My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 273: Go to Chaos Second!

I have to say that in some ways, the angels are still very powerful.

At least the chaotic human world that almost completely turned into waste soil calmed down shortly after the angels appeared, and then only half a day later, the entire human world was bathed in holy light.

Even under the catalysis of the catastrophe, the whole world has almost turned into a long-door kingdom of earth.

The survivors of the rest of the robbery have become long-door devouts.

Of course, there are still some unruly existences in the huge human world. They resisted surrender, but soon, senior angels taught them to be very kind.

As for the underworld, the situation is slightly more complicated than the human world. The major mythical forces, especially the forces of demons and fallen angels, are now stationed in the underworld.

Even if there is a long door behind them, the angels are no different in the face of these existences!

In this regard, Nagato did not directly intervene in the underworld, but directly handed the burden to Saya and Rin and let the girls negotiate with those high-level powers.

In fact, if it were not for Lias to make them difficult, Nagato had already brainwashed these beings.

After delivering the matter to the girls, Nagato himself returned to Bai Yujing alone

Start to manipulate the chaotic starry sky, engulfing the dxd plane.

As long as the entire plane becomes a plane planet in the chaotic starry sky and places it under the system of the heavens and the worlds, then the messy forces of the underworld are not enough to fear.

Even if there is a strong man against the sky, Gaia, Alaya, and destiny will help the Nagato secretly deal with it.

-And this is the role of restraint!

Time flies, three days have passed in an instant.

After some negotiations, the mythical forces that still exist in the underworld are all under the name of Bai Yujing. Of course, it is not that there are no forces that will die.

It ’s just after they show their attitude

Saya, who had suffered a great loss in front of Valerie, sent them to death very kindly, decisively killed, and acted fiercely, causing all forces to feel a chill.

Then, everything is logical.

Among them, when negotiating with Sazeks and Assacher, Shaye very straightforwardly explained everything from the beginning to the end.

Both the devil kings and the fallen angel governors had only bitter smiles.

In these three days, except for the first time, Nagato took care of some things, then bathed and changed clothes, burned incense and fasted, and sat in the source starry sky.

Nagato is not thinking about anything, but is very simple to clear his mind.

In this ethereal realm, Nagato carefully experienced himself

Raised his state to the most extreme.

As time passed, Nagato could more and more clearly perceive that his enemy was constantly approaching, and in less than a day, I am afraid that he would directly reach the chaotic starry sky.

"Huh, it's almost time to go!"

Gently exhaled, the long door stood up from the pan sitting, moved his hands and feet, and the whole person was directly transferred from the source starry sky to Bai Yujing's square.

"Brother Nagato, you are here!"

At the moment when Nagato appeared, the sound of joy rang in Nagato's ears, making the red-haired teenager who was originally indifferently smile, and turned his head to look at the girl in white gauze, "Saya, why are you here! "

"Humph! If you are not here, I am afraid you will not see your brother Nagato!"

Hearing the question from Nagato, Saya couldn't help but hum softly, and a few quick steps approached, hugged the left hand of Nagato directly, and said a bit proudly, "Saya I've calculated a lot, and I'm sure that Nagato brother you left Will pass by here. "

"Ha, this kind of thing can also be calculated, it seems that Saya you have found your own way!"

The right hand caressed Saya's hair. The long door thought about it and said, "Since you have been found, then just walk with me. I'm afraid it will take a lot of time to come back next time."

"it is good!"

"Brother Nagato, do you know"

"The red-haired girl you brought back has fallen into a deep sleep, and the two dragon forces are constantly merging and transforming in her body. According to the killing pills, the guy will sleep for hundreds of years if he can't do it, and then directly become a monster."

"Dragon monster, I have to say, that's really rare." "And Luo Hao, in the battle three days ago, she was the most injured, but she was blessed by the disaster, by this shock, the blossoming power in her body. Directly passively shaken "

"The woman has gone to retreat and said that she wants to deprive her of this power and let the power in her body be fully integrated into one body. Compared with waiting for her to go out of the customs, the situation is in sight!"

