

Because the collapse of the world is getting worse.

The vibration of the continental plate is becoming more and more frequent, and the entire planet will fall into silence within a short time. With the vision of the long gate, it can even be clearly seen, and there is more and more turbulence in the sky.

That is the result of the collapse of the plane crystal walls!

"Hurry up!"

Such thoughts flashed in my head, and Nagato waved his hand to put the girl into his own space of the constellation.

Afterwards, Nagato rode directly on the constellation and flew 10,000 meters into the sky in an instant. At the next moment, an endless light bloomed from the constellation, shining on the whole world.

With the long gate as the center, the net of golden rules spread instantly

Soon, the golden lines of law spread all over the world, forcibly stopping the collapse of the crystal wall. In an instant, the collapse of the world was stopped.

Subsequently, the brilliance of the constellation did not diminish, and began to penetrate into the underworld frantically.

Not long after, the collapse of the underworld also stopped.

"I am the Lord of Chaos!"

At this time, the voice of Nagato spread quietly and rang in the ears of all surviving lives, "First Amnesty Order, from today, I will be the supreme ruler of this plane !!"

As soon as the words came out, everyone suddenly appeared in the seat of God.

That endless domineering instantly crushed all the will to resist.

Both the ambitious owl and the transcendentals with the strongest fighting power of the indigenous people, after resisting for a while, can no longer bear the will to resist.

"In my name, the second law!"

Then Nagato launched his second speech spirit, and the terrifying divinity permeated the entire plane. "All unreasonable evil dragons must not exist, and all will be wiped out !!"


The whole plane could not help shaking.

The endless brilliance has swept the world, except for a few sensible dragons, all evil dragons have disappeared at this moment

All the surviving creatures were stunned.

Then, a burst of cheers erupted from both the human world and the underworld, and almost all lives could not help crying with joy, and many people even directly believed in the Lord of unknown chaos.

The surviving gods, demons and fallen angels all had mixed feelings.

At this moment, they were all silent.

Especially the gods, who had always played the role of savior. After encountering this kind of thing, they have mixed feelings. The most important thing is that they do n’t know how to get along with this chaotic master.

Compared to the gods, the devil kings and the fallen angel governor are more complicated.

Although the figure on the throne is not very clear, the devil kings and the governor of the fallen angel clearly recognized each other's identity with the familiarity of the past.

That is not other people, it is their familiar **** --- Nagamon.

But precisely because of this, they are extremely complicated.

Silence for a long time, eventually silence!

"The Third Amnesty Order, God is like the sea, and believers will have eternal life!"

The long door that sensed all this through the Net of Laws could n’t help but nod, and then issued its own third amnesty, the endless light was scattered, and all the believers bathed in the light felt the recovery of the body and the strength .

At the same time, the gate of the red-haired boy's kingdom of God slowly opened behind him, and the angels who had been prepared flew out of the gate one by one, preparing to spread the glory of the Lord in the waste land ..

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