"Liyasi, they are still a bit dismissive now. After all, we have gone too far in their world, but it doesn't matter, time will make them completely attentive."

"Also, Alquette and Alte Luqi have fallen asleep"

"According to Zhu Yue, it is easier to have a strong offspring in a deep sleep. What can I say, Zhu Yue's guy cares about his daughter more than all of us, and now guards his daughter every day."

"and also"


Nagato took Shaye's hand and wandered from Bai Yujing to the edge of the void. On the way, Nagato just kept listening to the girl and didn't speak, at most smiling softly, or nodding.

"Okay, just send it here!"

At the edge of the outer crystal wall, the long gate looked at the void chaos in front of him and said, "The next is my own way. I suddenly looked forward to it."

"Why do you have to be alone?"

At this time, Saya finally opened his mouth, full of doubts in his words, "In the battle of chaos, I can understand that at this time, the elder brother of the long door, in order not to let the chaotic starry sky that is not fully mature, be hurt, but why go alone.

"This is my own hunch, and it is also the instruction of the mother of the avenue!"

After being silent for a while, Nagato said quietly, "After I was promoted to Dao Realm, I understood a lot of things, and likewise I understood my own hidden dangers, that is, I walked all the way, it was so smooth."

"Although I can perceive that the mother of the avenue is watching me, so I am so lucky, but because of this, I am uneasy. To give a simple example, have you ever seen a sea that has been able to keep rising tide?"

"No, when there is a high tide, there is a low tide!"

Hearing Nagato's words, if Saya realized, his big eyes narrowed.

"Yeah, it's normal to have ups and downs!"

A long face appeared on the face of Nagato and said, "Because of the increasing fortune in me, I feel uneasy. If this continues, I will definitely pay a greater price in the distant future, so , I ’m going to arrange a disaster for myself. "

Hearing this, Saya suddenly opened his eyes in surprise.

Looking at the long door scorchingly, Saya asked hesitantly: "Brother Longmen, do you mean that you are deliberately preparing yourself for a disaster?"


Nagato said quietly, "What kind of enemies will I encounter, what kind of hard battle will I encounter, and even what kind of results will I get this time, in fact, I have already simulated it"

"Although I dare not guarantee that 100% will be carried out according to my ideas, I still have 90% certainty."

Saya was really surprised when he heard the long gate.

In Saye's eyes, although Nagato was not stupid, he was not able to count the existence of such a long distance. The normal level of intelligence and almost perverted intuition are the usual Nagato.

——Yes, Godhead!

Suddenly, Saya remembered that Nagato had condensed his own personality. In a trance, the girl knew why Nagato looked a little different from the day.

The facts are exactly what Shaye thought.

Shenge is a super assistant. With this stuff, Nagato can fully calculate at the speed of thinking beyond the limit, which is also the basis of this action of Nagato.

"Saya, after this fight, I will leave for a long time, and I will ask you here!"

At this time, the Nagato opened again, and during the talk, three light **** flew out of the red-haired boy's body, and then changed into Sky Dragon, Pterosaur Dragon, and Giant Divine Soldier, and then the three fantasy gods merged and turned into a giant idol.

"Crack !!!"

The mask on the face of the idol giant broke, revealing a face resembling a long door.

"No matter where I go, I will send back the Godhead. Well, there is also the Key to the World. If there is no such thing, the operation of the chaotic starry sky will be a problem. Do n’t worry if I can come back, even if there are countless time and space, I Can also use the power of the Key of the World, although it will be a bit laborious. "

As soon as the voice fell, Nagato no longer talked about it, he walked directly into chaos and disappeared in front of Saya

In the following days, Bai Yujing's atmosphere has been very depressed

Until the evening after the forty-ninth day, the key of the realm carrier of Nagato directly cut through the void and merged into the idol giant of Nagato. The idol was completely alive and brought news of victory.

However, Nagato himself disappeared after World War I.

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